Dad Academy

Chapter 274 Recording Songs (1/2 Please subscribe)

Chapter 274 Recording Songs (12 please subscribe)

Zhejiang Jinhua.

Ma Lanhua and her party arrived at 3 pm. Yang Yi's parents met Feng at the exit of the train station. After a while of greetings, they got in the car and arrived at the reserved hotel. After a tiring journey, they took a rest and then the two families had dinner together at 7 pm. By the way, Discuss things.

Yang Yi and her parents left. On the way home, Yang's mother looked down at her daughter's belly, caring about the baby in her belly.

Yang Yi has been pregnant for more than 4 months, and her belly is obviously bulging, but she wears a loose coat to cover it up.

Yang's father didn't talk much as he drove. He mostly listened to the chat between his wife and daughter. He met Bai Zhiqiang twice, once when they were juniors and once in their first year after graduation. Overall, he had a good impression of the young man. He was diligent, polite and capable. He had been in love with his daughter for many years. , it is indeed rare to go from college to now.

"Yiyi, tell mom about Zhiqiang's family situation. I heard you talk about it in bits and pieces before, but I never had a complete idea." Mother Yang said.

Yang's father, who was driving, interjected: "I just saw his parents. They seem to be honest and responsible people. They should be easy to get along with."

Yang's mother said: "When you come to meet your in-laws, no matter how irritating your temper is, you will keep it in check. You can't be sure of this."

Yang Yi thought for a while, organized her thoughts, and introduced Bai Zhiqiang's family to her parents along the way.

"Listen to what you said, although Zhiqiang's family is not rich, his parents are indeed diligent and honest. They work outside all year round. It is not easy at such an old age..."

As she spoke, she said with some emotion: "Being a parent is a life-long worry."

When the car arrived home, Mother Yang got out of the car immediately, came to the other side, opened the car door, and helped Yang Yi out.

"No, I can get off the car by myself." Yang Yi said.

"Don't mess around. Just take it easy. This is a critical moment and you are weak."

Yang Yi was helped out of the car by Yang's mother, and she suddenly smiled and said: "Zhiqiang's family also has a little cousin, who is less than 5 years old. She is very cute."

Mother Yang was stunned.

After the three of them checked into the hotel, Malanhua sat down to talk.

Bai Jianping asked about the restaurant for dinner at night. He was worried and wanted to check it out. He was worried that the girl's parents would lose face if they missed it.

Bai Zhiqiang said: "I didn't book the hotel, it was Yang Yi's father who booked it."

Bai Jianping: "How can we ask others to order it? We have to do it."

Bai Zhiqiang: "It's okay, dad. We are guests from afar. If they make a reservation, just make it."

Bai Jianping thought about it and saw that Ma Lanhua didn't say anything, so he stopped insisting. The three of them talked about betrothal gifts and banquets...

At seven o'clock in the evening, the two families were fully dressed and sitting at the same table for dinner.

"Eat! Eat quickly——"

At Little Red Horse Academy, Xiaobai asked the children to sit on small stools, and Xiaomi and Xiaomi handed out the snacks they bought with Boss Zhang during the day.

"Thank you Xiaobai."

"Thank you Xiaomi."

"Thank you, Boss Zhang. I wish Boss Zhang will marry the boss's wife soon."

The children were very knowledgeable. They not only thanked Xiaobai Xiaomi, but also thanked the hero behind the scenes, Boss Zhang. They all seemed to know that Boss Zhang was in urgent need of a boss lady, so they sent such beautiful blessings, which was really embarrassing and heart-warming.

Snacks are not given for free. When the children were in a good mood, Zhang Tan asked everyone to record a song after eating. Those who didn't learn "Little White Boat" well went to dig sand in the yard by themselves.

He specially invited people from the music studio today and spent the whole afternoon fiddling with the equipment. Finally, he debugged it. In the evening, he invited the children to sing and record them. When the time comes, everyone will be given a red envelope and treated as if it was given by Boss Zhang. Lucky money for everyone.

