Dad Academy

Chapter 2324 Do you like me?

PS: I hope Liuliu will always be carefree and happy.

Wang Dashan was also at the music company that day, so he was invited to teach on the spot as Liliu auditioned songs today.

After all, Liuliu doesn't know how to read music scores.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty~ Where is my song?"

Luliu happily asked Wang Dashan where her exclusive music was.


Wang Dashan was stunned. Are you calling him? But the look in Liuliu's eyes clearly meant she was calling him.

Good guy, Liuliu's habit of giving people nicknames has come back again, and he gave Wang Dashan the nickname "Big King", but it's quite appropriate.

"It's over at the recording studio, let's go there first." Wang Dashan said.

The group of people walked to the recording studio together, passing by the music company's office area along the way, and the busy staff greeted them one after another.

Nowadays, Xiaobai, Xier, Liuliu and others are all very famous here. They are more famous than before and everyone knows them.

After all, these children stole the show at the concert, and that concert made their company steal the show.

The song that Wang Shilong invited to Liuliu was shown to Zhang Tan, and Zhang Tan thought it was quite suitable for Liuliu.

In fact, Zhang Tan did not expect that Wang Shilong would actually arrange a song for Liuliu. The person who wrote the song was a well-known songwriter in the industry. He was very young and had recently emerged.

Wang Shilong is the general manager of Little Red Horse Music Company. He approached the other party to ask for a song, and the other party readily agreed. He was even flattered that Little Red Horse Music Company approached him.

Especially when I learned that I was writing an exclusive song for Shen Liuliu, I was even more motivated.

Shen Liuliu is a famous child star in the Chinese-speaking circle.

So the other party was very serious and wrote a new song as quickly as possible and sent it to Wang Shilong. He first conducted a preliminary review within the company and then gave it to Zhang Tan for confirmation.

Zhang Tan thought it was okay, so Wang Shilong called Liuliu and asked Liuliu to audition and record songs.

But Wang Shilong didn't expect that Liliu's audition would be so grand. Not only Xiaobai and the others came, but Zhang Tan also came to the scene in person.

When the group arrived at the recording studio, Wang Dashan immediately took a piece of music score and gave it to Luliu in eager anticipation.

Liuliu held it in both hands, as if holding an imperial edict, and smiled crookedly.

Xiaobai and the others immediately gathered around, craning their necks and leaning forward.

"Hey, I can't see. Who can help me?"

Xiao Xiaobai was jumping around anxiously. She was so short that she couldn't be seen at all.

"Xiao Xiaobai, stand here."

"Stand here."

Xiaobai, Xi'er and Dudu all gave way to let her stand forward.

The three young ladies here are all righteous and will not bully her.

Only then did Xiao Xiaobai break his tears into laughter, and gained the qualification to stand next to Liliu. She tried her best to stretch her neck, stood up on her tiptoes, and moved forward. She grabbed Luoliu's arms with both hands, and pressed her small body on Liuliu's body.

Liuliu turned back to her and said, "Look at this lonely duck."

Xiao Xiaobai: "..."

Liliu: "Do you know this word?"

She pointed to a word on the music score and asked. Xiao Xiaobai shook his head in a cute way. She was only in kindergarten and knew a few words, but she couldn't even recognize her own name.

"This word is pronounced silly, and it's talking about you. You don't know the word, why don't you just go ahead?" Liuliu likes to tease children, and especially likes to bully Xiaobai, as if he was bullying a trumpet.

Xiao Xiaobai was dejected by what she said and stood outside in despair.

Xi'er went over to comfort her: "Xiao Xiaobai, when you are as old as Liuliu, you will definitely know more words than Liuliu. Liuliu is not good at studying. She always writes wrong words..."

I have never seen such a comforting thing. Not far away, Liuliu, who was surrounded by people, shouted, "Xi'er, good guy, I heard it all."

So Xi'er lowered her voice and continued to comfort Xiaobai: "It doesn't matter, Liuliu won't take it seriously if she hears it."

Wang Dashan gave Liuliu some time to get familiar with it first, and then taught her to sing the song word for word.

