Dad Academy

Chapter 2558 The silly kid who gloats over other people’s misfortunes

If Yu Qin wants to get close to Zhang Tan, he needs to establish a personal relationship, not just a working relationship like now.

And the most effective way to establish a personal relationship is to establish contact between the two families.

His wife thought for a while and made a suggestion: "Isn't Xiaoyou's birthday coming up in a few days? Invite Xiaobai to attend. They are both children, so they will definitely have something to talk about."

Yu Qin asked in surprise: "Xiaoyou is 16 years old, and Xiaobai is just eight years old! There is a generation gap between the two."

His wife said: "They are both children, and they are both girls! How can there be a generation gap? No problem!"

Yu Qin said again: "Xiaoyou will invite many of her classmates and friends that day. Can Xiaobai chat with them when she comes?"

"I'll tell Xiaoyou about it later."

Yu Qin thought for a while and said: "How about this, in addition to inviting Xiaobai, invite Mr. Zhang's goddaughter as well. In that case, Xiaobai will have a companion and won't be bored."

His wife asked curiously: "Who is Mr. Zhang's goddaughter?"

"It's a little girl named Tan Xier, who is cute, likes to laugh, and looks happy."

His wife said: "Then find a chance to invite Zhang Tan in the next two days, and I'll talk to Xiaoyou. . "

"I will be with Zhang Tan tomorrow and I will mention it to him then."

Yu Qin was about to take a shower when he finished speaking. At this time, his wife Wan Zhen followed him and suddenly said, "Have you seen the news? That Sun Jianrong mentioned "The Matrix" in an interview today, and what he said was not very nice."

Yu Qin stopped and turned around and asked, "Sun Jianrong? What did he say?"

Wan Zhen said, "He complained that the theater company gave too many screenings and gave them too few, so the box office of the two movies was so different."

Yu Qin sneered and said disdainfully, "He is stubborn. His own movie is obviously not good, but he blames the screening. If his movie is good, can the theater company not increase the number of screenings for him? Who would not make money if there is money to be made? He is putting the cart before the horse, making specious arguments, and making excuses for himself. Don't pay attention to him."

At the same time, in the Little Red Horse Academy, Xiao Bai was excitedly applying to Zhang Tan that she wanted to visit the art museum with Xiaomi tomorrow.

"Bring Xiwawa and Xiao Xiaobai, Xiaomi will go, Chengcheng will go, Liuliu and Dudu will go, everyone will go."

Xiaobai has already made plans, this is not to apply to Zhang Laohan, but to notify him.

Zhang Tan asked what time tomorrow, Xiaobai said that he would go to the art museum at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Zhang Tan said embarrassedly: "But I have a meeting at the company tomorrow morning, I must attend."

The meeting tomorrow morning is the semi-annual summary meeting of Xiaohongma Film and Television Company, and he must attend as the chairman.

Xiaobai seemed to have thought of this a long time ago, so he immediately said: "It's okay, it's okay, old man, you go, we can ask sister Jin'er to take us, sister Jiamin will also go, we can take care of ourselves, we can still have fun without you."

Zhang sighed: "..."

Seeing that her old man was silent, Xiaobai thought he was unhappy because she couldn't go to play with him, so she volunteered to say: "Old man, do you want to play with us too? What meeting are you going to have tomorrow? Tell me, I will ask for leave for you. Who should I call? Is it Brother Xiaoguang?"

She naturally picked up the mobile phone that her old man had placed beside her, and then skillfully unlocked the power-on password, and said that she was going to call and ask for leave for her old man.

Zhang sighed in his heart, I am the chairman, who else can I ask for leave from? If I don't go, this meeting can't be held.

He explained the reason to Xiaobai, who understood and patted his shoulder, comforting him not to be sad, "Don't be sad, old man, I won't abandon you. I'll go explore the way tomorrow. If it's fun, I'll take you there next time. We'll go by ourselves. I'll take you there whenever you're free, okay?"

Why does this sound like coaxing a child? Zhang Tan expressed his gratitude, and Xiaobai ran to find Xiaomi and the others happily. They gathered together to discuss how to play tomorrow.

