Dad Academy

Chapter 743 The little villain who didn’t mean it (2/2)

Chapter 743 The little villain who didn’t mean it (22)

"Boss Zhang, would I be so happy if you brought back a cup for my paw?" Xiaobai asked.

"This is another good question. You are great today. The questions you ask are very profound." Zhang Tan praised, thought for a while, and then said, "In fact, our emotions are contagious to each other. For example, For example, if you see Xi'er feeling sad, you will feel sad too, right?"

Xiaobai nodded.

Zhang Tan added: "When you see Liliu feeling sad, you will feel sad too, right?"

"Yes~ Liuliu was beaten by Luo Zikang today. She cried so miserably."

"I heard about it. You see, Liliu cried after being beaten. You will feel her mood and feel sad too. She will also be very angry and want to settle the score with Luo Zikang."

"Yes, for the claws? Is Luoliu instigating me again? Make a hole in her head!"

Xiaobai said fiercely, thinking that Liuliu always fanned the flames and encouraged her to do bad things in the past, she became very angry. At that time, she was too stupid and naive to see through Liuliu's tricks, but now she can't. Now she can defend herself.

"No, no, Liuliu didn't encourage you. That's not because Liuliu did something bad. It's because you are willing to help others and especially like to help other children. When you see Liuliu being bullied, you feel the same way, as if you were being bullied yourself, especially Sad, especially angry, I want to help her and seek justice for her."

"Is it okay if I fight?"

"I don't encourage you to fight, but if you fight, I believe you must have a reason. Just like this time, you fought with Luo Zikang because you wanted to help Liuliu, or to help Xi'er not be bullied. You fight for a reason, I know you, and I believe you can judge well. However, if you fight, I will be sad. Because whether you win or lose, I am worried that you will get hurt. . Just like before when your face was broken and bleeding, you still put a band-aid on it, remember?"

Xiaobai laughed sheepishly, nodded and said she remembered, saying that was when she first met Boss Zhang.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "So you see, every time we fight, whether it is you or Luo Zikang, you will be injured, so what is the difference between winning and losing?"

Xiaobai thought about it carefully and replied that if he beat her, she would not get angry again.

Zhang Tan: "..."

While he and Xiaobai were having a heart-to-heart talk, the children in Little Red Horse Academy were gradually dispersing. Parents who had finished the evening shift came one after another through the rain and dragged their tired bodies to pick up their children. No matter how tired they are, everyone has a smile on their face the moment they see the children.

Xi'er said goodbye and sent away Xiaomi, then sent away Liuliu and Dudu, then sent away Chengcheng and Yuanyuan, and finally she and little Zhengzheng were left.

"Where are your parents?" Xi'er asked little Zheng Zheng. In the past few days, little Zheng Zheng's parents would come to pick her up, but today the little daughter-in-law is still here.

When little Zheng Zheng was asked, mist formed in his eyes, he held his mouth in grievance, shook his head and said he didn't know.

Xi'er took two steps forward, hugged her gently, patted her shoulders, and comforted her softly not to be afraid. Her parents must be too busy at work and haven't gotten off work yet.

They followed the other children who had not yet gone home to the second floor and prepared to go to bed.

Like a little sister, Xi'er helped little Zheng Zheng climb into bed, covered her with quilt, and told her not to kick the quilt as it was so cold that she might get sick.

"Do you want to hear a story?"

After that, she even took the initiative to tell little Zheng Zheng a bedtime story.

"Xi'er, it's time to go to bed." Teacher Xiaoman urged, "I'll tell little Zheng Zheng a story, and you go back to sleep."

Xi'er climbed into her little bed, not far from little Zheng Zheng. She covered herself with a quilt, lay down, and put her little hands into the quilt, "Teacher Xiaoman, can you tell the story louder? I want to hear it too, hiahia ~”

She is also a baby.

"Okay, are there any children who want to listen?" Teacher Xiaoman said.

Several pairs of little hands were immediately raised in the dormitory.

Listening to the story, Xi'er gradually fell asleep. When she woke up again, it was not at dawn. The winter rain was still pouring outside the house, and the night was thicker.

"Xi'er, go home."

Tan Jin'er shook Xi'er awake and wanted to take her home.

Xi'er's eyes were bleary, and when she heard her sister's voice, she smiled and opened her little hands, and was immediately hugged in her arms.

Tan Jin'er was worried that she would catch a cold, so she hid Xi'er in her coat.

"Let's go home."

"...Where is little Zheng Zheng?" Xi'er remembered, "Little Zheng Zheng's parents didn't come to pick her up."

She came to little Zheng Zheng's little bed to check on her little daughter-in-law, but came to nothing. The little bed was empty, with the quilt and pillows folded and put aside.

Teacher Xiaoman told her that little Zheng Zheng had been picked up by her mother half an hour ago.

Xi'er said oh and left with her sister.

When I came outside, the cold wind blew, and the remaining sleepiness disappeared immediately, and I was completely awake. She started chattering to Tan Jin'er to report what she had done while watching TV today. She received a mission today, but she hasn't completed it yet.

"Did he really win the award?" Tan Jin'er asked in surprise when Xi'er said that Boss Zhang had been on stage several times.

In fact, she already knew the results. She took the time to read the news while working the evening shift, and the results were all available online.

Xi'er said in a crisp voice with certainty: "Take it! hiahiahia, I saw it all!"

She forgot, Boss Zhang came on stage three times in total, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 3.



"He's so awesome."

"He is so awesome. Where is such a big trophy?"

Xi'er gestured with her hands. The trophy was bigger than her.

"Tough, good guy."

Tan Jin'er was so amused that she laughed.

Xi'er laughed along with hiahia and continued to make her sister happy, saying that Dudu wanted to move away, but Xiaobai wouldn't let her, so Dudu grabbed the flesh of Liuliu, and Liuliu chased Dudu to flatten her, so Teacher Xiaoman The trophy cup fell...

"Teacher Xiaoman dropped the trophy?" Tan Jin'er asked in surprise.

"It fell~~ I saw it all." Xi'er said excitedly, "Gagai slipped to Xiaobai's feet. Teacher Xiaoman said he was sorry, and Boss Zhang said it was okay."

"Ah? Boss Zhang isn't angry at all?"

Xi'er shook her head and said she wasn't angry, then added: "Boss Zhang likes girls, he is not angry with girls, and he wants to hug Xiaobai, but Xiaobai won't let me, and says don't bother me, crawl away, I'll give you my head." Make a nest.”

"Ah? Is it true? Xi'er, are you trying to make your sister happy?"


Back home, Tan Jin'er took a hot bath and lay on the warm big bed with Xi'er. The doors and windows were closed tightly, the windows were blown by the wind, and the rain was blown by the wind and hit the windows, making a swishing sound. .

Xi'er leaned in Tan Jin'er's arms, raised her chin, and looked at the screen of the mobile phone in Tan Jin'er's hand. The two of them are watching the video recording of tonight's Chinese Drama Ceremony.

"Boss Zhang's tie is so special." Tan Jin'er said. Although wearing a red tie was not a problem, it didn't feel like it matched his outfit.

"Tie?" Xi'er raised her body and looked at Tan Jin'er curiously.

"That's it." Tan Jin'er pointed at the screen.

"It's a red scarf! The older children in the first grade have it, Xi'er doesn't have it, and Xiaobai will have it next year."

"...Does Boss Zhang have no tie? You tore his blue tie that day."

"Huh? Am I a little bad guy?"

"You didn't mean it."

"Aren't I a mean little brat on purpose?"

"Do you really want to be a little bad guy?"


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