Dad Academy

Chapter 2325 I want to ask Dudu to be my heroine

Although Xiaobai called her a lady again, Liuliu didn't get angry immediately this time. Instead, she laughed, muttered to Guawazi in her heart, and then pretended that it didn't happen and didn't take it to heart.

On a good day, you can't argue with Xiaobai, a melon boy, about your "lady", otherwise, you will fall into Xiaobai melon boy's tricks.

Liuliu's song "Down the Mountain" was shockingly sung. If it had appeared at the Little Red Horse concert that night, it might have brought the atmosphere to a climax again.

The contagious power of pomegranates is no joke.

As an actor's self-cultivation, she can make people go crazy, stir up the atmosphere, and make people at the scene excited.

Even though she was only given a small stage and trapped in a recording studio of more than ten square meters, she gave her the feeling of a concert. The children's emotions were moved by her, especially a few silly children. The children were even more excited than they could control themselves. Even if Liuliu shouted "Follow me" at this moment, they would rush out without hesitation.

As for rushing out for what, who knows.

Let's rush out first.

Xiao Xiaobai shouted slogans to Liliu excitedly and transformed into a little fan girl. It didn't matter whether Liliu sang well or not, it felt good anyway.

As long as Liuliu thinks she sings well, others will think she sings well.

Xiao Xiaobai is always bullied by Liliu, who finds various reasons to suppress her, and tries to tease her even if nothing happens. But there is no other way, and Xiao Xiaobai seems to be good at this.

Even though she was bullied over and over again by Liuliu, she still liked to follow him and be cannon fodder.

Only after being wronged would she go to her little aunt to seek justice.

After Liliu finished singing "Down the Mountain", the atmosphere not only did not cool down, but climbed to the top. She found the children and gave them high fives to celebrate.

People who didn't know better thought she had done something extraordinary, whether she had run five kilometers or broken the high jump record.

Zhang Tan was very considerate to Dayanyan this time and took the initiative to extend his hand and wait for her to give her a high five.

Luoliu didn't roll his eyes at him, but the big Yanyan smiled crookedly.

I have never seen her so happy during filming.


Wang Shilong next to him seemed particularly engaged and excited, even more excited than Liuliu. Zhang Tan became more and more confused about this brother. Should he go back to Wang Wenming to check whether he was Liuliu's distant friend? relative?

“Boss 666 Duck King, I’ll treat you to dinner.”

Liuliu is really passionate about Boss Wang. The two of them feel like Bole and Qianlima.

Gao Ye was happy. Wang Dashan came out to speak and pointed out the mistakes in Liuliu's performance just now. Gradually, the smile on Liuliu's face disappeared and she became dumbfounded.

She obviously sings so well, but why is she so flawless and useless?

Was it a mistake?

"Did you hear Xiao Xiaobai singing?" Liuliu pointed at the silly Xiao Bai and said.

Wang Dashan lowered his head and looked at the innocent little Xiaobai, who also looked at him cutely, not understanding what this had to do with him.

Before he could speak, Xiaobai came over and said to Liliu: "Madam, this is our child. You should be nice to her and don't bully her. She didn't sing just now. It was all singing. You sing." It's a bit interesting, it's all about emotion, but it doesn't work without skills."

Pomegranates: →_→

I hate people who tell the truth the most, who can’t sing well?

snort! ╭(╯^╰)╮

Liuliu gave Xiaobai a roll of her eyes, but Quan pretended not to hear it, and even more pretended not to see the so-called "child paper".

They were "children" with silly smiles on their faces, confused and confused.

This kind of high-end game was not something that a three-year-old child like her could participate in.

What's more, one of them is a thousand-year-old snake spirit.

Xiaobai added: "Just now I saw Dudu covering his ears."

Dudu quickly denied: "I don't, I don't have a duck, I just listen to the duck."

Luoliu glanced at her sideways, →_→

In the end, she chose to trust her good sisters, but she was actually provoked by Xiaobai, because when she was in Little Red Horse Academy, her good sister often wore big headphones and refused to listen to her singing.

