Dad Academy

Chapter 2538: A filial son

When it came to drawing blood, Malanhua was the first, and the staff drew six tubes of blood.

Xiaobai grinned at the side, as if she was the one whose blood was being drawn.

And Xiao Xiaobai directly covered his eyes with his hands, not daring to look.

When Malanhua finished drawing blood, Xiaobai hurriedly stepped forward to help her and asked with concern: "Auntie, are you feeling dizzy? Come and sit there quickly."

Malanhua said: "I am very well, not dizzy at all. I just want to eat."

Xiaobai said: "I'll give you food after the examination. You can't eat yet."

She stared at the needle point where her aunt was pressing the needle with alcohol cotton, and was concerned about whether her aunt was in pain.

Malanhua pressed it a few times and threw away the alcohol cotton. She also pulled down her sleeves and said it didn't hurt at all.

Bai Jianping came in second, and five tubes of blood were drawn from him.

Bai Jianping asked in confusion: "Why did she smoke six pipes, while I smoked five pipes?"

The staff member said: "This is related to the items of your physical examination. Different physical examination items require different amounts of blood to be drawn."

Bai Jianping asked Ma Lanhua: "Are our physical examination items different?"

Malanhua said: "What do you think? If I am a man and you are a woman, will the project energy be the same?"

Bai Jianping: "..."

Are you a man? My girl?

Before he could speak, it was Teacher Jiang's turn to draw blood. She said with some worry: "I may not have that much blood to draw."

The staff looked at her veins and said, "It's okay, you just need three tubes."

Teacher Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, she felt a warmth in her hand. She looked down and saw Xiaobai standing beside her, holding her hand.

"Grandma, it doesn't hurt. Aunt and uncle both said it doesn't hurt. Don't be afraid." Xiaobai comforted her.

Teacher Jiang nodded: "I was a little nervous at first, but after hearing what Xiaobai said, I really don't feel nervous anymore."

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaobai quickly ran over, took the initiative to hold Teacher Jiang's other hand, and also talked like her little aunt, but...

"Kid, your grandma needs to draw blood from this hand," the staff member said.

Xiao Xiaobai: "..."

With the company of two children, Teacher Jiang's blood drawing went smoothly, although it took a little longer.

With the addition of two children, the physical examination became more interesting.

The sister-in-law and nephew were so busy that they cared more about the results of the physical examination than the three parties involved.

When all the projects were over, they came to a room where a doctor showed them the physical examination report.

Although the test results of some projects have not yet come out, some have already.

The doctor first looked at Teacher Jiang's physical examination report and said: "Every data is basically good, but there is some lack of energy and blood, and the body will be tired..."

As he spoke, he asked Teacher Jiang how he felt and answered Teacher Jiang’s doubts.

Xiaobai was also listening carefully. When the doctor said that grandma was in relatively good health, he breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed his frown.

After Teacher Jiang finished, Xiaobai quickly told grandma: "Don't do any more work in the future. We have a washing machine at home to wash clothes. We don't need you to do it. The old man also bought a dishwasher, so grandma doesn't need to wash the dishes. We still have it at home." There is a robot that mops the floor. Grandma, why don’t you mop the floor? You can call me thi. If I’m not here, you can call me Xiaobai. She’s almost grown up. , can work.”

"I can work too, just call me! Call me!"

Xiao Xiaobai vowed, rolled up his sleeves, and looked like he was going to do something big.

Xiaobai said to her: "Don't mess with the sweeping robot anymore. It couldn't move after you made it move last time."

Xiao Xiaobai fell silent for a moment.

Teacher Jiang couldn't hide the smile on her face. She said, "I know, I know, grandma, I am no longer in my seventies."

The doctor smiled and praised: "You are so lucky, your granddaughter is so filial."

Xiao Xiaobai immediately answered confidently: "That's not the case!"

After reading Teacher Jiang's physical examination report, the doctor then picked up Bai Jianping's physical examination report.

"The blood lipids are a bit high, and there are gallbladder polyps... I need to exercise more and take a walk after meals..." the doctor said.

After the doctor finished speaking, Xiaobai interjected: "Uncle, you have to work more. Don't just lie at home and watch TV after work. If you work, you will get better."

Then he reminded Xiao Xiaobai: "Don't pester your uncle to watch the news broadcast every time."

Xiao Xiaobai seemed to have done something wrong and remained silent again.

Bai Jianping was also extremely angry! !

Just now, Teacher Jiang, you told me to rest more, and then asked me to work more when I got here. Isn't this double standard too obvious? ?

"I can dance too!" Bai Jianping said angrily, and then told the doctor in a meaningful way, "I dance regularly."

"How often do you jump?" the doctor asked.

"I used to dance every three days, but now due to some reasons, I haven't danced for more than half a month." When Bai Jianping said this, he didn't look sideways, and he didn't dare to look to his right.

The doctor said: "You can stick to it. Dancing is a good habit, and it is necessary for people like you who sit for a long time."

Bai Jianping's tone was calm and he said: "I feel the same way. Every time I dance, my body feels much more relaxed and comfortable."

The doctor nodded: "Proper exercise has many benefits for the body."

Suddenly, Malanhua asked: "Doctor, how often is it better for him to dance?"

The doctor said: "In fact, you can jump every day, but you have to pay attention to the amount of exercise. Too much is as bad as too little. Stop immediately when you feel tired."

Bai Jianping said: "Okay, then I will insist on jumping for more than ten minutes every day in the future."

The doctor smiled and nodded, put down his physical examination report, and picked up Malanhua's.

"All the data are good, there is no problem, but does your waist hurt a little?"

Malanhua said: "No."

The doctor said: "According to the report, you have some lumbar muscle strain. Do you have to stand often?"

Malanhua's face changed slightly, and said: "I do have to stand often, but I don't have waist pain."

"It should hurt." The doctor said, "Even if it doesn't hurt much now, it will definitely hurt. You must pay attention to it and protect it well. Don't wait until the pain is unbearable to see a doctor."

Malanhua smiled and said: "Okay, it should be a small problem. I will pay attention to it in the future. Doctor, do I have any other questions?"

The doctor said: "There is nothing else..."

He wanted to remind him about the problem of lumbar muscle strain, but Malanhua interrupted him and said: "That's good, thank you doctor."

He was about to take his physical examination report, and Bai Jianping said in time: "Wait a minute, I have done a physical examination, let's know more details, doctor, what is this lumbar muscle strain, please tell us clearly."

Malanhua said: "Oh, I said there is no problem."

Bai Jianping retorted: "What is no problem? When the doctor said this, I remembered that you had a few nights lying in bed and said that your waist hurt."

"Really, there is no problem." Malanhua said.

Bai Jianping said: "Listen to the doctor if there is any problem."

Teacher Jiang also said: "Lanhua, you must take care of your body and don't be careless."

Zhang Tan also said: "Yes, isn't the physical examination to find out the problem?"

Xiaobai didn't say anything, but she didn't know when she turned on the recording function of her phone watch and recorded the doctor so that she would not forget it later.

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