Although children can't help their parents, they can still make some extra money.

"Teacher Jiang, I'll leave it to you later. There are a lot of children, chirping like a group of little ducks. Our little teachers in the academy will sort them out, but the key is to look at your command." Zhang Tan said to one of the students. said the middle-aged bald tuner.

It doesn't matter if the singing is crooked, the tuner is very powerful, Zhang Tan paid a lot of money to hire it, oh no, it was the crew who spent a lot of money.

She was originally unwilling to come. Not only was she recording for a group of children, but she also had to move equipment, which was thankless. Sheng Xiaoxiao came forward. The other party sold her a favor and heard that it was the theme song of a new TV series, so she came.

After arriving, I found that the person in charge was Zhang Tan, and I was in a good mood. This teacher Jiang loves the song "In vain" from "Little Opera Bones". He feels that it is different from the coquettish bitches in today's music market and is as unique as a hibiscus. Zhang Tan is the songwriter of "Wang Ning Mei".

There are many people who love this song, but what they love is the person who sings it. Who will pay attention to the songwriter, that is, the insiders, musicians like Teacher Jiang will care more.

"Wang Ning Mei" is the theme song for "Little Opera Bones". Zhang Tan said that "Little White Boat" is the theme song for the new drama "The Hidden Corner", which cheered up Teacher Jiang. The reluctance in my heart disappeared and I was full of energy.

"Teacher Zhang, don't worry. I have organized children to record songs, but not as many as this time." Teacher Jiang said, looking at the chattering children in the classroom. There were more than 30 children, all of whom were talking to themselves. It gave me a headache.

After waiting for a while, Zhang Tan took the microphone of the children's karaoke machine that the children usually play and said: "Okay, okay, we've all finished eating. Now we have to move on to the next game session. Let's sing together. Listen. Teachers, please come over and line up, Xiaobai, now I appoint you as the squad leader, you can organize everyone to stand up quickly."

Hearing this, Xiaobai laughed loudly, pulled out the small water gun from his waist, and was the first to grab Duoliu, who was sitting on a small stool and refused to move.

"Gua Wa Zi~ wake up! Are you going to listen to what Boss Zhang instigates?"

Liuliu looked shocked. There were so many Guawazi at the scene, why did Xiaobai grab her? ?

"Look at Xi'er, Xi'er is still jumping around. Xiaobai, go and catch her." Liuliu diverted the trouble to the east. When he saw Xi'er jumping around, as if she had lost her rein, she immediately pointed it out to Xiaobai. .

Sure enough, Xiaobai let her go and went to catch Xi'er.

Xi'er quickly ran back and stood up, and said with a smile: "hiahiahia, this Guawazi Liuliu tipped off the news, she is a bad child, we don't want to like her."

Liuliu quarreled with her immediately, but Xiaobai didn't care, and she went to catch other children.

Teacher Jiang looked at the scene in front of him and said to Zhang Tan with a wry smile: "It's really lively and full of energy. My mentality is more than ten years younger."

Zhang Tan asked Teacher Xiaoliu and the others to take action, but Xiaobai couldn't handle this group of melons. Xiaobai could only deal with the youngest and older children of Liuliu and others, 5, 6, 7, and 8 years old, but she was powerless. She was not even 5 years old, and they didn't listen to her.

Under the organization of the little teachers, the children stood in line and handed them over to Teacher Jiang.

I was busy until about 9 o'clock that night and recorded more than a dozen times. When the children were about to go crazy collectively, Teacher Jiang finally let them go.

"It seems there is still an out-of-tune sound." Zhang Tan said to Teacher Jiang when he listened to the final version.

Teacher Jiang said: "He will fix the sound later and it will be perfect! Don't worry."

After hearing this, Zhang Tan thought that maybe he could record songs, as long as he had a sound engineer.

Zhang Tan: "Okay, thank you for your hard work, Teacher Jiang. Today is finally over."

Teacher Jiang: "The melody of this song "Little White Boat" is very beautiful. I have never heard it before. It should be the original work of Teacher Zhang."

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