Dad Academy

Chapter 2535 Tuxedo Mask

Zhang Tan changed into sportswear and went out to see that Xiaobai and Xier were already ready. Xiaobai was holding a football in his arms, and Xier was carrying a schoolbag with their water bottles and other snacks and drinks in it, saying that they were for his godfather to supplement his nutrition.

It was obvious who they were for.

"Let's go when you're ready." Zhang Tan waved his hand and took the two children out. The little orange cat followed them step by step and squatted at the door to see them off.

Teacher Jiang also came out and told them: "Go home early when it's getting dark, I'll make dinner."

"Okay, thank you Teacher Jiang." Zhang Tan responded.

"Thank you grandma——"

"Thank you grandma!"

Xiaobai and Xier thanked grandma repeatedly, went downstairs, and came to the yard. Xiaobai ran to tell Lao Li that they were going to play football.

Lao Li thought to himself, what's so proud of this! Look at your little tail! But he said: "You Arsenal are invincible!"

Xiaobai laughed and got what he wanted, so he went back to report.

After Xier called Li Baibai, she took out a bottle of Little Bear Drink from her schoolbag and put it on Lao Li's coffee table, inviting him to drink.

Lao Li didn't pay attention at first, until they left the yard, he realized that it was too late to ask Xier to take it back, so he accepted it, thinking that it would depend on whether Xier came first or Dudu, whoever came first would drink it.

Zhang Tan got into the car with two little followers, and sat in the car to answer the phone, communicating with his teammates.

Xiaobai and Xier sat in the back seat of the car, and Xiaobai dialed Xiaoxiaobai's phone watch.

As soon as Xiao Xiaobai appeared in the camera, Xiaobai couldn't wait to say: "Xiao Xiaobai, look at us, we are going to play football, it's fun, if you didn't leave, you can go with us."

She thought that Xiao Xiaobai would be envious, but she didn't expect that this kid would happily show off the dolls hanging all over his body, and said proudly: "hiahiahia, auntie, look, I have a lot of dolls on my body, all of which were hung by Dudu for me! Hahaha~~~"

This little guy didn't mention playing football at all, and was immersed in the joy of being covered with dolls.

Xiaobai and Xier stared at the small screen, and saw that Xiao Xiaobai was indeed hung with a lot of dolls, and Dudu also appeared behind Xiao Xiaobai and was still hanging dolls for her.

Xiao Xiaobai was so happy that she shouted, "I am the little princess among dolls!"

Xiaobai warned her, "These dolls are all from Dudu. Don't think about taking them away, or I will be angry."

Xiao Xiaobai shouted, "I am very polite. I will not take Dudu's little baby."

Xiaobai praised her a few words, and Xiao Xiaobai became even more excited. She said that not only would she not take Dudu's dolls, but she would not drink Dudu's water or eat Dudu's snacks!

While they were chatting, Zhang Tan drove to the football field.

This is an indoor stadium. The open-air stadium in summer is too hot and not suitable for exercise.

"Mr. Zhang! Here!"

As soon as Zhang Tan appeared, someone noticed him and waved at them from a distance.

Zhang Tan saw that there were already seven or eight people there, some of whom were acquaintances who often played football.

"Are all the people here?" Zhang Tan asked.

The young man who waved just now replied, "There are still four or five who haven't arrived yet."

Immediately, he introduced the other unfamiliar faces, saying, "This is Mr. Zhang. You all know who Mr. Zhang is! There's no need for me to introduce him in detail."

These people greeted Zhang Tan one after another, and some of them were so familiar with him that they asked to add WeChat when they met.

"Mr. Zhang, is this your daughter?" Someone noticed Xiaobai and Xier.

Xiaobai and Xier stood together without saying anything, and Zhang Tan replied, "Yes, they came to accompany me."

"The little cotton-padded jacket is so thoughtful."

Everyone praised them.

Xiaobai and Xier grinned at them politely, looking a little shy.

Someone said, "Mr. Zhang's daughter is so quiet and ladylike."

Quiet? Lady? Zhang Tan was surprised, but didn't explain. He chuckled twice and started to warm up with everyone, moving their bodies to avoid injuries during the game.

After they left, Xiaobai and Xier started to talk in a low voice.

Xiaobai laughed secretly: "I didn't say a word, but they said I was a quiet lady, hahaha~"

Xier nodded and said: "Xiaobai, you are not quiet, you are not quiet at all."

Xiaobai said: "I am very lively and I love sports."

Xier said: "You are a female man."

Xiaobai: "..."

Xier: "It was Liuliu who said that."

Liuliu, who was sleeping far away at home, suddenly felt an itch in her nose and sneezed loudly, which woke her up from her dream. She was very unhappy because she was about to eat skewers in her dream, and it was gone? ?

As the players gradually arrived at the stadium, Zhang Tan also finished warming up. He came to the sidelines. Xiaobai immediately handed him water. Zhang Tan took a sip and told her and Xier not to run around, just sit here, and then went on the court.

Xiaobai and Xier sat on the bench and chatted.

Xiaobai asked: "Xiwa, do you think my old man can score a goal?"

Xier thought for a while and said: "Yes."

"How many?" Xiaobai asked.


"How many is many?"


"...I am a very capable old man, but not as capable as you."

"You don't have confidence in your godfather?"


The two were particularly concerned about Zhang Tan's football and kept cheering him on, hoping that he would score more goals.

But after the whole game, Zhang Tan only scored three goals.

Zhang Tan thought he would be praised, but Xier actually complained about why he only scored three goals.

Seeing that his godfather didn't say anything, Xier looked like he was humbly accepting education, so she continued like a little adult: "Godfather, you have to continue to practice. If you ask Dudu to play, Dudu can score many goals."

Zhang Tan humbly accepted: "I will continue to work hard. Xier will supervise me next time."

"Okay, I will supervise you." Xier said happily.

"Old man, drink some water."

Xiaobai brought mineral water, and Zhang Tan drank most of the bottle in one breath, then wiped the sweat off his face, said hello to everyone, and took Xiaobai and Xier home.

When they got home, it was already six o'clock in the evening. Teacher Jiang had already prepared dinner, and they could eat after washing their hands.

After dinner, the lights in the yard were on, and there were sounds of children playing.

There were children arriving one after another.


It was Xiao Xiaobai's voice.

The little girl had a dinner at Dudu's house, and now Xiao Hongma came with Dudu.

Not long after she arrived at the academy, her father also came.

As soon as her father Bai Zhiqiang appeared, he attracted the attention of all the children. Everyone gathered around him, talking and staring, because Bai Zhiqiang was wearing a night gown and masked costume, and his cosplay was very good.

"This is my dad, this is my dad~"

Xiao Xiaobai squeezed in from the outside of the crowd, shouting not to steal her dad.

Bai Zhiqiang really made the right bet. If he didn't dress like this, Xiao Xiaobai would not pay attention to him, let alone take her home. How could she take the initiative to come over to recognize her relatives like now!

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