Dad Academy

Chapter 2539 is about to be released

Malanhua has always been in good health. She is like a robot. She works tirelessly, and never stops after working outside and at home.

In short, she can always find work for herself, as if she can't stand herself stopping and has to find something to do.

She never complains of being tired. When she sees Bai Jianping and Xiaobai being lazy, she will remind them, but if they don't listen, forget it, and she will continue to work silently.

She also wants to cultivate Xiaobai into a hardworking character, but it seems to have failed. This idiot not only did not develop the habit of hard work, but also formed a "girlfriend group who only wants to play and not work" and became the leader.

This is simply a provocation to her Malanhua's majesty, and several years of education have completely failed.

Malanhua summarized the reason for the failure, not because she was not strict, but because of the appearance of Zhang Tan.

With the support of the old man, Xiaobai, the idiot, became spoiled and blatantly stopped working, and dared to confront her.

The key is that she can't do anything with Xiaobai.

Give her a few more years, Xiaobai will definitely be a hard-working little bee.

After the doctor's reminder, Bai Jianping's mind suddenly emerged with those life fragments that he had not paid attention to before, and connected together.

He remembered that Lao Ma always fell asleep after lying down for a while, but he didn't remember when she started to toss and turn, and the bed creaked.

He also remembered that Lao Ma would hold her waist with her hands when cooking, and she would let go as soon as he walked into the kitchen.

These details all show that Lao Ma did have a problem with her waist.

If it hadn't been for this physical examination, Lao Ma would probably have been stubborn and silent.

Just now, Lao Ma almost fooled him, but fortunately Bai Jianping listened carefully.

After listening to the doctor's detailed explanation, they immediately took Malanhua to the hospital next door for examination and treatment.

"I told you not to go, it's just a small problem, not as serious as the doctor said."

On the way there, Malanhua was still nagging, thinking that it was a small problem and everyone's reaction was making a fuss.

Bai Jianping said unhappily: "You will regret it when you can't stand up straight anymore."

Xiaobai and Xiaoxiaobai looked at him in surprise, and were shocked that their uncle dared to be so fierce to their aunt.

Xiaoxiaobai asked her aunt in a "low voice": "Uncle is so loud, isn't he afraid that my aunt will scold him?"

Xiaobai quickly covered her little mouth and signaled her to speak softly.

Xiaoxiaobai blinked her big eyes and saw her grandfather staring at her.

However, what surprised them even more was that their aunt did not quarrel with their uncle, but remained silent, as if she obeyed their uncle.

Xiaobai felt that her uncle and aunt were a little strange today.

The group went to the hospital next door, registered, and lined up. Malanhua did have a problem with lumbar muscle strain, but fortunately it was only mild. The main reason was that it was discovered early and the medicine was prescribed. If they paid more attention in their future life, there would not be too many problems.

Everyone was relieved and left the hospital. Xiaobai and Xiaoxiaobai saw an aquarium not far away and shouted to go to the aquarium to play.

Today was a rare day for the whole family to gather together. Xiaobai was particularly excited. Zhang Tan could understand her mood. After asking for everyone's opinions, he turned to the aquarium.

Xiaoxiaobai was also very excited. She picked up her phone watch and called Liuliu's video to broadcast it live.

Liuliu had this expression throughout the whole process: (д;)

She didn't even want to talk. She was really annoyed by Xiaoxiaobai's questions, so she responded as if to deal with it.

Malanhua rarely urged Xiaobai and the others today. Instead, she patiently accompanied the children to look around and took the initiative to share the bear drink with them.

When they came out of the hospital, it was almost eleven o'clock in the morning. After arriving at the aquarium, it was time for lunch not long after they visited it. Because they hadn't finished visiting the aquarium yet, Zhang Tan chose a restaurant in the aquarium. After eating here, everyone could continue to visit.

This restaurant is located in an aquarium. What is very unique is that there is bulletproof glass under your feet, which is transparent. Under your feet is a large water tank with various marine fish swimming around leisurely. There are even sharks staying under people's feet, motionless, very comfortable.

There are many children in the restaurant. After entering the restaurant, they squat on the ground and look down at the fish swimming under their feet. Xiaobai and Xiaoxiaobai also do the same.

"Don't look at it yet, come and eat." Zhang Tan urged.

Xiaobai and Xiaoxiaobai then sat back at the table, but they were still excited to introduce the marine fish swimming under their feet to everyone, such as sharks, octopuses, turtles, and colorful fish that could not be named.

Before eating, they had already feasted their eyes.

No wonder this restaurant's business is so good. Just based on this point, it is not comparable to other restaurants.

Zhang Tan peeled a prawn for Xiaobai and Xiaoxiaobai: "Eat quickly, we can continue watching after you are full. Look at grandma and uncle and aunt, they didn't have breakfast and are already hungry."

Xiaobai just remembered and asked grandma if she was hungry.

Teacher Jiang smiled and said she was not very hungry.

But Xiaobai still sent the freshly peeled prawn in the bowl to grandma's bowl: "Grandma, you eat it."

"You can eat it yourself, grandma will peel it herself if she wants to eat it." Teacher Jiang said, "And look at Xiaoxiaobai, her saliva is about to flow out."

Xiaobai patted Xiaoxiaobai who was not doing well, complaining that this little guy was greedy for grandma's prawns.

Xiaoxiaobai laughed awkwardly. When the prawn was brought over just now, she just wanted to taste it, but she watched the prawn being taken away by her aunt, and she couldn't get angry.

She could only lick her fingers, which were stained with dipping sauce.

Teacher Jiang put the prawns into her bowl, and just when she was about to be happy, she suddenly saw her aunt looking at her with a gloomy face, and said: "What's the matter? Do you know how to be polite?"

Xiao Xiaobai quickly put the prawns in the bowl back into grandma's bowl, saying: "I can't eat it, I can't eat it."

Teacher Jiang smiled and took the prawns from Xiao Xiaobai, then she took another one from the plate, peeled it and put it in Xiao Xiaobai's bowl.

"You must be hungry, eat it quickly."

"Thank you grandma~"

After thanking her, Xiao Xiaobai turned around and put the prawns to her aunt, saying obediently: "Aunt, you eat it."

Xiaobai took out her phone watch, clicked it, took a photo, sent it to a few good friends, and then ate seriously.


During the meal, everyone chatted, and Teacher Jiang asked Zhang Tan if there was a new movie coming out soon.

Zhang Tan said, "Yes, The Matrix will be released nationwide tomorrow night."

Bai Jianping said, "This movie has a high investment. I have been in the crew these days and everyone is discussing it. The expectations are very high."

Malanhua also said that she often hears customers talking about this movie in the pancake shop.

Teacher Jiang was delighted, "It will definitely be a big hit at the box office."

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Everyone should go and see it on the day of the premiere. This movie is suitable for the whole family."

Xiao Bai said excitedly, "I have seen it! It is super good, and the fighting is awesome!"

Xiao Xiaobai, who was concentrating on eating shrimp on the side, also raised his head from the bowl and proudly announced, "I have seen it too! It is super good, and the fighting is awesome!"

They went to the Little Red Horse Film and Television Company to participate in the internal preview of The Matrix.

"Uncle, haven't you and aunt seen it?"

Xiao Bai asked knowingly.

Bai Jianping admitted that he had not seen it.

Xiao Bai said secretly: "Why didn't you tell me last time? I could have taken you to see it."

Bai Jianping said: "I have to work and don't have time, but it will be released nationwide tomorrow night, I can go to see it with your aunt."

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