Liuliu doesn't have a very high singing talent. She can't compare with Shi Baobao, nor can she compare with Xiaobai and Xi'er, but her voice has its own characteristics, that is, it is full of heartiness and joy, so it is very suitable for this. A type of song.

Moreover, she was a quick learner and could hum and sing quickly, so Wang Dashan asked her to do it all over again.

Everyone came closer to listen to Liliu's formal singing.

Zhu Xiaojing was looking forward to it very much. She also saw the music score, but she couldn't understand the score. What she looked at carefully was the lyrics. I have to say that the lyrics were really appropriate for Liliu. It was indeed a tailor-made song.

Dudu immediately handed over the microphone to Luliu. Luliu held the microphone in her hand and looked around the audience arrogantly. Although there were not as many people as at the Little Red Pony concert, her heart was surging and there were thousands of things in her heart. Thousands of troops and horses.

On the night of the concert, her biggest regret was not having a song of her own.

Today I have to make up for this regret.

She likes this song very much.

Amid everyone's expectations, Liuliu started singing.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she raised her voice to a high pitch. Wang Dashan just wanted her to do it again, so he thought about it and let her play freely for the first time and see how she would collapse.

"I heard there is a happy fairy tale~

Found a flashing duck in the blue sky~"

(PS: Song "Down the Mountain", Tengger)

The first sentence made Xi'er laugh so hard that Xiaobai also smiled and whispered: "It's a little duck~"

As soon as she finished speaking, a small hand covered her small mouth, signaling her to be silent.

Xiao Xiaobai blinked his big eyes and nodded.

Liuliu has been immersed in his own singing, singing intoxicatedly and selflessly.

She knows how to hypnotize herself.

“I like to wander around and not be afraid of anything~

This is the shining life~


It is the most dazzling among the crowd~

Go forward fearlessly and bravely~”

Isn't Liliu the most shining duck in the crowd?

Wherever she goes she is the most dazzling one.

She can also do things she likes without fear, without fear of anything.

"For the dream, for it~

Little duck, rush to the duck~

I crossed the sea and the waves~

Overcome thousands of hurdles~

For the dream, for it~

Little duck, rush to the duck~


To the ears of several professionals at the scene, Luliu was full of flaws and out of tune.

But she can't help but feel confident.

As long as you are confident, it is impossible to be out of tune. There must be something wrong with other people's ears, not her out of tune!

The name of this exclusive song for Liuliu is "Down the Mountain". It is full of joy, especially the lyrics, which fit very well with Liuliu.

Especially the extensive use of the colloquial word "duck" for duliu makes it look cute and adorable.

“Our Duck Rush Party is different~

The divine power is in my hands~"

Liuliu sang with great energy, as if she was holding a solo concert, and knew how to interact with the audience.

She raised her right hand high, signaling the people below to move along with her.

Soon, the recording studio scene turned into a fan meeting, and the children were waving their little hands and moving along with the durian.

Among the adults, enmmm~~~except Zhang Tan, others such as Zhu Xiaojing, Wang Shilong, and Wang Dashan were all waving their arms following Luliu.

Especially Wang Shilong was particularly intoxicated.

Zhang Tan doubts that this eldest brother is a hidden fan of Liuliu, right? He had hidden it well before, but it was only exposed now. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why he was so supportive of Liuliu.

With everyone's interaction, Liuliu sang more energetically, and this song fully considered Liuliu's singing skills, so it was very easy to sing.

“Let’s debut in the C position~

I have a flash card in my hand~"

It’s not like Liliu can grab the C position wherever he goes.

Suddenly, Zhang Tan didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to have seen Liuliu glance at him and roll his eyes at him.

But when he looked carefully, Liuliu no longer looked at him, but was walking around the small room, singing as he walked.

Well, this part is not sung, but said in a cute way.

"Little black duck~~little white duck~~~

Little Yellow Duck~~BJ Roast Duck~~

Do you like me? ~~~"

A cheerful little voice immediately sounded from below:


It was Xiao Xiaobai who answered first, and after her, Dudu and Xi'er responded loudly, "I like it~"

Liuliu laughed silently, then looked at Xiaobai, waiting for Xiaobai's "like".

Seeing that everyone had said it, Xiaobai couldn't help but support her, so she also said: "Madam, we all like you~"

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