Dad Academy

Chapter 965: Chicken and Flying Baby (1/2)

Chapter 965: Chicken and Flying Baby (12)

The moon was high, and Bai Jianping came out of the kitchen and called everyone to get ready for dinner. When he saw the big watermelon in the yard, he immediately looked at Xiaobai without thinking, and Xiaobai chuckled.

Bai Jianping picked up the watermelon and put it in the ditch beside the yard. The water in the ditch was clear and came from the valley. It was cool and refreshing and could chill the watermelon.

After dinner, the moonlight shone lightly. Dunzi and his mother came here to sit and chat. Zhang Tan moved a large bamboo bed from home. Xiaobai and Xi'er lay on it and watched the stars. Dunzi stood aside and gave They both fanned themselves.

In the fields in the distance, lights were shining, and some people were traveling at night. Bai Jianping said they were spearing fish to catch eels. He went to the ditch and picked up the watermelon and sliced ​​it into slices. It was ice-cold and very refreshing.

Xiaobai felt very guilty and didn't dare to look at Dunzi's mother. She held a piece of watermelon and ate it. At the same time, she had to be careful of Xi'er's big mouth.

Dunzi didn't have to worry, as long as Xiaobai didn't let him, he would never tell. Only Xi'er, the little fool, didn't let her rest assured.

Zhang Tan thought about buying watermelons tomorrow and told Dunzi's mother. The next day, he pushed a flatbed truck and the group went to the melon field to pick watermelons.

Xiaobai is very motivated. Finally, he no longer has to steal watermelons in secret. He can blatantly choose at will in the melon field.

"Who trampled the watermelon vine?" Dunzi's mother noticed that someone had entered the melon field and trampled a watermelon vine to pieces.

Xiao Bai was standing by, his eyes rolling around. In order not to be suspicious, he even came closer to see if it was too dark and the children didn't pay attention and stepped on it?

Dunzi's mother was stunned, why is it a child?

Dunzi is 6 years old. Although he is not tall, he is strong-willed and strong. He has worked with his mother since he was a child and is diligent and willing to work. At this moment, he passed by with a large watermelon weighing seven or eight pounds, and handed it to Ma Lanhua, who was standing on the ridge of the field and was responsible for picking up the watermelon and loading it into a flatbed truck.

Xiaobai suddenly realized, where did Xi'er go? Xi'er disappeared after arriving at the melon field and didn't listen to her words. She looked around and saw Xi'er squatting in the melon field, huffing and puffing as she pulled out the watermelon, but it was too heavy for her to pull out.

"Xiaobai, come quickly~~~"

She greeted Xiaobai, and the two of them worked together to carry a big watermelon to the edge of the field and handed it to Malanhua.

"hiahia, we are so awesome~~~Xiao Bai."

After successfully picking a big watermelon, Xi'er was so proud that she spoke out with her nostrils turned upward.

Dunzi passed by again, holding a big watermelon in each hand, his steps steady, and he wasn't even out of breath.

Xi'er lowered her nostrils instantly and gave Dunzi a surprised look.

"You are so awesome, Dunzi, you are so awesome, do you know?...Why don't you say anything? Dunzi, you are so awesome, you have to say it~~~" Xi'er followed Dunzi, nagging and praising her. Dunzi, Dunzi's face turned red when he praised her.

But Xi'er admired his strength and followed him all the way. He bent down to pick watermelons, and she bent down too, staring at his little red face and continuing to praise him, as if she would never stop praising him until he made him laugh.

Suddenly, Dunzi was stunned and stared at the melon field under his feet. He found a little hedgehog hiding under the watermelon.

Xi'er was startled and jumped up and down and ran away.

"It's a hedgehog." Dunzi said.

Xiaobai and Xi'er came over again and squatted next to the little hedgehog to watch. They saw that the little hedgehog had already known that it had been discovered. It huddled up, its head was hidden, and its body was covered with thorns.

The three children were talking a lot, discussing what it was doing, what it was thinking about at the moment, and why it couldn't see its head...