"Liuliu, let's sing word for word, and you and I will have a good talk." Wang Dashan said.

Transformed into a music teacher, he looks very serious and has the demeanor of a strict teacher.

First, he made Liuliu so excited that she overturned the roof, then stepped on her to the ground, and then explained to her sentence by sentence, so that Shen Liuliu, who was prone to drifting, would not be so floating.

"Let's go outside, leaving Dashan and Liuliu here." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai wanted to stay and watch Liuliu sing, but Xiaobai drove her away. Why was this little niece so stupid and brainless? She was not smart at all! Even though people often bully her, she still pounces on them regardless of her own safety.

The little white tiger with a little face was kicked out of the recording studio by his little aunt. He turned around and offered the bear drink in his bag to his little aunt like a treasure, acting cute to please her.

Zhang Tan, who came outside to rest, chatted with Wang Shilong and asked some questions about the songwriter of the song "Down the Mountain", and then asked his doubts: "Why is this song called "Down the Mountain"?"

Wang Shilong said: "There is a feeling of a hidden master. He has developed his skills in the mountains. One day, he will go down the mountain to chase his dream. He will pass all the way and risk his own life for the dream... Well, that's what it feels like."

While Zhang Tan listened, he looked at Dudu who was moving the coffee table in the lounge.

Miss Zhao was dressed in a simple and refreshing outfit today. She wore jeans with a center parting and a white T-shirt. The jeans were washed white and turned white. There was a string of English letters on the white T-shirt. There was a big cartoon pattern wearing sunglasses on the back, and she had a bun on her head. With a red ribbon tied on his forehead, he looks refreshed, full of energy, and has nowhere to vent his energy.

As soon as she arrived in the lounge, she took her sights on the coffee table. The coffee table was too close to the sofa, so after Zhu Xiaojing said something casually just now, Dudu rolled up her sleeves to move it and rearrange it.

Xiao Xiaobai acted as a follower and helped, maybe with a little effort.

Zhang Tan suddenly became interested and asked: "Dudu, do you want to sing?"

Dudu was busy moving the coffee table, so he said he didn't want to without thinking.

Singing is not her specialty, nor is it her dream.

Perhaps, her vast world lies in the "body" of morality, intelligence, body and beauty.

Zhang Tan was unwilling to give in and asked: "How about instead of singing, record a MV for Liuliu's song?"

Dudu continued to refuse without hesitation.

She has no time, she is busy now. The joy of labor is not something that a vulgar person like Boss Zhang can appreciate.

The novice who helps me may be able to experience it a little bit, but not much.

Wang Shilong said in his heart, "What a good guy, what a good guy." He rejected Boss Zhang's invitation twice in a row. Boss Zhang's invitation is so precious in the entertainment industry. Countless people are willing to give him a baby monkey just for his invitation.

However, at the moment, this labor-loving child refused without hesitation. He looked like he was abandoning the offer, and his tone was full of the meaning of "Don't bother me, I'm busy."

Zhang Tan stopped talking knowingly. He was also shocked and needed to take some time off.

"Xiao Xiaobai, can you give me the bear drink you just gave me?"

He just saw Xiao Xiaobai offering his bear drink to Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai refused.

Xiao Xiaobai obviously did not expect that this adult would come up with such an unreasonable idea. She thought for a while and said: "Dudu and I have worked hard, and we want to drink."

This was a good excuse. Zhang Tan waved his hand and let them destroy them.

After a while, Liuliu and Wang Dashan came out of the recording studio.

Zhu Xiaojing asked immediately: "Have you learned it?"

Liliu: "I'm a waste of time."

Wang Dashan said: "It takes a few days to learn during the halftime break."

Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan pretended not to hear and went to whisper with the children.

It seems that Dayanyan's love for music far exceeds her talent.

Suddenly, Liuliu and Dudu came to Zhang Tan: "Boss Zhang, I would like to ask Dudu to be my heroine, can you?"

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