Dad Academy

Chapter 2536 Big and small conspicuous bags

"This is my dad, this is my dad!"

"My dad, do you know him? He's my dad."

"This guy is my dad!"

"My dad is Dabai, he's my dad, who am I? I'm Xiaoxiaobai~~"

"hiahiahia this is my dad, come and see it——"


In Little Red Horse Academy, Xiaoxiaobai excitedly introduced her dad, Bai Zhiqiang, to all the kids.

Her dad, Bai Zhiqiang, came to pick her up, but considering that the child was currently running away from home, an ordinary pick-up ceremony would definitely not work, and the child would not go with him, so Bai Zhiqiang took the risk and put on the clothes he bought for Tuxedo Mask, dressed up as a handsome guy in "Sailor Moon", and gave Xiaoxiaobai enough face.

Sure enough, when the three-year-old Xiaoxiaobai saw Tuxedo Mask, he jumped up and down with joy, and proudly introduced him to everyone.

Even the parrot in the yard was introduced enthusiastically, and it circled around the grove.

Bai Zhiqiang didn't understand and asked what he was doing. Xiao Xiaobai told him that he was being introduced to the chicks in the woods.

Although it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything, the chicks were actually out, lying in the bushes looking at him.

"Are you proud?"

Bai Zhiqiang was speechless when he heard this, but he couldn't show it. He had to smile and feel relieved.

This was not the first time he wore the tuxedo mask. When the kindergarten was about to have summer vacation, he wore it once to pick up Xiao Xiaobai from the kindergarten and attended Xiao Xiaobai's parent-teacher meeting.

Because this was Xiao Xiaobai's dream, Bai Zhiqiang went all out and cosplayed to please his daughter, which received different responses.

He was confident that the children in the kindergarten might not know their parents' names, but they would definitely remember his name.

This trick really worked. When he wore it again this time, Xiao Xiaobai jumped up and down excitedly, and was particularly friendly to him. He proudly introduced him to all the children.

Xiao Weiwei, Xiao Lizi, Xiao Youyou, Xiao Xiao, Tian Xiaoya and a group of other little ones ran out in a hurry, afraid that they would miss Xiao Xiaobai's father if they were late.

"That's him——"

Xiao Weiwei pointed at the Tuxedo Mask played by Bai Zhiqiang and excitedly introduced it to the friends behind her.

"It's really Tuxedo Mask!"

"Wow, where did it come from?"

"Can I touch him?"

"I want to ask him if he knows Sailor Moon."

"Will he jump onto the roof? Let him jump for us to see."


The children were discussing it all at once, and suddenly Xiao Xiao came up with an idea, that is, she hoped that the Tuxedo Mask in front of her could jump onto the roof like in the cartoon.

Xiao Xiaobai certainly couldn't say no, she said proudly: "Of course my Tuxedo Mask can do it!"

Xiao Xiaoxiao said excitedly: "Xiao Xiaobai, then let him jump for us to see, can he take me to the roof too?"

Tian Xiaoya asked her curiously why she wanted to go to the roof.

Xiao Xiaoxiao said she wanted to go to the roof to get some fresh air and dance.

"Aren't you afraid of falling?!" Tian Xiaoya asked in shock.

Xiao Youyou also expressed concern that a little person like Xiao Xiao would definitely die if she fell from the roof.

This made Xiao Xiao stunned.

At this time, Xiao Xiaobai was already encouraging her father to jump for everyone to see so that she could show her face in front of her friends.

Bai Zhiqiang didn't dare to say anything at all. He couldn't respond to this. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't jump to the roof of the Little Red Horse Academy.

This is three stories high.

"Is he fake?" Xiao Youyou asked.

Tian Xiaoya nodded thoughtfully and thought it might be fake.

Little Leo and Little Weiwei were older than them and more sensible. Of course, they knew what was going on, so they told them: "This is Xiao Xiaobai's father, not the real Tuxedo Mask. Of course, he can't fly. The ones that can fly are in cartoons."

Little Weiwei said: "But that's also very beautiful. I want to take a photo with him. Xiao Xiaobai, can you ask your father? "

"Yes! Absolutely!" Xiao Xiaobai responded with a jump. She was so proud.

With Xiao Weiwei taking the lead, other children also wanted to take photos with Tuxedo Mask. Even though some of them knew that it was played by Xiao Xiaobai's father and not real, they still couldn't stop everyone's enthusiasm.

After everyone took photos with Tuxedo Mask, they didn't express their gratitude to Bai Zhiqiang, but thanked Xiao Xiaobai, the little agent next to them, one by one, and praised her for having a good father.

Xiao Xiaobai's mouth was about to be crooked with laughter.

After finally meeting everyone's requirements and making sure that no one wanted to take photos again, Bai Zhiqiang invited Xiao Xiaobai to go home.

