Dad Academy

Chapter 368 If you encounter difficulties, go to Boss Zhang (2/2)

Chapter 368 If you encounter difficulties, go to Boss Zhang (22)

Bai Jianping caught a cold and was soaked with moisture. I got caught in the rain on the road and didn't change my clothes when I got home. After working for nearly two hours, I lay down on the rocking chair and fell asleep again. Wearing clothes that are not fully dry to bed is a taboo for your body, and you may get sick even if you are not sick.

When he noticed it, it was already too late. He was top-heavy, his throat was hoarse, and his nasal voice was heavy.

He took a hot bath, changed into dry clothes, wrapped himself in his down jacket again, and lay on the rocking chair with a thermos cup at hand filled with boiling water.

It's good to drink some wine when you catch a cold, but when you think of Xiaobai's presence, you give up.

During the day at the construction site, he brought a bottle of Big Bear wine for everyone, but he didn’t take a sip.

In the past, when Malanhua was at home, he would drink some occasionally. Now that it's just him and Xiaobai at home, he has never drank.

Since he couldn't drink alcohol, Bai Jianping lay on the rocking chair and turned on the TV to watch. His head was extremely heavy and he was feeling groggy. He was waking up and sleeping with no signs of improvement.

While he was half asleep, he suddenly heard a ringing sound. It was his cell phone ringing.

Bai Jianping touched his pocket, but couldn't find it. The ringtone of his cell phone came from the bathroom.

Only then did he remember that his cell phone was in his original clothes, which had just been piled in the bathroom.

He stood up holding on to the table and found his cell phone. The caller ID read "Dear old horse".

Originally, the label was just "Old Ma", but later Lao Ma found out and became furious. He wanted to give him a chance to change his ways for the sake of being a couple for many years, so Bai Jianping changed it to "Dear Old Ma".

There is no escape from the word "Lao Ma", but at least there are three words "Dear" as a prefix.

Dear old Ma's first words are: "Old Bai, why don't Xiaobai go home?"

"How can it be so early?"

"You have a scratchy throat? Do you have a cold?"

"It's possible, it's a phone problem."

"Oh, is it cold on the other side of the Pujiang River?"

"It rains every day, and I'm going to grow hair on my body."

"You are Kame Sennin and you don't have hair on your body?"


"The quilts and Xiaobai's clothes at home should be exposed to the sun frequently, otherwise they will become moldy."

"Xiao knows Nao."

"Are you at Little Red Pony?"

"I'm at home."

"Is Paw still at home? It's almost 10 o'clock, why don't you go pick up Xiaobai?"

Bai Jianping raised his head and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Really, it was already 9:50 pm. Why did he lie down for so long? It felt like only ten minutes.

While Bai Jianping was on the phone with Malanhua, he went out to pick up Xiaobai.

On the phone, he never mentioned that he had a cold and probably had a fever.

He was afraid that his dear old Ma would hear it, so he deliberately made trouble to make her impatient, and then got hung up on the phone.

The lights in the damp and dim corridor did not turn on. Bai Jianping remembered that the sensor light here was broken and Xiaobai had just fallen here.

He went to the shop downstairs and bought a light bulb. When he came home, he brought a stool and stepped on it to change the light bulb.

Bright lights came on in the corridor.

When he got off the stool, he almost fell. He was dizzy and a little dizzy. He held on to the wall to slow down.

He moved the stool home and saw dense raindrops under the dim street lights downstairs.

It started to rain again.

He held an umbrella and prepared a small umbrella, and came to the little red horse to take Xiaobai home.

Xiaobai, who was jumping up and down the stairs, discovered that the sensor light in the corridor had turned on again. He happily asked his uncle if he had replaced it, and praised him greatly.

Bai Jianping smiled brightly: "Haha, this is my strength."

"This is also my strong point." Xiaobai was unwilling to be outdone.

Back home, Bai Jianping asked Xiaobai if she wanted to wash her feet. Xiaobai said no. She was not sleepy at all, so she climbed onto the broken sofa at home, hugged the red panda stuffed doll, and watched TV curiously. There was a model catwalk on TV. It was amazing. She had never seen anything like this. These big sisters were not wearing clothes.

The little one huddled in the corner of the sofa, looking at his uncle who was half lying on the rocking chair, and then watching TV. He was making a small report in his heart, looking for an opportunity to tell his aunt, "Hoo hoo hoo."

