Dad Academy

Chapter 369 Let go of that little bald head (1/2)

Chapter 369 Let go of that little bald head (12)

Zhang Tan carried Xiaobai to her house. He heard footsteps behind him. When he looked back, he saw that Zhu Xiaojing was following with Liuliu on her back.

Liuliu was shouting loudly: "Don't run away, Xiaobai, let me help you."

When she played house in the Little Red Pony Academy, she always liked to pretend to be a doctor or nurse, hanging a stethoscope around her neck, listening to this one, listening to that one, saying that she heard that Xi'er had a baby, heard that Xiao Mila's belly, There was a lot of water in Cheng Cheng's stomach, and he could hear little bugs fighting in Xiao Bai...

She is a quack.

A group of people met Bai Jianping coming in the alley.

The moment he saw Bai Jianping, Zhang Tan looked at Xiaobai, didn't he say he was about to die?

Although it is understandable for children to exaggerate, it is too exaggerated. They can still walk.

Liliu, who was lying on her mother's back, started to sneer out of habit: "Xiaobai's uncle, Xiaobai said you were going to die soon."

Zhu Xiaojing quickly put her down, covered her small mouth, and warned her not to talk nonsense.

Luoliu's little mouth was covered, her eyes widened and rolled around, but she didn't dare to break away from her mother's hand, fearing that her mother would beat her.

Mom really knows how to beat her.

When she chatted with the children in Little Red Horse, she found that no one was getting beaten, but she was the one who got beaten. She became so angry that she had a cold war with Zhu Xiaojing for 10 minutes and 30 seconds when she got home in the evening.

"Xiao Bai said you were sick? How are you? Where do you feel uncomfortable?" Zhang Tan put Xiao Bai down and asked Bai Jianping.

Bai Jianping tried to smile awkwardly, but it turned into a cough.

Xiaobai worriedly moved forward, holding onto Bai Jianping's pants with one hand and trying to pat his shoulder with the other hand, but he couldn't and turned into a pat on his butt.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you? You don't want to be sick."

Xiaobai said, looking at Zhang Tan, his eyes full of pleading, "Boss Zhang, please help uncle."

Bai Jianping reassured her that she was fine, and Zhang Tan asked him a few questions. After roughly understanding the situation, he drove him to a hospital not far away. After seeing it, the doctor said that it was a cold that caused a cold and a low fever. He prescribed medicine and gave him an injection. He was comforted and said it didn't matter, just go home and sleep, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Although Xiaobai was worried, both the doctor and Boss Zhang said there was nothing wrong, so she put her mind at ease.

But then she got angry and cursed.

Because after Bai Jianping whispered to Boss Zhang, he asked her not to go home and spend the night at Xiaohongma.

Xiaobai didn't want to, so when he got angry she would curse and shovel non-stop.

"Uncle, you are sick, Xiaobai has to take care of you." Xiaobai said loudly.

The reason she didn't want to go to Little Red Horse was that her uncle was sick and needed someone to take care of her, and that person was her, so she couldn't go to Little Red Horse.

Bai Jianping didn't want her to go home with him because he was worried that the cold would be transmitted to her and cause her to catch a cold too.

It's spring now, viral colds are prevalent, and children have weak immunity and cannot take such risks.

Xiaobai was unwilling to leave, but Bai Jianping was very strong this time and gave Xiaobai no room to bargain. He entrusted her to Boss Zhang and left.

Xiaobai was so anxious that he started to cry. He chased after him and pulled his pants to prevent him from leaving.

"Where do you want to live?" Bai Jianping felt warm and uncomfortable in his heart.

"Uncle, why don't you leave? What if you die?!"

Bai Jianping: "..."

I thought I just had a cold and a low fever, so I wouldn't die.

He told Xiaobai carefully, then left Xiaobai with Zhang Tan and left.

It was almost early in the morning, and Zhang Tan took Xiaobai, who was grumbling and grumbling, home. As for Liliu, Bai Jianping was kidnapped by her mother when she arrived at the hospital.

Although she kept clamoring to help, she actually didn't help much. She had no use for her passion, so she could only go home sadly.

Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai returned to Little Red Horse. At this time, most of the children in the academy had been picked up, but Xiao Bai found that the reading area on the first floor was lit.

She is usually the only one who goes there, and Jiang Bin occasionally stays there. Who could it be now?

Xiaobai ran to check, thinking it was Jiang Bin, but saw a little bald man sitting there reading a picture book, it was Luo Zikang!

The two looked at each other, snorted in unison, turned their heads away, and ignored each other.

Xiaobai ran back and followed Boss Zhang to find Teacher Xiaoliu.

Teacher Xiaoliu originally planned to go home because there were no children spending the night at Little Red Horse tonight and she did not need to accompany them.

But Zhang Tan found her and asked her if she could stay in the academy for one night. Xiaobai wanted to live here.

She understood Zhang Tan's concerns. He had a good relationship with Xiaobai and took good care of her, but he couldn't bring Xiaobai to stay at his home. No matter how good the relationship is, one must also pay attention to a sense of propriety, which is especially important in the adult world.

"Okay, boss, don't worry, Xiaobai can stay with me tonight."

Zhang Tan thanked you: "Thank you, sorry for bothering you."

"Everywhere, there is work." Teacher Xiaoliu smiled and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, come with me to the dormitory."

Xiaobai looked at Zhang Tan, who said, "Go ahead, sleep with Teacher Xiaoliu tonight."

Teacher Xiao Liu took Xiao Bai’s little hand and led her away. Xiao Bai turned back to Zhang Tan and said, “Boss Zhang, will my uncle die?”

Zhang Tan repeatedly comforted her.

Xiaobai felt a little relieved now, but still didn't want to go with Teacher Xiaoliu. She weakly asked Zhang Tan if she could go to his house and sit for a while.

Zhang Tan looked at Teacher Xiaoliu. It was already early in the morning. He had no problem. It didn't matter if he stayed with Xiaobai for a while. The main thing was whether it would affect Teacher Xiaoliu's rest.

Teacher Xiao Liu said: "Luo Zikang's parents haven't come yet, so I have to wait a little longer."

"Let's go and sit at home." Zhang Tan said, and Xiaobai followed him upstairs happily.

When he got home, Xiaobai sat on the sofa obediently, hugging the pillow, and followed Zhang Tan around the house with his big eyes, asking from time to time if his uncle was okay.

She had not let go of her uncle at all, she was still thinking about and worried about him, so she could only keep asking Zhang Tan to get some sense of security from Zhang Tan.

The reason why she didn't want to go to bed now was because she was worried about her uncle and felt insecure. Teacher Xiao Liu would accompany her, but Teacher Xiao Liu could not bring her enough sense of security. Apart from her uncle, there was only Boss Zhang, so even late at night, she still subconsciously wanted to stay with Zhang Tan for a while. She was extremely panicked now, but she was just pretending to be calm, not wanting to offend Boss Zhang.

At the same time, she was also curious about Luo Zikang, who had not returned home, and asked Zhang Tan, but Zhang Tan didn't know either.

After a while, Xiaobai suddenly heard crying and quarreling coming from downstairs. She got excited, put on her slippers, ran to the balcony and looked down. Under the lights in the garden, she saw a little bald head running out of the building and running towards the school gate with a cry.

Lao Li appeared at the gate and stopped Luo Zikang who was about to run out. Luo Zikang was then taken away by a man.

Luo Zikang kept crying and tried his best to break free, but he couldn't move at all and could only be taken away by force.

Xiaobai opened his mouth and endured it. Unable to hold it back, he jumped up on the balcony and shouted: "Where do you live!!! Where do you live?!!! Let go of that little bald man, you bastard, why?" The claws bully our doll!!! I’m so angry that I’m furious, don’t leave~~~~”

Xiaobai touched the small water gun on his waist, turned around and ran towards the gate, wanting to help Luo Zikang.

PS: You need to adjust your work and rest time. You can’t always stay up until the early hours of the morning. In the future, the update time will be one update at night and one update during the day. You don’t have to wait until too late to read this chapter at night. You can all rest. The second update will be around noon tomorrow.

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