Xiao Xiaobai ran to say goodbye to her aunt, and then followed Bai Zhiqiang obediently.

Bai Zhiqiang was also relieved. He finally brought the little friend home. He finally fulfilled his wife's request. Otherwise, he would have no explanation if he went home alone.

But when passing by Lao Niu's barber shop, Xiao Xiaobai insisted that Bai Zhiqiang go to the shop to say hello, so that she could show off that she had a father in a tuxedo mask.

Bai Zhiqiang was unwilling to go, because there were several people sitting in the shop at the moment, some were getting their hair cut, and some were waiting. It was okay for him to appear in front of the children in this outfit, but he had to run to the adults, which made his face a little hot.

But this three-year-old was angry and refused to go home unless her father went.

Bai Zhiqiang had no choice but to go to the barber shop again. As a conspicuous bag, he wanted to escape from here as soon as possible in the surprised eyes of Lao Niu, Wan Xiaohu and others, while Xiao Xiaobai at his feet held his head high and looked so proud.

Bai Zhiqiang saw this and felt much less embarrassed by the conspicuous bag. It was all for his daughter's happiness. This was his duty as a father and there was nothing to be ashamed of.

He just thought so and soon regretted it.

Because when he was walking through the alley, Xiao Xiaobai, the little conspicuous bag, greeted everyone he met along the way and introduced him to everyone as a big conspicuous bag.

Finally, Bai Zhiqiang couldn't help it and walked away quickly with the little conspicuous bag, not giving Xiao Xiaobai any chance.

Even so, Xiao Xiaobai was still very unhappy when she returned home, complaining that her father walked too fast and didn't give her a chance to greet uncles, aunts and uncles.

Bai Zhiqiang argued: "Dad is just afraid that you will be tired."


I don't know if Xiao Xiaobai believed this introduction, the child ran out of the house again, went upstairs, and said he was going to play with his grandparents.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Bai Jianping lying on the rocking chair in the living room, and the TV was playing the news.

But when Xiao Xiaobai approached, she found that her grandfather was asleep.

But when she got closer, Lao Bai woke up.

Xiao Xiaobai poured a glass of water for her grandfather and handed it to him, saying: "Grandpa, are you tired?"

"Thank you, Grandpa is not tired."

Lao Bai was quite relieved and took the water cup handed over by his granddaughter.

Xiao Xiaobai asked curiously: "Aren't you tired of playing with us kids during the day? I saw you sticking out your tongue, like this, hachi hachi hachi."

Bai Jianping thought to himself, you are a dog!

"I'm really not tired, not at all in the morning." Bai Jianping said stubbornly. In fact, he was so tired that he slept all afternoon after returning home, but he couldn't admit that he was tired in front of his granddaughter, because he had to maintain his tall image.

"Grandpa, if you are not tired, then you can be my big horse. Let's ride big horses at home, okay?" Xiao Xiaobai asked hopefully.

Bai Jianping blurted out without thinking: "You are so beautiful!!! Go play!"

Xiao Xiaobai was shocked that her grandfather said so to her...

When Malanhua returned home, she was still in the corridor and heard crying from her home. The crying was clearly Xiao Xiaobai!

Who bullied Xiao Xiaobai? ?

"Grandma - it's Grandpa!"

Xiao Xiaobai saw Malanhua and pointed at Bai Jianping crying.

Bai Jianping's face changed and he quickly excused himself: "No, Lanhua, listen to me..."

Suddenly, he saw another child appear at the door. It was Xier who came after hearing the sound.

"What's wrong with Xiao Xiaobai?" Xier asked at the door with concern.

Xiao Xiaobai pointed at Bai Jianping again and said that she was crying because her grandfather bullied her.

Bai Jianping hurried to explain again, otherwise he was worried that the little red horse would spread the news of him bullying children tomorrow.

Xier entered the house and comforted Xiao Xiaobai intimately: "Oh, your grandfather will not bully you, he must care about you, don't think too much, your grandfather loves you so much~"

Bai Jianping felt warm in his heart when he heard this. Xiwawa was still sensible and well-behaved. Even if this one in his family was not allowed to ride a big horse, she would cry.

"Grandpa won't let me ride a big horse~" Xiao Xiaobai said pitifully.

Xier, who was comforting Xiao Xiaobai, stopped immediately after hearing this and asked, "Not allowed to ride a big horse?"

Xiao Xiaobai nodded and said "hmm" with tears still hanging on her face.

Who knew that little Tan Xier suddenly changed the subject and said, "That's wrong, it's wrong~"

Bai Jianping: "..."

Fortunately, after hearing the cause and effect of the incident, Malanhua did not blame her. Instead, she called Xiao Xiaobai over and half-educated and half-reprimanded her to reason with her, which frightened Xiao Xiaobai so much that she didn't dare to talk back.

