Dad Academy

Chapter 2320 The celebration banquet was more difficult

A few years later, Luoliu finally met his arch-rival Luo Zikang again.

The two did not quarrel or fight when they met. Instead, they stared at each other, and then Luoliu took out a candy and gave it to him.

Luo Zikang was stunned for a long time, and after a full psychological struggle, he reached out to pick it up, but when Luo Liu saw that he didn't pick it up for a long time, he took it back.

One stretched out his hand and the other retracted his hand, it was such a coincidence.

Both of them were stunned.

Luo Zikang's face turned red, and he felt that Pang Liuliu was playing tricks on him, just like before.

He swiped and retracted his hand without a good expression.

Liuliu wanted to give him more candies, but Luo Zikang refused to accept them at all.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Tan knew that at least they couldn't fight anymore, so he took Xiaobai to find Zhang Hui, Malanhua and others. When it was late, they all left.

When they came back, Jiang Bin had already left with Luo Zikang and others.

Xi'er and the others have already arrived on the stage and are standing in line, preparing to take a group photo.

"Boss - come on, I'm waiting for you." Zhang Yang saw Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai and called them to stand in the reserved position.

Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai naturally stood in position C. The two of them stood in place. Just as Zhang Yang was about to ask a professional photographer to take pictures, Dudu shouted: "Liuliu hasn't come yet! Liuliu——"

Xi'er also shouted loudly to the backstage: "Liuliu, come quickly -"

Xiao Xiaobai then said: "Wait for Liliu first~"

The children were all calling for Liliu to come over quickly. She was a must-have in the group photo.

It can be seen that although everyone likes to fight against Liliu on weekdays, they really like her in their hearts.

She is the kind of person who is unreliable in various ways on weekdays, making people laugh and cry, and entangled in love and hate. But if she is alone, everyone will think of her immediately and cannot leave her out.

When Liuliu heard everyone's shouts, she hurried over and squeezed deliberately between Xiwawa and Dudu. She hugged Xiwawa with one arm and Dudu with the other, looking very arrogant.

Under the command of the photographer, everyone shouted eggplant in unison, the one showing love, the one holding scissor hands, the one puffing out his cheeks to look cute... The eight immortals crossed the sea, each showing their magical powers, and they all wanted to leave the most beautiful and cutest version of themselves in the photos.

After the group photo, the staff invited everyone to have a late night snack. Although it was a late-night snack, it was not a street stall, but a buffet from a nearby hotel. The food was customized by Little Red Horse Music Company, and it was not the usual buffet in the hotel.

Regardless of whether everyone has had dinner or not, after a busy night, at this time, everyone is more or less hungry.

Moreover, tonight's concert ended successfully, so this buffet was equivalent to a celebration banquet.

No one asked for leave and everyone participated enthusiastically.

"Liuliu, what are you doing?" Dudu was curious as he saw Liliu jumping around on the spot, like a fleshy little jumping frog.

The durian jumped up and down for a while before stopping. He was panting. He didn't answer Dudu's words, but touched his belly. He felt that there was a lot of space left. He was very pleased and continued to jump up and down. .

Although the buffet is called a buffet, the food is very rich and there are various kinds of food, including Chinese and Japanese food, seafood, steamed buns, dumplings and barbecue.

The children consciously sat together. Xiao Bai and Xiao Wang, the little ones, carried their own plates and imitated the adults in picking up food. They quickly selected and returned to their seats.

Zhang Tan glanced at their dinner plates. The portions were very small, and the categories were basically the same. What was on Xiao Xiaobai's plate was basically the same as what was on Xiao Wang's plate. You were imitating me, and I was imitating you. Silly. Cutie has no brain.

Xi'er also picked her own food and sat down next to the little ones with a plate. The little ones who were chattering and eating all stopped the movements of their hands and mouths and looked at Xi'er's plate. In the past, I saw that the food on Xi'er's plate was richer than theirs, but not much richer, so they continued to chat and eat.

Then Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi also sat over, and the little ones also brushed their hands and looked at the plates they put on the table. The food was about the same as Xi'er, but a little more.

So the little ones continued to eat and chat, and suddenly, Little Bai waved enthusiastically not far away: "Little aunt, sit here."

Xiaobai sat over, glanced at Xiaobai's plate and asked, "Why are you eating so little? Eat more."

With that said, without waiting for Xiao Xiaobai to speak, he put a large piece of beef from his own bowl into hers.

Xiao Xiaobai poked the steak with a spoon. It was such a big piece. Would it be difficult for her to handle it?

"Don't be picky about food, eat quickly."

The little aunt was so encouraging, so of course Xiao Xiaobai couldn't be deterred, so he nodded and worked hard.


When they hear laughter, everyone knows who is coming.


Along with Liliu is Dudu.

Before the two of them sat down, the plates in their hands were put down first. Everyone brushed their hands and looked over. They suddenly looked surprised and their eyes widened.

Only Xiaobai, Xi'er and others are not surprised at all. They can guess it without looking at it, so there is nothing surprising.

It just frightened the little ones. They saw that the pomegranates and Dudu's dinner plates were piled up like a mountain. The food on one plate could be worth what the little ones put together.

Xiao Wang's eyes widened with an expression of disbelief. He looked at the food on the plate, then at his own plate, then at Xiao Xiaobai's next to him, then at Sister Xi'er's, and then at ...I looked all the way, and none of them were as big as Dudu Dudu, not even close.

Liuliu touched her little head and said, "The noodles look like duck, do you want to eat this?"

Liuliu pointed to the boiled prawns on her plate. Xiao Wang quickly shook her head. She was almost full just from eating what was on her plate.

When Liuliu saw this, she immediately changed her face: "Then why are you always staring at my plate?! Eat your own!"

Xiao Wang pursed his lips in grievance and hurriedly lowered his head to eat.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaobai said to Liuliu with a tigerish face: "That's too much, sister Liuliu."

Luoliu looked rebellious: "Good guy, do you think I'm going too far?"

Xiao Xiaobai said: "We will tell Xiao Wang's mother."

Liuliu: "...I'll give you a prawn. I'm just teasing you. Haha, don't take it seriously. If you take it seriously, you'll lose."

He generously put a boiled prawn in Xiao Xiaobai's bowl.

"Do you want a bear drink?"

Zhang Tan came over from another table to ask. Under the shouts of "yes" from the children, he placed a dozen bottles of bear drinks on the table before leaving.

"Hey, I'm really exhausted today." Liuliu sighed while eating.

Their table was full of children.

As soon as she spoke, the other children immediately agreed.

Xi'er said: "I really want to sleep now, hiahia~"

Xiao Weiwei pointed at Xiao Lizi and said, "Little Lizi has already slept."

Xiao Youyou said: "I'm almost sleepy to death."

Xiaoxiao was not to be outdone: "I, I'm so sleepy."

Tian Xiaoya was struggling with a big chicken leg. After hearing this, she gave up strategically and said, "I can be trapped to death for several days."

Xiao Xiaobai dared to be the first: "I won't go to school anymore, I will sleep at home."

Then he looked at Xiao Wang, who was stunned and said: "The baby is not sleepy, the baby has eaten a Snickers bar~"

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