Dad Academy

Chapter 2321 Fire comes out of the circle

While the children were working hard to fill their bellies, a middle-aged man came over holding a wine glass.

When Liuliu saw it, he immediately said loudly: "Hey, it's Mr. Wang Duck——"

Boss Wang said with a smile: "Liuliu, you have worked hard today. You are indeed a great actor. Your stage effect is so good. Everyone likes you very much."

While eating the prawns, Liuliu responded happily: "You don't have to say that! Everyone said so!"

Boss Wang picked up the red wine glass and said, "I would like to toast you a glass of wine, Liuliu. Thank you for your wonderful performance today and making our concert wonderful."

Luoliu laughed loudly, and just finished peeling a boiled prawn, so he didn't pay attention to it, raised the peeled prawn and clinked it with Boss Wang's wine glass, "Cheers!"

Boss Wang was stunned for a moment, laughed dumbly, drank all the red wine in the glass in one gulp, and then poured himself another glass. He looked at the table full of children and said: "Children, thank you for your performance today. You have worked hard, because Because of you, our concert will be a complete success. Thank you very much. On behalf of Little Red Horse Music Company, I would like to express my extreme gratitude to you. Those who have bears will drink bears, and those who do not have bears will eat vegetables. Let’s cheers!”

His passionate speech did not win a round of applause, and no one joined him in raising a glass.

Everyone looked at Xiaobai who was chewing meat on the side.

When Boss Wang saw this, he immediately understood. He hurriedly walked to Xiaobai and said, "Mr. Xiaobai, I toast you this glass of wine."

Boss Wang's full name is Wang Shilong. He is the general manager of Little Red Horse Music Company. He cannot be called the boss, because the boss is Zhang Tan, and the junior boss is Mr. Bai in front of him. He is actually a part-time worker, but Liuliu opens his mouth and keeps silent about Boss Wang. , almost made him drift, he just landed now, without Mr. Bai's permission, he toasted the children and no one supported him.


Xiaobai was always very generous. He picked up the bear drink, touched it with Wang Shilong, and then said to the children who were looking at them blankly: "Come on, let's drink together and give face to Boss Wang."

The children immediately started to move, especially Liuliu, who was so enthusiastic that he ran over with the bear drink borrowed from Xiaoxiaobai and clinked glasses with Boss Wang.

"I was so distracted that I clinked glasses with you." Luoliu said with deep meaning.

Boss Wang was deeply moved. The 5 billion big Yanyan gave him face like this, so he had to follow the path.

He knew what Liuliu was thinking, so he took the initiative and said: "Next time, the company will definitely find you a good piece of music and sing it to you."

Liuliu was overjoyed, that's why she was talking about Boss Wang.

Everyone toasted together, and Wang Shilong thanked him deeply before leaving.

"Xiao Xiaobai, why don't you raise your glass? You still have a stern face." Xiao Bai noticed that Xiao Xiaobai was not in a high mood.

Xiao Xiaobai immediately complained: "Liuliu robbed my little bear."

Xiaobai looked at Liuliu, who immediately ran away. Xiaobai chased after her and wanted to crush her! Bullying Xiao Xiaobai at every turn! !

The celebration banquet after a concert did not end until after ten o'clock in the evening. It was too late, so everyone did not arrange other programs, but went back to their homes to rest quickly.

Zhang Tan and others also returned to Xiaohongma. After settling Xiaobai to sleep, he took a bath, lay on the bed, and processed various information on his mobile phone.

After today's concert, he continued to receive various messages, most of which were congratulatory, and some wanted to get to know him.

He read down one by one, replying differently, and some did not reply at all. During this period, he saw the congratulatory message sent by Su Lan.

After being busy until early in the morning, Zhang Tan finished handling these things, turned off his mobile phone, stretched out comfortably on the bed, and fell asleep.

The next day, various information about the concert began to ferment and leak out.

The most jaw-dropping thing is that at the peak of the concert, there were more than 50 million people online at the same time!

The Little Red Horse Galloping APP is highly publicized and is set to display an on-screen advertisement when the APP is opened. As long as you open the app, you will definitely see this, and after clicking in, you will be able to see the high-definition recording of the concert.

At the same time, the new songs at the concert are also spreading rapidly, such as "The Past You", "Mom Said", "Snail and Oriole", "Missing Through Time and Space", "Tomorrow Will Be Better" and so on.

Each of them is a rare classic, but I didn’t expect them to be sung together in one concert.

People who have been to the scene are extremely proud, and everyone they meet in the future can tell that he was present at the first performance of this song.

Little Red Horse Music Company has been well prepared. These new songs have been recorded before, and the official sound source will be released the day after the concert.

There is only one piece of music excepted, and that is "Missing Through Time and Space" played by Zhang Tan and Xiaobai at the end.

This was unplanned.

Wang Shilong didn't want to disturb Zhang Tan. After all, he had just finished the concert. He knew that Zhang Tan definitely didn't need anyone to ask him about work matters, but there was no way. The urging voice was too loud. Everyone wanted to hear "Time Travel". The official sound source of "Missing of Time and Space".

So he had to call and ask if he could ask the big boss and the little boss to move to the company and record "Missing Through Time and Space".

Of course he could invite other performers to play this music, but without Zhang Tan's authorization, he wouldn't have the guts to do so.

Zhang Tan did not make things difficult for him. On Sunday afternoon, he and Xiaobai went to the music company and played "Missing Through Time and Space" several times in the recording studio.

Little Red Horse Music Company became popular, and its brand awareness increased significantly. This music company that used to be more behind the scenes became known to everyone this time. Only then did everyone know, ah, it turns out that the song "XXX" is produced by Little Red Horse Music Company ah! They are really awesome.

But it’s a pity for the singers who are working on the charts at this time. They have been working hard to be on the charts for so long, but they didn’t expect to bump into the Little Red Horse concert. This piece of music airborne, directly parachuted into the charts, and quickly Just squeezed into the top ten, letting everyone else's hard work for so long go to waste.

Many people are really angry and vomiting blood, but if they want to quarrel, they can't find any excuse.

It's not like they are doing small tricks, they are relying on pure strength.

Therefore, I can only admit that I am unlucky and just happened to meet Wang Zha! This kind of thing has never been seen in the music circle.

In the evening of the next day, Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai stayed at Little Red Horse Academy. When they saw parents bringing their children to the academy, they stepped forward and gave them a big red envelope to thank the children at their home for their contribution to the concert last night. s hard work.

"Without your children, the concert would not be possible." Xiaobai said, Zhang Tan was responsible for handing out red envelopes, and she was responsible for talking about the scene.

Many parents didn't accept it at first. Although they didn't know how big the red envelope was, it looked huge, so it was definitely not a small amount.

However, under the sincere persuasion of Zhang Tan and Xiaobai, they finally accepted it.

Zhang Tan tried his best to give everyone a big red envelope. On the one hand, he wanted to thank them for their help, and on the other hand, he knew that these families were not rich, and this money could alleviate some of their life pressure and the pressure of raising children.

Double Eleven is Liliu’s birthday. Her birthday event has been released and can be found in the book review area.

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