Dad Academy

Chapter 286 Bedwetting (2/2 Please subscribe)

Chapter 286 Bedwetting (22 please subscribe)

Xiaomi wants to give the red envelope she just received to Zhang Tan as her tuition fee.

But Zhang Tan told her that her tuition had already been paid and she did not need to pay.

He confiscated Xiaomi's red envelope and asked her to keep it for herself.


Unexpectedly, Xiaomi seemed to be even more depressed, lowering his head and looking at his toes. Her long, silky hair hung down, covering her little face.

Zhang Tan suddenly realized something and quickly changed his words: "However, I want to accept Xiaomi's red envelope first."


When Xiaomi heard this, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes shining again.

Zhang Tan said: "Xiaobai entrusted you to me. I have to take care of you. There is 800 yuan in the red envelope. You are a child. I am worried that you will lose it, so you should leave it to me for safekeeping. Are you willing? What?"

Xiaomi nodded repeatedly and took the initiative to hand him the red envelope.

Zhang Tan took it in his hand and said with a smile: "Let me think about it, should I reward Xiaomi with the red envelope and let Xiaomi save it myself, or should I help Xiaomi save it and let me tell Xiaomi the answer tomorrow?"


Xiaomi nodded heavily, watched Zhang Tan leave, then turned around and skipped away.

In Aunt Huang's office.

"What? Are there more red envelopes?" Aunt Huang asked.

"No, this is Xiaomi's red envelope."

"What's wrong? Doesn't she want it?"

Zhang Tan explained to her and finally said: "I had good intentions and let her keep the 800 yuan for herself, but when I saw her mood became depressed, I suddenly realized that for children, 800 yuan is a huge amount of money. It’s affordable, but to Xiaomi, its value is far less than the little warmth brought by having an adult in charge.”

Aunt Huang thought for a while and sighed.

In the Little Red Horse Academy, the children were chatting. They were all babies with huge sums of money. Many of them were counting their money. The little teachers quickly told them not to take out the money or lose it.

Xiaomi shuttled among the dolls, eyes darting left and right, while the cute police came online, looking for any clues of crime.

The little red horse of this night is particularly prone to crime and corruption.

Xiaomi was particularly concerned about Xi'er and Liuliu who were chatting together. On the one hand, she was worried that Xier's red envelope would be cheated by Liuliu, and on the other hand, she was worried that Xier was "picking up money" everywhere. Anyway, Xier and Liuliu They were not fuel-efficient lamps, which made her particularly worried.

Liuliu failed to fool Xi'er and ran to pester Luo Zikang, wanting to see his money, but Luo Zikang hid the red envelope in his crotch and held it tightly, refusing to give her any chance of contact.

For this reason, Liuliu encouraged Jiang Bin to grab his penis.

In the evening, Luo Zikang's grandfather came to pick him up, and he took out the red envelope from his crotch and solemnly handed it to his grandfather, telling him not to give it to anyone and to keep it for himself.

Grandpa Luo rubbed his big head and was very pleased.

It was late at night, and Luo Zikang and his grandfather left the little red horse to go home. His grandfather said he wanted to buy him a pair of waterproof and warm shoes in winter, and Luo Zikang said he wanted to buy two pairs, one for his grandfather and one for himself.

The children all entered the dormitory. Xiaomi took one last look around and found that Cheng Cheng seemed to be a victim and asked where her red envelope was.

Cheng Cheng said blankly that he was gone.

Xiaomi immediately opened his eyes looking for sin, and first aimed at the pomegranate on the small bed to Cheng Cheng's left.

Liuliu was rustling under the quilt, not knowing what she was doing.

It must be a crime!

Xiaomi stepped forward and pulled her out, only to find that Liuliu's mouth was bulging because she was eating biscuits. She said innocently: "Where do you live~~~"

I never expected that when Xiaobai came, Guawazi would lift her quilt. She was a good doll, she was just a little greedy.

Xiaomi said: "...Don't eat biscuits after brushing your teeth, as bugs will develop."

Liuliu: "When there are worms, I eat them~~~"

Xiaomi was speechless to her and let her go. Luoliu immediately got into the quilt again, rustling.

