Dad Academy

Chapter 964 That little thief (2/2)

Chapter 964 That little thief (22)

Xiaobai and Dunzi were like wind-up iron frogs. They ran without stopping, jumping all the way home, singing "The Song of Malan Flower". Suddenly, Xiaobai stopped, ran two steps, and ran Dunzi, who was still bouncing around, pulled him back and stood on the ridge of the field, looking at the fields eager to try.

The two little ones discussed for a while. Xiaobai looked back at Zhang Tan and Xiwawa who were hanging behind them. He suddenly climbed down the field ridge and rolled into the field beside the road. He felt around here. He looked there and looked around. When he noticed some movement, he immediately hid behind the scarecrow and hid it. After a while, he bent down and picked up a big watermelon and ran towards the field ridge.

The ridge was a bit high, and she couldn't climb up with the big watermelon in her arms. She asked Dunzi to take the watermelon first, and then climbed up using both hands and feet. Perhaps she was too nervous and actually lost her grip. Half of her body climbed up the ridge, only to fall down again. Rolled into the watermelon field.

The moon climbed out of the deep valley and gradually rose up the mountain. It quietly watched the scene in the melon field, keeping its mouth shut. The mountain wind blew loudly and echoed in the valley.

Xiaobai got up from the ground in a panic, and quickly glanced at Zhang Tan who was on the path in the distance. He was still far away, and there was no one else!

She was still in the mood to pick a yellow watermelon flower and put it in her ear, so cute!

Dunzi stretched out his hand to pull her up from the melon field. Xiaobai immediately said hello and ran quickly with Dunzi holding the watermelon, like two fledgling little thieves, running home and hiding under the cover of the night, their little feet seemed to have stepped on Hot Wheels, I can hardly see my steps anymore.

The body is running in front, and the soul is chasing behind. I am worried, but also extremely excited.

Zhang Tan, who was at the rear of the crane in the distance, was dumbfounded. It was so crazy! Stealing a big watermelon right under his nose!

Xi'er didn't understand. This little fool sat on Zhang Tan's neck and asked Xiaobai and Dunzi what they were doing.

In order to maintain Xiaobai's good image in Xi'er's mind, Zhang Tan said against his will: "Xiaobai is looking for trouble."

Xi'er was even more confused.

Over there, Xiaobai and Dunzi ran home, and were caught by Ma Lanhua, who picked her up, spanked her twice, and took her to the bathroom to rinse.

Dunzi stayed in the yard, thought for a while, and put the big watermelon on the ground. When Zhang Tan came back with Xi'er, he only saw his figure running home on the ridge of the field. The big watermelon on the ground was round and ripe. Thoroughly.

Good guy!

These two good guys!

At home, Xiaobai had changed her clothes and was wiping her hair. By the way, she was quarreling with Malanhua. It seemed that Malanhua beat her while she was changing clothes. She was angry, but she couldn't beat her, so she could only quarrel and piss her off. !

Xi'er excitedly and fearfully told Malanhua that she saw Suo Laoer eating Qimaoer, and she wanted to save Qimaoer, but she was afraid.

Malanhua said fiercely: "No need to save! Natural selection, survival of the fittest, if you can't beat it, you have to admit defeat!"

After saying that, he spanked Xiaobai again and asked, "Right, Xiaobai!"

Xiaobai jumped angrily, "Spoiler! Why did you flatten me again?!!!"

Seeing Zhang Tan's presence, Malanhua didn't beat Xiaobai into defeat like she did before. She smiled kindly at Xiaobai and went to the kitchen to cook.

"Come here and light a fire for me!"

Xiaobai gritted his teeth: "You have a beautiful idea!!!"

She slipped into the yard, climbed up the big stone pier skillfully, and looked towards Dunzi's house.

A crescent moon rises from the valley. Now it has reached the top of the mountain, overlooking the entire Baijia Village. The river that has just been bathed flows under the moonlight. The sound of the rushing water in the river is vague, and dogs are barking.

Dunzi had already run back home. There were lights on in his yard and smoke was rising from the back of the house.

Xiaobai shouted over there: "Dunzi-come and play!!!! Give me back my big watermelon!"

Zhang Tan handed Xi'er to Malanhua and asked her to change clothes. Then he took Xiaobai down from the big stone pier and said, "The big watermelon is over there."

Xiaobai saw it and immediately ran to pick it up. He smiled and asked Zhang Tan if he wanted to eat it. It was delicious.

Zhang Tan was speechless and asked: "Do you really want to eat watermelon?"

Xiaobai laughed dryly.

Zhang Tan asked again: "Whose melon field is that?"

Xiaobai shook his head and said he didn't know.

"You really don't know?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai nodded cutely and said he really didn't know.

Zhang Tan said, next time we want to eat a big watermelon, we can just buy it instead of stealing it like this.

"Did it hurt from the fall just now?"

Xiaobai laughed and shook her head. It turned out that Boss Zhang had seen everything just now. She covered her ears and thought that Boss Zhang couldn't see it because she was far away.

Zhang Tan rolled up her pants and checked her knees. There was some skin damage, but there was no bleeding, but he was still distressed.

"Does it hurt? I'll give you some medicine."

"I don't feel any pain."

"That's not OK."


Xiaobai was led home obediently by Zhang Tan and applied iodine.

"Just roll up your pants, don't put them down," Zhang Tan said.

"Why is it a different color? What is it?" Xiaobai was dissatisfied with the small blue water stain on his knees.

"This is the color of iodophor, it's okay."

Malanhua came out of the room with Xi'er and asked, "What happened to Xiaobai? Did he fall?"

Xi'er said: "Xiaobai fell in the field! I saw it. It must have hurt her a lot."

She took the opportunity to touch Xiaobai's head and asked if it hurt. Xiaobai said it didn't hurt, put the wilted watermelon flowers on Xi'er's head, and praised, "She's so good."

Zhang Tan asked Ma Lanhua whose family owned the melon field not far from the door.

Xiaobai, who was whispering to Xi'er, suddenly pricked up his ears.

Just listen to Ma Lanhua say: "That field belongs to Dunzi's family."

Zhang Tan: "..."

He subconsciously looked at Xiaobai, who was also shocked, (Д)ノ

"From Dunzi's family?!" Xiaobai couldn't hold it back and asked in shock. At the same time, he thought, might Dunzi not know that it was his family's melon field? Well, he definitely doesn’t know!

Malanhua looked at her and said suspiciously: "Yes, from Dunzi's family, did you steal the watermelon?"

Xiaobai hurriedly waved his hands and said no, Xi'er wanted to speak, but she stepped on him.

Malanhua was extremely suspicious of her. This little guy was a habitual offender.

Zhang Tan glanced at Xiaobai and saw that his friend felt very guilty now. He really wanted to ask, Xiaobai children's shoes, did you steal Dunzi's watermelon? And stealing it in front of other people's faces? ! ! You bully honest people too much! ! !

But instead of adding insult to injury, he helped Xiaobai out and said, "I picked one in the yard. When I came back just now, I saw a lot of big watermelons in the melon field. They were all ripe. I wanted to pick one and try it. If it's good, To eat, I will go to his field to pick a cart tomorrow and bring it to the construction site for everyone to eat. The weather is so hot, eating watermelon can cool off the heat."

Malanhua said this was a good thing. Dunzi's mother had grown so many watermelons for sale. If Zhang Tan wanted to buy them, it would save him the trouble of bringing them to the town to sell them.

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