Dad Academy

Chapter 287 Sugar Chestnuts (1/2 please subscribe)

Chapter 287 Sugar Chestnuts (12 please subscribe)

"Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" magazine.

In the conference room, the editor-in-chief was leading a group of editors in a meeting.

"First let us know the reader feedback of each comic this week." the editor said. He is a middle-aged man with a big nose.

The person in charge of the marketing department immediately began to report the market feedback data of each comic published in the magazine last week.

The competition in comics is very fierce. On the Internet, everyone can publish their own comics. If they are not popular, they will only have fewer readers. But in magazines, if they are not popular, they will be cut in half and the manuscript will be withdrawn.

"Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" randomly selects readers for interviews every week to find out which of the comics published in this week is the most popular, and which one is at the bottom that no one reads.

If it is the first time for the comic at the bottom, you will be notified. If it is the second time, you will be asked to finish it early and give up the position to the next comic.

“The first one is ‘Devil Tower’,” the person in charge of the marketing department reported.

The editors here did not have many emotional changes. In fact, since this year, "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" has been competing between two powers, either "The Demon Tower" won the first place, or "Flower Fantasy World", The two take turns.

So it’s no surprise that this time it’s the turn of “Devil Tower”.

What everyone is more concerned about is the ones at the bottom. Maybe some comics will be cut in half.

There was only the sound of announcements in the conference room, and the rankings of the announcements were from high to low:..."The Best in the World"..."The Prince" and "Coco". "

Hearing this, the editor-in-chief Wang Yinghu's heart jumped. He was responsible for three newly published comics, "Coco".

His first reaction was that "Coco" was going to be axed, and then he thought that new comics have a one-week protection period, that is, the first week will not be counted, and even if they are at the bottom, they will not be counted.

Although there is a protection period, the ranking at least shows that this comic is not popular in the market.

At this time, Wang Yinghu saw the person who reported the news, smacked his lips, and said: "The last one, "Lucifer Scholar"."

He was stunned for a moment before realizing that there was another book at the bottom, and it turned out to be "Lucifer's Master"!

This comic was at the bottom last week!

Gonna be chopped down.

Sure enough, after the briefing, the editor-in-chief said without hesitation: "Ax "Lucifer Scholar" and let them prepare the final chapter and publish it in the monthly magazine."

The editor in charge of "Lucifer Scholar" didn't look good, nodded and said ok in a muffled voice.

Then the editor-in-chief said: "The two new comics are ranked second and third from the bottom, so we should pay more attention to them."


In Little Red Pony Academy, the comic studio received news from the magazine, saying that the response to "Coco" was not very good, ranking at the bottom, and that the quality of subsequent plots must be improved.

This poured cold water on Xin Xiaoguang and others, because the news he received was mostly praise, so why did the magazine's market survey show the opposite result?

Wu Shiying was calmer and analyzed: "If you think about it carefully, it is actually our colleagues in the industry who praise us for our good comics. We did not listen to the voice of the market."

Xin Xiaoguang understood immediately. To put it simply, it was a matter of success but not success. It's like a literary film. The shooting techniques, narrative techniques, costumes and props, etc. are all so awesome. Experts admire it, but once it was released, the box office was dismal.

Now "Coco" may have this situation.

In addition to feedback on the market survey results, the magazine also asked Xiaohongman Comics Studio to make changes to the subsequent plot, making the plot more tense and contradictory.

However, this suggestion was directly rejected by Zhang Tan and others. They blindly cater to the market and give up their own persistence. This is not what everyone wants.

What's more, it's only the first week now, and the story of "Coco" has just begun.


After lunch, the sun rose above our heads, casting warm sunshine, and the temperature in the valley rose to the highest point of the day.

"Grandma, are you feeling better?~~~"

Xiaobai carried a bamboo basket, wore rain boots, and held a fire tong in his hand. He hurriedly ran to the yard, stood in the sun, and shouted into the house.

Grandma's warm voice came from the room: "Xiaobai, don't worry, it's still early."

A week after returning home, Xiaobai has returned to the little village girl she once was.

She changed out of her beautiful new clothes and wore an old flowered jacket, made of cotton, bright red, and patterned. Her grandma made it for her in the summer to prepare her to wear it when she went home for the New Year.

