Dad Academy

Chapter 2514 This is your strength

When Liuliu heard that Xiaobai wanted to make her into a Bobo snake, she immediately stopped talking and expressed her resistance with silence.

Without Liuliu causing trouble, everyone can finally continue talking about business.

Xi'er came up with an idea and said that she could let Uncle Bai sing the song "Have a Happy Journey".

This song is the most popular now. It is the graduation season. This farewell song resounds in the streets and alleys, especially on university campuses, and can be heard every day.

This song is Wang Dashan’s latest single.

The song was a good song, but it was not suitable, so it was quickly rejected by everyone.

Everyone discussed and discussed, but no one had a good idea.

So I pinned my hopes on Xie Xiaoxu and asked him to write a song tailored for Uncle Bai.

Xie Xiaoxu kept wiping sweat on the phone, but he couldn't say that he couldn't do it. He agreed first and then thought about it later.

You can write songs, but the problem is the quality of the songs.

He asked: "What kind of person is Uncle Bai? Tell me so I can tailor it."

Xiao Xiaobai raised her little hands high, this time she had the right to speak.

But she didn't dare to say it directly, fearing that her little aunt would use Bobo to collect her and then make Bobo Chicken.

She looked at her little aunt with eyes full of expectation.

Xiaobai said: "Say it."

Xiao Xiaobai immediately told Xie Xiaoxu that her uncle loved dancing and watching the news.

Xie Xiaoxu found a pen and notebook there and wrote down these words.

After Xiao Xiaobai said it, everyone was talking about Bai Jianping.

"He's a serious guy."

"His dancing is so funny, hiahiahia~~~"

"He's afraid of Aunt Ma~"

"He's so funny. I like talking to him."

"I also like Uncle Bai very much."

"Uncle Bai is a good man."

Xie Xiaoxu was busy writing on the other end of the phone. Generally speaking, everyone's evaluation of Bai Jianping was mainly positive. If Bai Jianping heard this, he would probably burst into tears. The children are really eagle-eyed and understand him so well.

After the evaluation, Xie Xiaoxu confidently said that he could write a song tomorrow.

Xiaobai thanked him again. After hanging up the phone, Liuliu came over and said, "Xie Xiaoxu is unreliable. Xiaobai, you can't rely on him to write songs. You have to think of a way. I think Boss Zhang is the powerful one. We should ask Boss Zhang to write songs.”

What kind of song did he write by Xie Xiaoxu? She couldn't even listen to the song "Collecting Rags Together" by Xiao Xiaobai.

Thinking like this, Liuliu glanced at Xiaobai next to him. This little fool was still mumbling and humming Bobo Chicken. She was probably poisoned by Bobo Chicken.

After discussing the main business, Xiaobai invited everyone to watch cartoons together.

Xi'er clamored to watch "Dora the Adventures", but Xiaobai wanted to watch "Cardcaptor Sakura" or "Windmill and Fake Sophistication".

Xiaomi said: "Xiaobai, I won't watch anymore. I have to go down and help Teacher Xiaoliu take care of the children."

With that said, she went out.

The other children stayed behind. Liuliu, Dudu and Xiaobai stood in front of the TV, staring at the cartoon characters inside with great interest.

Suddenly, Liuliu said loudly: "Xiaobai - I'm so thirsty, please give me some teal."

Xiao Xiaobai immediately came to his aid: "Auntie, bring me a bottle of bear drink."

Pomegranates: →_→

But Xiaobai said: "Drink a shovel! You have to sleep with me tonight. If you drink the bear drink, you will wet the bed."

Xiaobai hiahia laughed, amused by the fact that she always wets the bed.

She didn't want to, and she was helpless.

Not long after, Zhang Tan came up from downstairs. Seeing how lively the house was, he smiled and said hello. Seeing that the fruit plate on the coffee table was empty, he found some grapes from the refrigerator, washed them and gave them to the children.

"You watch cartoons. If you have anything, just call me and I'll go to the study." Zhang Tan said and went to the study, not noticing a little tail following behind him.

He didn't notice until he was about to close the study door.

"Xiaobai, is something wrong?"

"Old man, are you busy?" Xiaobai asked.

"I'm not busy now, what's wrong?"

Zhang Tan is actually quite busy. "The Matrix" is about to be released nationwide, so he has a lot to do.

However, his time is always given to Xiaobai first.

"Hoohoho~~~" Xiaobai secretly laughed. She told her about writing a song for her uncle, and then asked, "Old man, can you write a song?"

"Okay, what kind of song do you want to write?" Zhang Tan asked, just find a song in his mind.

Xiaobai said: "I want my aunt to be happy and not angry after hearing this."

Zhang Tan said: "That's actually for an apology, right? Your uncle has annoyed your aunt, and now your uncle wants to sing to please you. Okay, I understand, I'll cover it. When do you want it?"


The caring little cotton-padded jacket is not polite at all. When writing songs, it is like buying groceries. Just go to the vegetable market.

Anyone who writes a song normally would not be able to finish it in ten days and half a month.

However, when her old man wrote songs, he really just went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

"No problem, just wait and pick up the songs tomorrow. How many do you want?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai was stunned, how many more songs? "How many songs can you write, old man?"

"Otherwise, in case your uncle sings one song but it doesn't have the effect, I will write two songs for you."

"I have to have it~~Old man, this is your strong point." Xiaobai was envious, "Old man, when are you going to teach me how to do it?"

"Sure, no problem. If you want to learn to write songs, you must first learn music knowledge. Only with knowledge can you write good songs."

"Then teach me the knowledge, old man."

"Okay, let's make a plan, learn a little bit every day, and persevere, you will achieve success."


She went out, not forgetting to gently close the door for the old man.

Soon she came back with a thermos cup in her hand, "Old man, drink some water."

Zhang Tan was flattered: "You brought me water, thank you, thank you."

Xiaobai gave the thermos cup to the old man. Seeing some music symbols on the old man's computer screen, he leaned over to look and asked: "Oh, old man, are you writing songs? What's going on? Do you have any inspiration?"

Zhang Tan said: "I already have some inspiration."

Xiaobai stayed here to watch her old man write songs on the spot.

But she couldn't understand it. After watching for a while, she felt bored. She found an excuse and went out. The cartoons outside were still more interesting.

Xiaobai made an appointment with her friends to meet at Xiaohongma tomorrow morning to discuss business.

After everyone left, Xiaobai took Xiaoxiaobai to the second floor to help the young teachers take care of the left-behind children.

Xiaoxiaobai did this job for the first time, and it was fresh and full of honor. She was busy running around and almost annoyed Tian Xiaoya to death.

When Zhang Tan went downstairs to find them, they happened to meet the two of them walking home in the corridor. Xiaobai was teaching Xiaoxiaobai how to take care of sleeping children.

Xiaoxiaobai listened very seriously and nodded repeatedly.

"Finally finished? I was going to come over to help you." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai said: "No, no, old man, it's more important for you to write songs. What's going on? Have you finished the song?"

"I've written it."

"Haha, I know, this is your strong point."

Xiaobai immediately wanted to see the song written by the old man, but Zhang Tan told her that it was very late now, and they had to wash and go to bed, and they could look at the song tomorrow.

Xiaobai thought about it and agreed, and took Xiaoxiaobai into the bathroom together. Soon, the singing of the two came from inside, and it sounded like they were having a lot of fun.

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