Zhang Tan came over to look at it and said, "Its head is hidden under its body. It must be buzzing from your noise now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little hedgehog suddenly wanted to run away, but it did so slowly. The three little friends behind it followed suit and continued to discuss where it was going, where its home was, and how small it was. Why did mom and dad leave it here? Is it here to steal melons?

Xiaobai finally found a reason and announced the arrest of the little hedgehog on the pretext of stealing melons, and ordered Xi'er to catch it.

Xi'er quickly put her hands behind her back and shook her head, she was not stupid.

"You can't even look at a hedgehog for a long time. Hurry up and work, Xiaobai." Supervisor Ma Lanhua was urging, dissatisfied with the three children's laziness.

"I'm catching a hedgehog. I love the little hedgehog so much." Xiaobai said.

"What kind of love do you have? There are thorns all over your body. How can you love me so much?" Ma Lanhua also came over, stretched out her feet and turned the little hedgehog over, revealing its tender belly, poked it, and said with a smile: "Here Cai Kuo Ai, it’s soft and feels very good.”

Xiaobai curiously reached out and poked it, touched it, laughed, and said it felt really good.

Xi'er was eager to try, and fearfully stretched out her hand to tap it, then quickly retrieved it. Hiahia smiled, nodded in agreement, "It feels really good~"

After that, she began to speak more and more like Xiaobai, with a Sichuan accent.

Bai Jianping passed by with a watermelon in his arms and laughed at Malanhua for being childish and lazy playing with hedgehogs.

Malanhua was furious: "I stood on the ridge of the field basking in the sun. Everyone was so dizzy that I was nagging. You made sarcastic remarks and didn't even give me a sip of water."

Bai Jianping quickly went to the ditch next to the melon field and picked up a soaked watermelon. He smashed it open with his fist and shouted, "Look at my iron fist!"

Then share the watermelon with everyone and take a rest.

Zhang Tan sat on the ridge of the field, holding a watermelon and gnawing on it. He was indeed thirsty, both thirsty and exposed to the sun.

The three children also let the little hedgehog go and sat side by side with him, holding a watermelon and gnawing on it. Their entire little faces were almost buried in the watermelon slices. When they raised their faces, they were already covered with watermelon juice and seeds.

Xiaobai took her leftover watermelon slices to find the little hedgehog and said she wanted to feed it.

The sun was rising rapidly, and the temperature was also rising. Everyone picked a cart full of watermelons. It was almost enough, and they pushed it to the road construction workers to eat.

"Come up quickly!"

Zhang Tan saw how pitiful the three children were walking behind him, so he asked them to get on the flatbed truck and drive them along.

As soon as they arrived at the construction site, Ma Lanhua shouted with a loud voice, saying that Boss Zhang had bought a cart of watermelons for everyone to eat, and everyone thanked them one after another.

Zhang Tan took the three children off the flatbed truck. There was a group of children playing in the woods not far away. They ran to find their playmates without being asked, and soon disappeared, no one knew where they went.

It was almost noon when Zhang Tan saw them wandering home on the field ridge from a distance. Dunzi's mother stood in her yard and called them to get some eggs and send them to Grandma Jiang.

Zhang Tan turned back to Bai Jianping and said, "They are back. They went to Dunzi's house and will be back soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a cry for help, and two children appeared in his field of vision. They ran away from Dunzi's house one after the other and ran towards the field ridge.

Xiaobai ran in front, Xi'er ran behind, running wildly...

Behind them, chasing a big rooster and two old hens, clucking loudly and full of anger, the small universe exploded and transformed into a fighting chicken! ! !

"Run~~Run!!!" Xiaobai shouted as she ran, and a big morning glory fell from her head and landed in the paddy field.

Xi'er was crying and shouting: "Help~~Help~~~~~I'm so scared!!!"

With a whoosh, Dunzi ran out of his yard and chased the two men and three chickens. He didn't know if it would be too late to save him.


Dunzi's body tilted, and he fell into the paddy field like a big morning glory... Save, the rescue failed!

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