Because her grandmother really knows how to beat her.

She was scared and subconsciously covered her butt with one hand, worried that she would be beaten there.

After Malanhua explained the reason, she asked Xiao Xiaobai if she understood.

Xiao Xiaobai was confused, and she had to say that she understood even if she didn't understand, and nodded quickly, like a woodpecker. She was now very afraid that her grandmother would beat her if she didn't agree with her grandmother. Her grandmother's expression and tone looked so fierce.

Malanhua asked, "Then tell grandma the reason."

Xiao Xiaobai: "..."

She hesitated, and never expected that grandma would ask her to repeat the reason! !

How could she say this! She didn't understand what he said.

So she looked at Xier and asked her sister Xier to help quickly.

Xier rolled her eyes and said loudly: "It's respecting the old and loving the young, we should do this."

Facing danger, Xiao Xiaobai's brain became much smarter. Hearing this, he quickly agreed and said loudly: "Yes! We should respect the old and love the young! We should do this!"

Seeing the scrutinizing eyes of her grandmother, she quickly added a few more words loudly to make herself look justified and not guilty at all.

"Yes! Just do it! That's right! We should all do it. Sister Xier, we should all do it."

Xier and her linked: "Yes, we should respect the old and love the young."

Xiao Xiaobai nodded quickly.

Malanhua was quite relieved and let her go for the time being, saying: "Since you said to respect the old and love the young, go and pour a glass of water for grandma."

Xiao Xiaobai hurried to pour water. Fortunately, he had just poured water for Lao Bai once, so he was familiar with the process and quickly brought the water.

Malanhua took it and was about to drink it, but Xiao Xiaobai said, "Grandma, if you don't say thank you, you are impolite."

Malanhua was stunned and said, "Thank you then."

"You're welcome, hehe, I respect the old and love the young."

"Please massage grandma's shoulders again, grandma's shoulders are a little sore."

Xiao Xiaobai said weakly, "I, I want to go home and sleep."

Who knew that grandma was very overbearing, sitting directly in front of her, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Go home after you massage."

Seeing Xiao Xiaobai's reluctance, she said again: "Grandma will take you downstairs after you massage. The corridor is very dark, and there are night cat whiskers. If you go home alone, you will be caught by the night cat whiskers."

When Xiao Xiaobai heard it, she thought it was grandma who scared her at first, but when she turned around, she saw Xier running away, and she heard her voice: "Run home quickly——"

Now Xiao Xiaobai believed it, and massaged grandma's shoulders honestly, and asked grandma to take her home later while massaging.

"I will."

"Thank you."

Bai Jianping looked at this scene and felt very unhappy. Why was it that when he was with Xiao Xiaobai, he served the child in various ways, while when Lao Ma was with Xiao Xiaobai, the child really tried to please her in various ways! !

Xiao Xiaobai was like this, and so was Xiaobai.

It seems that I have to make myself more fierce, because only when I am fierce can I be majestic. Bai Jianping thought so.

Xiao Xiaobai helped grandma massage her shoulders, like a little maid, being ordered around, and could not complain, but had to thank and please.

This world of difference made Bai Jianping envious.

Xiao Xiaobai suddenly thought of her aunt's advice and said, "Grandma, my aunt said that you don't have to go to the store to work tomorrow, you have to wait for her at home, you are going to the hospital."

"I know, grandma won't go to the store tomorrow morning." Malanhua responded, and then asked Bai Jianping: "Lao Bai, did you hear that? Did you ask for leave tomorrow morning?"

"Yes." Bai Jianping said.

They have to go to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow. Xiaobai has repeatedly reminded them of this, and Xiaobai arranged this physical examination for them.

Originally, Teacher Jiang had to do a physical examination every six months. This time, Xiaobai thought of his uncle and aunt, so he arranged for them to come in.

At first, Malanhua and Bai Jianping both used work as an excuse not to go, but they were almost hallucinating because of Xiaobai's nagging, and finally agreed.

In fact, they were happy in their hearts.

"Xiaobai is worried that you are not in good health and said that you are weak." Malanhua said.

Bai Jianping was very unhappy when he heard it!

"I am weak??"

"Grandpa, why are you so loud!" Xiao Xiaobai spoke.

Malanhua smiled and said, "Yes, why are you so loud?"

Bai Jianping said embarrassedly, "My voice is so loud, can I be weak?"

Malanhua didn't say anything, which made Bai Jianping feel like punching cotton.

After a while of massage, the child began to complain that he was tired and his hands were sore. Seeing that her grandmother didn't let her rest, she shouted that she wanted to call her aunt. She didn't dare to mention the word "complain", but that's what she meant.

Two chapters merged into one

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