I can no longer wear the clothes I used to wear because my children are growing up day by day.

The weather at home was colder and there was no air conditioning. Xiaobai's face turned apple red, but his energy level remained intact and his eyes were still bright.

At this moment, before grandma came out, she shouted towards another house not far away: "Dunzi~~~~~"

A little fat man immediately ran out of the house, jumped up and waved to Xiao Bai, and then ran on the field ridge, running this way, and appeared in front of Xiao Bai, with a bright red face full of a naive smile: "Xiao Bai, why don't you just go ahead?"

"We are going to pick up chestnuts, are you going to go? You have a runny nose~" Xiaobai said.

Hearing this, Dunzi wiped his nose with a smile and sniffed~~~~

Xiaobai and Dunzi are the same age and the same size, but Xiaobai is skinnier than Dunzi.

Dunzi has been strong, able to eat, and strong since he was a child.

Xiaobai did not breastfeed when he was a child. He grew up eating porridge and milk powder, and his nutrition could not keep up.

Occasionally, Dunzi's mother would feed the little girl.

Dunzi is strong, but a bit silly, not very bright, and his reactions are half a beat slower than ordinary people, and he will be bullied. Xiaobai is smart and often teaches him.

Because Xiaobai is thin, she will be bullied by other children. At this time, it is Dunzi who protects her.

Dunzi nodded and said he wanted to play with him. Xiaobai asked him to go home and put on his hat. It was so cold in the mountains.

"Xiaobai, you have to wait for me." Dunzi rushed up the field ridge again like a small tank, and rushed home.

After a while, the three of them appeared in the mountain forest behind the house. Xiaobai and Dunzi ran in front, clicking, clicking, ton, ton, ton, disappearing on the mountain path, and then reappearing.

The three of them came to a forest, where many tall chestnut trees grew. Many ripe chestnuts fell to the ground. Some chestnuts fell out of their shells full of thorns and lay on the fallen leaves, while others remained Lying inside, there will be a crack. At this time, you need to use tongs to pick out the chestnuts inside.

Grandma and Xiaobai both brought pokers, but Dunzi came empty-handed, but this didn't bother him. He picked up a branch as a stick, grabbed the chestnuts and smashed them violently. Every time he smashed one open, he immediately smashed it open. Put the chestnuts into Xiaobai's bamboo basket.

He smashed open another one, put the chestnuts into Xiaobai's basket, and asked innocently: "Xiaobai, is it fun outside?"

Xiaobai looked at the chestnuts in his basket, turned to look at grandma's, and laughed: "It's so funny."

Dunzi sniffed and wiped it with his hand, a silly smile on his honest little face.

Xiaobai Balabala told him about the outside world, and Dunzi was immediately attracted. He stopped smashing chestnuts and became Xiaobai's follower, following her closely.

The mountain wind blew by, and there was a rustling sound in the forest. Grandma stopped and looked somewhere in the dense forest, asking Xiaobai and Dunzi to stop talking and listen carefully to what was coming.

Xiaobai and Dunzi have lived here since they were young. They know that there are wild beasts in the mountains and forests. Dunzi immediately picks up the stick on the ground, instinctively blocks in front of Xiaobai, and stares at the place where the sound comes from vigilantly.

A fat maroon rabbit emerged from the leaves, and Xiaobai and Dunzi rushed out at the same time.

"Hey, don't let it get away~~~Dunzi, don't talk to me, just block the other end~~~"

Half an hour later, the three of them left and went home. The basket was filled with chestnuts, but Xiaobai muttered and was full of regrets. The fat rabbit ran away, and Dunzi's tactical coordination was too poor to stop it.

The sun hung on the top of the mountain and shone slantly on the fields. Xiaobai took the lead, Dunzi followed closely, and Grandma followed, walking on the ridge of the field. When she got home, Grandma began to cook the chestnuts. After washing them, she cut a hole with scissors. , pour into the rice cooker, put a spoonful of oil, five pieces of rock sugar, pour in water just enough to cover the chestnuts, cover, and cook for fifteen minutes before eating.

When the sun set on the mountainside, Xiaobai and Dunzi sat side by side in the yard, eating candied chestnuts with relish.

Dunzi often forgets about it while eating, because he is fascinated by Xiaobai's stories. The outside world and the stories in picture books are so interesting.

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