The next morning, Zhang Tan went out to the company early. Before he went out, he happened to meet Tan Jiner coming to the school with Xiao Xiaobai and Xier. Xiao Xiaobai was carrying a yellow cartoon backpack, which was bulging. I don't know what was in it, and there was a water bottle hanging around his neck. Xier was carrying a yellow duck bag, which was also bulging, and there was a water bottle hanging around her neck.

The two looked like they were going on a long journey.

As soon as they saw Zhang Tan leaving, they greeted him with laughter. Xiao Xiaobai, the silly child, laughed particularly happily, waved loudly and said, "Uncle, you can't go play with us - hahaha~~~~~"

I don't know what she laughed at, and this laughter sounded very gloating. I really want to pinch her cheeks and make her cry.

"Jin'er, you've worked hard today." Zhang Tan said to Tan Jin'er.

"It's not hard, you can go to the company without worry." Tan Jin'er spoke gently, giving people a quiet power.

Zhang Tan said, "I gave the car keys to Xiaobai, you can go upstairs to Xiaobai later."

Tan Jin'er said, "We can take a taxi. If you want to use the car, you can drive."

Zhang Tan said, "It's inconvenient to take a taxi, and the weather is hot, so it's better to drive. As for me, there is a company car to pick me up, you can use it without worry, but pay attention to safety when driving."

Tan Jin'er didn't say anything more after hearing this, and reminded him to pay attention to safety on the road.

Outside the academy, the company's black car had arrived. Zhang Tan said goodbye to them and got in the car and left. He thought that he should really buy another car. Having two cars at home is not a waste.

Shortly after Zhang Tan left, Tan Jin'er also left the Little Red Horse Academy with a few children, planning to go directly to Pujiang Art Museum to meet Xiaomi and the others.

On the other side, after Zhang Tan arrived at the company, he sat in the office for a while, and then, at Wang Wenming's reminder, he came to the conference room next door.

Everyone has arrived, all of whom are senior managers of Little Red Horse Film and Television Company. Only Zhang Tan's seat is empty.

Zhang Tan walked forward into the conference room and sat down at the main table. Office director Wang Wenming followed him into the conference room, turned around and closed the door of the conference room, then sat down in a seat at the back of the conference room, took out his notebook and pen, and prepared to take meeting minutes.

After Zhang Tan sat down, he smiled and said, "Everyone is in good spirits."

Everyone is high-spirited and full of vitality. On the one hand, they are all young people. Among these people, the eldest are general manager Wu Zebing and deputy general manager Li Qing, both of whom are 35 years old. The others are They are in their twenties and thirties, and the whole team is full of enthusiasm. On the other hand, of course, the hit movie "The Matrix" is a hit in terms of word-of-mouth and box office, which makes everyone see a bright future.

The second and third parts of "The Matrix" are still waiting. According to preliminary estimates, this trilogy should bring tens of billions of box office revenue to the company, catching up with the market value of many listed companies.

Zhang Tan's tone was relaxed, and the atmosphere in the conference room became more relaxed and everyone was beaming.

General Manager Wu Zebing said with a smile: "The reputation and box office of "The Matrix" are currently rising, and other film and television projects are also in full swing. Everyone's mental state and work motivation are very good. When the "Matrix" project was originally launched, We encountered many setbacks. Except for ourselves, no one else had confidence, were worried, and were afraid that the investment would be in vain. It was the chairman who was far-sighted and strategized, who gave us enough confidence to push the project forward, and this is what we dedicated to the audience. A science fiction masterpiece, it also left a mark on China Film and Television.”

Wu Zebing took advantage of the topic and told Zhang Tan tactfully that everyone is in good spirits because of your correct leadership and overcoming all opinions, so that "The Matrix" can be released. Now that the movie is so popular, everyone sees a bright future, so You will be in good spirits.

Wu Zebing continued without pausing: "With the correct leadership of the chairman and the concerted efforts of everyone, the company's performance in the past six months has been booming, continuing the good momentum of upward growth in the past year, and all undertakings have advanced. It went very well. I propose that before the meeting, everyone give a warm applause to the chairman and the company, wishing the company smooth sailing and prosperity.”

As he took the lead in applauding, everyone in the conference room applauded enthusiastically. Zhang Tan also applauded, thinking that I just said that everyone was in good spirits, and Wu Zebing did a rainbow fart, and also The old sow is really wearing a bra, one set after another, and her ability to flatter is comparable to that of a pomegranate.

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