Dad Academy

Chapter 649 Theme Song

Chapter 649 Theme Song "22"

"Boss Zhang, I won't fight with you."


"I won't fight with you. Don't mess around. If you bully me, I will cry."

Zhang Tan looked at Xiaobai who was seriously trying to stop the fight in front of him, dumbfounded. He remembered that Xiaobai had a fight before. He said that he wanted to show her that fighting was not her strong point. Xiaobai was worried about this.

Xiaobai told him the reason and process of the fight. Things for children were not that complicated.

Zhang Tan chatted with the parents of the two little boys, and they went away without incident.

If you don’t go to kindergarten, you will take your children home directly.

The teacher in Xiaobai's class chased out to remind Zhang Tan and Ding Jiamin that there will be a parent-child sports meeting in the kindergarten this Friday, so they must remember to attend.

When they arrived at Xiaohongma, Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to find grandma, but after taking two steps, he stopped uneasily, looked at Zhang Tan and asked: "Boss Zhang, you won't tell grandma, right?"

Zhang Tan: "I won't tell, because you have a reason for fighting this time."


Xiaobai smiled and was about to leave, but was stopped by Zhang Tan.

"Come here and sit down, let's talk."

Zhang Tan and Xiaobai sat on the steps in the yard, facing the yard of the little red horse.

Xiaobai sat far away, as if avoiding the plague, Zhang Tan waved and said: "Sit over here, why are you so far away? How can we chat?"

Xiaobai chuckled and asked if he wanted to see her perform her strengths. Zhang Tan asked what it was. Xiaobai pointed to the grove and said tree climbing.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Seeing that Zhang Tan didn't say anything, Xiao Bai asked again if he wanted her to cook rice for him. Zhang Tan already guessed it without asking this time, because Xiao Bai was already looking around in the sand pit, and the rice was her Xu Xu. Children's rice.

"If you don't come over, then I will."

Zhang Tan came and sat down next to Xiaobai. Seeing this, Xiaobai stared at a passing girl on the road outside the yard and said, "Oh, that girl is so pretty. I'll go ask her."

As she was about to slip away, Zhang Tan grabbed her little hand: "Don't think about it~~~"


Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, extremely surprised that Boss Zhang actually spoke her hometown dialect! She heard it for the first time.

Zhang Tan added: "Don't you like to brag? Wouldn't it be better to brag with me? Do you want to have sex so much?"

Xiaobai: "Ho ho ho..."

Zhang Tan: "Put down your schoolbag first, let's have a casual chat, and I'll tell you a story."

Xiaobai said: "Little Ma's mom was captured by the big tiger and wanted to eat her. Xiao Ma's old man went to save her mom, and Xiao Ma's old man was also going to be eaten by the big tiger??"

The children have already had a psychological shadow on this cartoon.

"Haha, that's not it. I'll tell you about Snow White and..."

"I've heard of Nao."

"emmm, the frog prince's..."

"I've heard about it too."

"Forget it, let's get straight to the point. I'll tell you three points."

"I've never heard of this."

Xiaobai was eagerly waiting for Boss Zhang's "three points" story, but found that that was not the case. This was not a story, but...

"There are three kinds of people in this world: sheep, wolves and shepherd dogs."

"Claws? Is that possible?"

"Don't ask yet, listen first, and then ask questions after I finish speaking at three o'clock."

"There are three kinds of people in this world, divided into sheep, wolves and shepherd dogs. Some people think that bad guys don't exist, so when bad guys come, they don't know how to protect themselves. These people belong to sheep. Then, predators appear. , they use violence and prey on the weak, these people are wolves. There is also a type of people who have strong attack power and the instinct to protect the sheep. They are rare people who can fight against wolves. This type of people are shepherd dogs. "

"First of all, we don't need sheep in our family. Children who only get bullied and don't know how to resist will be bullied in the future. But if you turn into a wolf, I will beat you up."

Xiaobai quickly said: "Don't beat me, don't beat me. I'm a good kid. I'm just a little naughty. I don't want to work, I just want to play."

"That's good, so I hope you are a sheepdog. You need to protect yourself. In this regard, you have done a good job so far."

Xiaobai agreed immediately: "Okay!"

Zhang Tan: "Do you understand?"

Xiaobai nodded: "I understand, Boss Zhang, can I go play?"