Since it wasn't Liliu, Xiaomi looked at Xi'er on the small bed on Cheng Cheng's right.

Xi'er avoided her gaze, but couldn't help but met her eyes. Suddenly hiahia laughed, raised the red envelope in her hand, and said: "Cheng Cheng's red envelope was taken by me, I'm a little bad guy, come and catch me~ ~~"

She seems to enjoy playing the game of police catching bad guys, and is keen on performing the role of the little bad guy with strength.

"Hand over Cheng Cheng's red envelope." Xiaomi said.

"I don't! I don't~~~"

She said this, but the movements of her hands were very honest, and she handed over the red envelope obediently. In the end, she was surprised by the inconsistency between her words and her actions, and began to study whether there was something wrong with her. She clearly said that she would not hand over~~~

Xiaomi told Cheng Cheng to keep the red envelope and not give it to anyone. Then she was called to bed by Teacher Xiaoliu.

She lives in Teacher Xiaoliu's dormitory, which is a separate room.

Originally she could live in a public dormitory, but once it was late at night and all the children in the dormitory were gone and she was the only one left, she would be very sad when she woke up.

Teacher Xiaoliu took her back to the dormitory and saw her lying on the bed. He suddenly remembered that he had not seen her red envelope, so he must have lost it.

"Leave it to Boss Zhang." Xiaomi couldn't hide her happiness.

Teacher Xiao Liu asked in surprise: "Why did you give it to Boss Zhang?"

"He kept it for Xiaomi. Xiaomi is just a child."

"Okay, then if Xiaomi has money, can he buy the hair card he likes?"

"...Buy one. Xiaobai and I both like the little rabbit hairpin."

"Well, the little rabbit's hairpin is really cute. I bought the hairpin and I still have plenty of money. Is there anything else you want to buy?"

Xiaomi thought for a while and said, "I want to tell my mother that Xiaomi can make money and ask her to come back soon."

Teacher Xiaoliu didn't know what to say. It seemed that any words would destroy a child's innocence. She could only respond in silence, letting the child immerse herself in her own joy, not disturbing her, and sincerely sending her blessings.

The children all gained a lot tonight. They received not only red envelopes, but also praises from adults. After the adults learned what happened from the children, they would express special thanks to Boss Zhang. However, they did not come to thank Boss Zhang because they learned that Boss Zhang had gone to bed. However, they did not miss a single word of thanks and gave them all to the young teachers, asking them to convey them to them.

Only Liliu was an accident. She forgot her red envelope under her pillow. If Teacher Xiaoliu hadn't reminded her, she wouldn't have remembered it at all.

Even though she hid the red envelopes like a treasure when she was awake and fooled other children's red envelopes, she actually didn't take the red envelopes very seriously. She didn't realize how important the money was, she just thought it was fun, just like seeing other children with new toys, she would eagerly get them.

Xi'er is different from her.

When Xi'er's sister Tan Jin'er came to pick her up, she immediately gave her a big red envelope. Hiahia laughed and said proudly that Boss Zhang gave it to her because she sang.

She said enthusiastically that she would come to Boss Zhang to sing a song tomorrow and hoped to give her another red envelope. She comes to sing every day.

Compared to Liliu's naivety, Xi'er understands some things better. For example, she knows that this big red envelope is very useful to her sister.

"Buy a book for my sister." Xi'er said generously, waving her hand, she's rich.

Tan Jiner usually reads when she has time at home. She only has a high school education and wants to improve through correspondence courses.

So when she has free time, she will take Xi'er to the bookstore. Seeing that her sister loved reading so much, Xi'er once happily gave her a picture book by Little Red Mali, letting her read as much as she could.

Tan Jin'er squatted down, and Xi'er skillfully climbed up on her back, hugged her neck, kissed her secretly, and laughed proudly.

The two of them chatted while going home.

"Xier, don't you have anything you want to buy?"

"I have a sister."

"Don't you want to drink a bear drink?"

"I don't think about it anymore after I drink enough water."

Tan Jin'er bought a box of Bear drinks downstairs and opened a bottle for Xi'er when she got home. The little girl was so happy that she wet the bed at night.


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