Dad Academy

Chapter 2557 Personal Relationship

Zhongcheng Film Company's President Yu invited Zhang Tan to dinner to thank him. After dinner, he went back to Little Red Horse Academy with him.

When President Yu opened the trunk of the car, Zhang Tan found that it was full of snacks.

Seeing Zhang Tan's surprised expression, he smiled and said, "It's specially prepared for Xiaobai and the others. I usually eat more of their food, so I feel embarrassed. This time I made money, so I'll give them back a little."

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "It's good. It's easy to borrow again."

But in his heart, you don't feel embarrassed when you eat children's snacks. I think you feel good about it. You don't blush or feel nervous. You are justified. Last time, you made Xiao Xiaobai cry.

Zhang Tan stepped forward to help carry some snacks, and President Yu's driver also took a lot of them. President Yu walked in front happily, thinking that everyone would be surprised to see him coming with a full load.

However, to his disappointment, when he appeared at Little Red Horse Academy, the first people he met were Xiaoxiao and Xiaoyouyou. The two children raised their heads to look at this stranger. Just when Xiaoxiao was still confused about who this was, Xiaoyouyou, a child with face blindness, shouted.

"Oh no - oh no - Mr. Yu, who eats children's snacks, is here again - everyone run -"

With her shout, the children in the Little Red Horse Academy scattered like birds and beasts. Those who didn't know Mr. Yu were stunned and dragged away by other children who ran away.

Mr. Yu was embarrassed and stood there.

Zhang Tan looked at Xiaoyouyou in shock. This was even more surprising than when he suddenly saw Mr. Yu's car trunk full of snacks!

Xiaoyouyou actually recognized Mr. Yu! ! !

Isn't she face blind? ? ?

She could recognize Liuliu and Dudu, who she often saw on weekdays, but she was the first to recognize Mr. Yu, who she had only met once or twice! ! !

This is unscientific! ! !

Zhang Tan stared at Xiao Youyou in shock, and Xiao Youyou also noticed his gaze and stared at him.

Zhang Tan seriously suspected that the person in front of him was not Xiao Youyou, but a fake Xiao Youyou.

He squatted down, stretched out his hand to pinch Xiao Youyou's tender little face, and asked: "Are you Xiao Youyou?"

Xiao Youyou did not answer, but angrily stretched out his hand to knock off his big hand that was pinching his face, and stared at him angrily.

Zhang Tan asked: "Do you know who I am?"

Xiao Youyou said: "You are Xiaobai's father."

Well, this is Schrödinger's Xiao Youyou, sometimes it seems real, and sometimes it seems fake.

Suddenly, a roar came out, and Dudu and Liuliu ran out with guns and sticks, looking like they were going to deal with President Yu, treating President Yu as a flood beast.

"Where is President Yu? Is President Yu here? ? ? "

Zhang Tan looked at President Yu, thinking to himself, how many things have you done to make the children hate you so much?

Even the driver brought by General Manager Yu was stunned and stole several glances at his boss.

General Manager Yu was a little embarrassed, coughed dryly, and hurriedly explained to Liuliu and Dudu who were shouting and killing: "Liliu, Dudu, don't be impulsive, don't misunderstand! I'm not here to eat your snacks, I'm here to give you snacks, look!"

Liliu saw Zhang Tan and the other two carrying large and small bags, and was surprised from the bottom of her heart: "So many!"

General Manager Yu said: "Yes, I sent it to you. Don't you have a lot of children here? Everyone has a share, everyone come, Liuliu, you are responsible for helping to distribute it to everyone, okay? Dudu, you are responsible for calling everyone out and maintaining order, how about it?"

This directly assigned tasks to Liuliu and Dudu, without giving them any chance to think.

Liuliu was overjoyed and immediately accepted the task, praising General Manager Yu: "You are a very nice person!"

Dudu also hurriedly threw away the stick in his hand, thinking that General Manager Yu was a very nice person.

President Yu smiled and said, "Don't throw away the stick in your hand. Keep it. It can be used to maintain order."

