Dad Academy

Chapter 648 I’m so excited (1/2)

Chapter 648 I’m so mad (12)

Zhang Tan had seen that version of "Coco" in his previous life, and it had a strong exotic feel. But this time, in the plot he created, he integrated the master craftsmanship of Pujiang Film Studio, and "Coco" presented a... Another rich and charming oriental style, which is not inferior to the one in the previous life. In Zhang Tan's opinion, it is even more exciting and wonderful.

In addition to Zhang Tan and the leaders of the animation department, the people reviewing the film on site also included heads of the publicity department, public relations department and other departments. Several female leaders couldn't help wiping away tears when they saw the end.

When the lights in the screening room came on, everyone was quiet for a while, all relaxing in the emotions involved in the plot. Then someone applauded, and the applause gradually increased and finally merged into one.

Yang Senlin smiled happily, turned to look at Zhang Tan and asked, "Zhang Tan, what do you think? Does it match the style of your original work?"

Zhang Tan: "It's great, the plot is wonderful, and the production process is equally wonderful. 1+1 is greater than 2."

Everyone expressed their opinions. Yang Senlin listened happily, but his heart was filled with flying wings, looking forward to the achievements and extraordinary things this animation could achieve. He was the one who advocated for the win of "Coco" and even gave Zhang Tan extremely high treatment. It cannot be said that there were no objections at the time. Now, it is time to prove his vision.

Everyone went to the conference room next door to discuss their opinions in depth. The staff of the production department sat aside and took shorthand, and some of the things that needed to be changed needed to be corrected immediately.

"Where's Zhang Tan? You have the most say, tell me what you think? I won't talk about the advantages. We will only talk about the shortcomings and shortcomings, and strive to make this animation even better." The host of this discussion forum It's Yang Senlin, which shows that he attaches great importance to it.

Zhang Tan saw everyone looking at him, put down the pen in his hand, looked at the notes he just took, and said, "Then let me make three points..."

When everyone heard this, some stared at him to hear what he had to say, while others picked up their pens and prepared to write them down in time.

"Third." After Zhang Tan mentioned the first two points, he came to the third point, "This animation must have a very popular theme song."

Yang Senlin nodded, agreeing with these three points, and said: "As for the third point, I have the same idea as you. There must be a theme song that is very popular. It cannot be of an average level. The kind that makes trouble must be of a high standard. This animation is our highlight this year. All resources must be used with the best, and don’t be afraid of waste. If you do it well, the rewards will be more than ten times or dozens of times..."

His words were more like being addressed to other department heads. Today, they are invited to participate in the film review. Yang Senlin has his own little Jiujiu. He hopes that through the quality of the film, he can gather everyone's consensus and work together to promote "Coco" 》.

His goal was basically achieved, and it was finally finalized by the company's decision-makers.

A staff member related to the theme song spoke at the scene and said that famous songwriters have been invited to write songs and the songs have been obtained.

"Just hand it in today." the staff member said.

"How's the level?" Yang Senlin said.

"The songwriters are all Liao San. The one who wrote "Mom" is particularly good at such emotional songs, especially family love."

Du Wei continued: "The public does not pay much attention to the name of the songwriter, so the name Liao San may sound strange at first, but in fact, he is very famous in the music circle, has very senior qualifications, and is a palace-level figure. Of course, his works are not just "Mother", there are many more..."

He casually talked about a few songs, and everyone nodded frequently when they heard the words. It seemed that this was an author who was not famous for his songs.

Yang Senlin was quite satisfied when he saw this. Zhang Tan smiled and said no more.

A few days later, Yang Senlin suddenly sent him the theme song in person. Zhang Tan was outside at the time. After receiving the audio on his phone, he immediately opened it and heard a mellow female voice. It sounded familiar, but he didn't think of it. Who it was, Tan Jin'er beside her recognized it and said it was that so-and-so, a famous female singer.

Zhang Tan suddenly turned off the audio and connected the car audio. The sound quality was even better.

"What do you think of this song?" Zhang Tan asked Tan Jin'er who was sitting in the passenger seat while driving.

Tan Jin'er shook his head: "I have never heard of this song."

"It's new. It hasn't been released yet. Of course you haven't heard it, so I'm asking you what you think of this song."

Tan Jin'er understood everything and asked curiously: "Is it the song in your animation? It's quite nice, and the singer you hired is very famous."

Zhang Tan nodded, seeming to agree with her words, but what he said was: "I thought it was very ordinary, the songs were ordinary, and the singing was also ordinary."

Tan Jin'er looked at him in surprise, said oh, and sat down obediently, looking forward, thinking about Xi'er who was fighting in the kindergarten. Such a tiny little one was actually fighting. Oh, it really worried her.

The kindergarten teacher called and said that Xiaobai, Xiaomi and Xi'er were fighting together and asked parents to come to the school to pick him up.

Zhang Tan said: "Don't worry, it definitely has nothing to do with Xi'er. She is just an accomplice at most. Xiaobai should be the one taking the lead. This is her style."

The two stopped talking about the theme song, but instead talked about the children they were about to meet. When they arrived at the kindergarten, Ding Jiamin had already arrived first and led three children to talk in the corner. Seeing them, Xiaobai quickly glanced at them, lowered his head, and pouted, looking like he was still not convinced.

Xi'er happily stared at her sister and hiccuped for a while, thinking that she had done bad things and was punished by the teacher, which made her sister unable to go to work. She suddenly felt sad and lowered her head, staring at her cartoon feet. .

"Are they Xiaobai and Xi'er's parents?" asked the teacher who handled the matter.

Zhang Tan nodded and immediately glanced at the other group of people in the office after entering the door, two little boys and their mother.

The three Xiaobais should be fighting with these two.

Zhang Tan came to Xiaobai, touched her little head, and said, "Raise your head and see if she is injured?"

Xiaobai didn't say anything. Xi'er, who was standing against the wall next to him, said, "No injuries. Xi'er's butt hurts a little. He fell to the ground."

She touched her butt, looking aggrieved, and then said: "But Boss Zhang, I won't show it to you because you are a male monk."

Zhang Tan wanted to laugh, but held it back, "Then let your sister see how it is and whether it was broken."

He squatted in front of Xiaobai and asked softly: "I know Xiaobai never bullies people, nor does he fight with people for no reason. There must be a reason, right? Tell me about it, okay? Don't worry, I didn't give it to grandma. Said she didn’t know.”

After hearing the last sentence, Xiaobai finally raised her head and cheered up a little. She looked at the two little boys at the other end of the office and said, "They scolded me and Xi'er, and I got mad. Xi'er didn't get mad, but she still." Laugh, I got angry first, I was so angry that I burst into flames~~~"

PS: Several activities will be organized this month, giving away coins and titles. Please pay attention to the book review area. The first event will be held tomorrow, which is a lottery. 5 people will be randomly selected and each person will receive 2,000 coins. There is almost no threshold for participation. , just reply on the event floor, please pay attention and participate in time.

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