After a while, the little girl without clothes disappeared, and commercials started to play on the TV. She was not interested in watching them, so she asked her uncle to change the channel. She wanted to watch "Windmill and Fake Sophistication".

But her uncle didn't respond. She was surprised, jumped off the sofa, came to the rocking chair, and saw her uncle asleep.

"Uncle~~~" Xiaobai shouted softly, "You're going to sleep and tell me."

Bai Jianping's eyes were sleepy, his head was heavier, his face was red, he wanted to say something, but his voice was hoarse.

"You have claws? Uncle."

Xiaobai stood up on his tiptoes, stretched out his little hand and put it on his forehead, "No, your uncle is sick, what can I do?"

The little guy circled the rocking chair twice, thinking of Boss Zhang, and said, "I'll call Boss Zhang."

She ran to the door of her house, put on her small shoes, and went out.

Bai Jianping, who was lying on the rocking chair, quickly said not to call Boss Zhang, he would be fine after a sleep.

Xiaobai said loudly: "You are going to nag me to death and you are instigating me. What are you instigating? Don't move. Xiaobai goes and calls Boss Zhang."

Bai Jianping cheered up, stood up, and said, "Don't go~ Forget it, it's raining outside and it's so cold. Don't get wet in the rain, or you'll get sick."

Xiaobai ignored him, "Humph, I don't know how to do that" and ran to find Boss Zhang.

"Xiao Bai~~" Bai Jianping shouted, but Xiao Bai had already ran out. I don’t want to bring this Guawazi umbrella with me either. It’s raining outside.

Bai Jianping steeled himself and followed him out with an umbrella. He was worried about the little guy. Unfortunately, he was not in good spirits and couldn't catch up.

Even though there was a phone call, he still ran out because of his claws.

Little Baifeng Fenghuohuo ran out of the corridor and ran in the alley. The dogs who were energetic at night heard the wind and followed him excitedly.

At the gate of Little Red Horse Academy, Liuliu was being led home by her mother. Suddenly she saw Xiaobai running over with a group of dogs. She immediately became energetic and her heart of gossip was burning.

"6666~~Xiaobai, why are you back~~~"

She started up instantly, threw away Zhu Xiaojing, and chased Xiaobai to the little red horse.

Those dogs stayed at the gate of the academy and did not enter. They seem to know that there are boundaries here and they cannot enter without permission.

The doorman Lao Li came out, looked at the dog in front of him, and then at the two children who were about to get into the building, and wondered to himself: "Why did Xiaobai come back again?"

Zhang Tan had already fallen asleep, and he was woken up by a rapid knock on the door. Two children were shouting loudly outside the door.

He turned on the light and opened the door, only to see Xiaobai, who was panting, and Liliu, who was pretending to be panting, standing at the door.

"What's wrong, Xiaobai?" Zhang Tan asked, welcoming the little guys into the house, but Xiaobai didn't go in. Seeing this, Liuliu also retreated.

"My uncle, the monk, is sick." Xiaobai said.

"My uncle is very serious." Liuliu continued.

"He wants to die." Xiaobai said.

"I'm so scared of ducks~" Liuliu was scared.

"Boss Zhang, can you go see my uncle?" Xiaobai asked weakly.

"Boss Zhang, let's go quickly." Liuliu said.

Zhang Tan was startled by the children's words and thought about how Bai Jianping's body could suddenly fail. He quickly changed out of his pajamas and took Xiaobai and Liuliu downstairs to leave.

He straddled his long legs, and the two children immediately couldn't keep up.

Liuliu chased after him and shouted: "Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang, give me a hug~~"

Zhang Tan turned around and picked her up, then scooped up Xiaobai with his big hand and rushed to Xiaobai's house.

When passing Zhu Xiaojing, Liuliu looked at her and laughed, proudly saying that she was going to run away with Boss Zhang, she was not going home, she was going to save people.

But immediately, she found herself being thrust into her mother's hands.

Zhang Tan hugged Xiaobai, who looked confused and still didn't understand why he hugged her, and left.

Liuliu shouted from behind: "Wait for me, duck, wait for me~~ Take Liuliu with you, Liuliu is going to help Xiaobai save his uncle~"

Make up for yesterday's.

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