"Hehehe~~" Dudu laughed dryly. President Yu, who was just being shouted at and killed, became the cutest person at this moment. She picked up the stick and ran to the classroom to call everyone to come out and share snacks.

The children were originally peeking at the door and window. At this moment, they all came out after hearing Dudu's call. Under Dudu's protection, they lined up in a long line.

Dudu ran to the balcony on the third floor and shouted to the top of his head: "Xiaobai - come down and line up for snacks!"

On the balcony, Xier stuck out her little head and said, "I know, Dudu, we'll come down right away."

Xiaobai, who was observing President Yu with a telescope on the balcony, was a little uncomfortable to see that President Yu was not doing evil this time, so he took Xiao Xiaobai and Xier downstairs.

After this night, President Yu's popularity in the Little Red Horse Academy improved significantly. When he left, several children personally sent him out and wished him a safe journey.

On the way home, Mr. Yu was resting his eyes when he suddenly said, "Everyone was so enthusiastic just now."

The driver was stunned, wondering if he was talking to him?

But there was no third person in the car except him and the boss, and he noticed through the rearview mirror that the boss was not on the phone, which meant that he was really talking to him.

The driver was also a smart person, otherwise he would not have been arranged to drive for the boss.

He was just stunned for a while, and soon said: "Children are the most genuine. If they like you in their hearts, then they like you. If they don't like you, they will decide not to force you. When you were leaving just now, everyone was reluctant to let you go and sent you to the door. This shows that everyone likes you sincerely, or that you are friendly. I don't have this treatment, haha."

General Yu laughed a few times, chatted with the driver for a few more words, and then stopped talking, continuing to close his eyes and rest.

The driver saw this and stopped talking, closed his mouth, and concentrated on driving.

While driving, he was thinking about what the boss meant by suddenly saying these words to him just now.

He didn't think that the boss was just chatting casually, there must be a purpose, and the purpose has been expressed, and he just needs to understand it.

He quickly thought that it was probably because the boss was afraid that he loved to eat children's snacks, so that the reputation of children shouting and killing him when they saw him would spread, so he said these words just now to prove that he was very popular with children.

After thinking this through, the driver secretly told himself that he couldn't say a word about what happened tonight.

The car arrived at his underground parking lot. Mr. Yu got out of the car, told the driver to drive slowly on the way back, and then went home.

His wife heard the door open and appeared in the living room as soon as she heard it, asking, "Did you drink?"

Yu Qin said, "No."

His wife is a university teacher. Although Yu Qin is a billionaire, his wife is still teaching and not a full-time wife.

"Didn't you invite Zhang Tan to dinner tonight? How can you not drink a little?" Yu Qin's wife asked. She was open-minded and knew that it was impossible for her husband not to drink at all. Business entertainment is not that simple.

"Zhang Tan doesn't seem to like drinking." Yu Qin said. He prepared good wine tonight, but Zhang Tan didn't want to touch it at all, so until the meal was over, the bottle of good wine was still placed on the dining table without moving.

Yu Qin's wife asked, "Where is the wine?"

Yu Qin said, "In the car."

"Did you bring it back?"


Yu Qin immediately realized that his wife was blaming him.

Sure enough, when his wife heard that he brought the wine back, she was angry and said, "What can I say about you! If Zhang Tan didn't drink the wine at that time, you wouldn't have given it to him? Even if he didn't drink it at home, wouldn't it be a favor? Why did you bring the wine back?"

Yu Qin quickly apologized, saying that he drank too much today and his head was dizzy all the time.

Then he said, "I was thinking about inviting Zhang Tan to our house one day for a home-cooked meal."

His wife understood as soon as she heard it. Yu Qin wanted to establish a personal relationship with Zhang Tan so that he could be firmly bound and bring him along when there was a project in the future.

She thought about it for a while, shook her head and said, "I'm afraid Zhang Tan won't agree to come. It's too eager for quick success and too obvious to invite him to our house suddenly. It's not good."

Yu Qin spread his hands and asked, "Then what do you say we should do?"

Something delayed me tonight. I didn't get home until after eleven o'clock, so I can only update one chapter.

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