"Don't worry, this is the first point, there are also the second and third points."

"Huh?? Look, Dudu is here~~"

"Then come and listen to Dudu. Dudu is very naughty and you should listen to it."

Xiaobai immediately waved to Dudu, who was teasing Lao Li: "Dudu, come on~~Boss Zhang is telling a story~~"

When Dudu heard this, she immediately left Lao Li, who was bullied by her every day, and Buling Buling ran over and took the initiative to sit next to Zhang Tan, so close to her, with a face full of hope. She was always very active when listening to stories.

Zhang Tan said to her: "I'm going to talk about three things about children today. I've already talked about one point just now. I won't repeat it. I'll let Xiaobai tell you when it's over. I'll go on to the second and third points... …”

As he listened, Dudu became confused. He got up and said he had to pee, but he escaped and sneaked into the guard box on the way. He didn't know what he was causing trouble again...

The sun sets, the moon hangs on the branches, the little red horse chirps, and the sounds of children playing are endless.

Zhang Tan moved a chair and sat on the balcony, enjoying the cool breeze, looking at the bright moon, and talking on the phone with Yang Senlin.

"This theme song is pretty average."

"That's what I said. I have asked the relevant departments to quickly arrange another song, but time is very tight."

"I have one here, you can try it."

"Where are you? Okay, send it here for a look. Who did you ask to write it?"

"I wrote it myself."


"I wrote the theme song of "Little Actor". Have you forgotten, Minister?"

"...Speaking of it, it's true!! I'm even more curious. Now that you've sent it, I can't wait."

"There is only music score. Can you understand it, Minister?"

"...I don't understand music, why don't you sing it for me."

"...Let's talk about promotion and release."

Towards the evening of the next day, Yang Senlin finally heard the song "365 Days of Missing You" written by Zhang Tan.

At that time, he told the person in charge of the theme song that if he had known that Zhang Tan had such a talent, why would he have gone to the market to search for it and spent a lot of money on it? Zhang Tan is a screenwriter, and the songs he composed perfectly fit the theme and have a nice melody.

Yang Senlin couldn't think of any other words to express other than praising his awesomeness. After all, in front of music, he was just a rough old man.

"Have you sent it to Zhang Tan?" Yang Senlin asked.

"Not yet, I'll send it to you first." The person in charge said.

"Send it quickly, forget it, I'll send it."

After Yang Senlin sent it to Zhang Tan, he immediately called again, praising the song and his talent without hesitation, and then asked for his opinion - the song was okay, but was it sung well? ?

"Is this still sung by Wang Zhuo?"

"I asked her to sing before. Although the theme song was changed, the person was not changed."

"I almost didn't understand. The emotional interpretation wasn't completely in place."

"How about you come over and tell her tomorrow."

After he finished the phone call with Zhang Tan, he saw that the person in charge hadn't left yet, "Is there anything else?"

"Minister, how should we deal with this money matter? According to what standards?"

"What's the money thing?"

"It's just Zhang Tan who writes this song, and what standard will he be paid for?"

Yang Senlin thought for a while and asked, "Just give it according to Liao San's standards. I shouldn't treat Zhang Tan badly, right?"

"It's not unfair, it's not unfair, it's a little bit too much." The person in charge said, it's not just unfair treatment, it's too much. Liao San's status in the music circle is much higher than that of Zhang Tan.

"Just do as I say."

Therefore, the income that Zhang Tan can get from the song "365 Days of Missing You" is 200,000.

But this is not where the song’s bigger revenue comes from.

This 200,000 yuan is just the cost spent by Pujiang Film Studio to purchase the song as the theme song. The copyright of this song does not belong to the studio, but to the songwriter and singer.

The songwriter is Zhang Tan and the singer is to be determined.

Wang Zhuo is not the singer of this song. She is just a theme song singer hired by Pujiang Film Studio. If she wants to sing this song on other occasions, she must discuss cooperation with Zhang Tan and obtain Zhang Tan's authorization. .

In today's music industry, sharing agreements are very standardized. If a singer like this wants to buy songs, there are usually two forms: one-time buyout and split.

For example, "365 Days of Missing You", if Zhang Tan is confident in the song and does not agree to sell the copyright at once, then he can probably get 16% of various income from advertising shares, single subscriptions, paid memberships, etc.

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