Dad Academy

Chapter 231 Brainstorming (3/3 Please subscribe)

Chapter 231 Brainstorming (33 please subscribe)

"Are you really going to use it?"

"We have decided to open a comic studio. What do you think?"

"It's good. Such a big garden is half empty. First, it's a waste, and second, it's a bit deserted."

"It's just that you will have more work in the future."

"That's not a problem, leave it all to me."

"Let me see, why don't I find you a helper?"

"No, no, I can do it alone."

"Uncle, it's better to find someone else. It's too hard for you alone. After the studio opens, you have to be on duty during the day, and then the children come at night and you can't stay idle."

Lao Li was stunned. He hadn't heard Zhang Tan call him uncle for a long, long time.

He often shouted this when he was a child, and as he grew older, it gradually stopped.

He was touched in his heart. After a moment of pause, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do what you want."

Zhang Tan asked: "Do you have anyone to recommend? It would be best if they are from our village. Everyone knows the basics and makes people feel at ease."

Lao Li thought for a while, patted his head and said that he had a bad memory and couldn't remember people all of a sudden.

"It's okay, just write it down first and tell me when you think about it later."

Zhang Tan took out the key and opened another three-story red brick building in Little Red Horse Academy. A musty smell hit his nose, and the choking flying dust was inhaled into his nose. Zhang Tan sneezed twice.

He and Lao Li quickly took a few steps back and waited for nearly a minute before entering the house.

Lao Li said: "It has been unused for too long. This building is only cleaned once a month. During this period, it often rains and there is little sunshine, so the musty smell is so strong."

The room was dark, so Zhang Tan turned on his phone and used the flashlight function to find the light switch.


Da da~~

I pressed the switch, but the light bulb wouldn't light up.

"The light seems to be broken." Zhang Tan said.

After trying a few times, I determined that it wasn't the bulb that was broken, but the wires that were in poor contact.

"Come back during the day, it's not easy now."

The two of them exited, and Zhang Tan looked up at the building. The structure and style were exactly the same as the one already in use. If it wasn't used anymore, it might turn into a haunted house.

The next day, Zhang Tan found a decoration company and spent three days renovating the inside.

If this is not enough, there are also decorations, furniture purchases, etc. There are many things to do.

He didn't have much time to do this, but fortunately Xin Xiaoguang took the initiative to take over these tasks. He took two other cartoonists and worked hard. It took him three to five days to finally put the building in order.

The office space was set up and the studio was registered. It was called Little Red Horse Comics Studio. The logo was the same as the logo of Midnight Academy, a galloping little red horse.

"This place is really a good place. It's next to West Chang'an Street and is hidden away from the city."

"I never thought there would be such a place on West Chang'an Street. How could such a good place be left in this area? Aren't developers rushing to take over it?"

"Our boss is an invisible rich man. Such a big place is probably worth hundreds of millions."

On this day, all the staff of the studio were in place. Many people came in for the first time and looked around curiously.

"Midnight Academy? Is Midnight Academy next to it? What is it for?"

"There is also a kindergarten."

Zhang Tan clapped his hands and said: "Everyone, be quiet. Let me introduce to you first. Where we are here is next to West Chang'an Street. The CBD and bars are nearby, which is very convenient. But as you have also seen, there is also a late-night school here. Garden, so if you go to a bar, don’t enter the garden..."

"What is a late-night academy? It is an academy that is only open at night. It is not a kindergarten. It is prepared for families who have to go to work at night and have no one to take care of their children at home. Basically, the children will come after you get off work. It's just right It’s staggered.”

"But regardless of whether it's a mistake or not, we have made an agreement..."

There are three rules of thumb. In short, you cannot disturb the children here.

There are a total of 8 people in the studio. On the first day of work, we held a small meeting to finalize the recent work.

The most important thing at the moment is to launch "Coco".

Because there were not many people in the group and it was our first time, we all worked together to create this comic first. This allowed Zhang Tan to get familiar with each other and let Zhang Tan know everyone’s abilities. Later, he would consider whether he could start multiple projects at the same time. .

Zhang Tan won't be here to watch every day, so the daily operation of the studio is left to Xin Xiaoguang and Wu Shiying.

Zhang Tan knew that the studio was still far from perfect and there was still a lot to do, but the top priority was to get the studio up and running first and improve it as he went along.

Only by doing it can you know where the problems are and how to correct them.

"Boss, we have some ideas for "Coco"," Xin Xiaoguang said.

"Okay, tell me, everyone can talk."

Everyone is talking about it and everyone has many ideas.

Zhang Tan relied on the script of this comic to attract everyone to join him, so everyone has been studying this work for a long time and has a lot of ideas.

"I think the worldview in the story should be based on Chinese civilization. We should tell stories while promoting Chinese culture, so that everyone can have a greater sense of involvement."

The speaker was a beautiful female cartoonist named Wu Shiying.

Zhang Tan didn't need to ask, someone asked him the question he wanted to ask: "Then you want to use the July Half Ghost Festival as an entry point?"

Wu Shiying's eyes lit up and she nodded: "Yes, half of July is the Ghost Festival. The gates of ghosts are wide open. Relatives, sacrifices, memories, nostalgia, incense, love... all the elements needed in the story can be found in this traditional festival. Found it, very touching..."

She looked at Zhang Tan with burning eyes, waiting for his statement.

Wu Shiying's resume immediately came to Zhang Tan's mind. She was a well-known cartoonist who had serialized two works and was on the rise in her career.

Her painting style has both feminine delicacy and gentleness, as well as wild imagination. Even in the second work, Zhang Tan saw some horror elements and styles.

The reason why Wu Shiying gave up her rising personal career and joined Zhang Tan's studio was, of course, not because he was handsome, but because the comics Zhang Tan wanted to do were completely different from most on the market, but they were exactly what she wanted. The kind of comics that I draw but have no inspiration for.

"Coco" is very different from the popular comics currently on the market. Not only is the style different, but the story is also different.

The difference between them is like "Besieged City" and "Dou Po".

Comics on the market are similar to popular online articles, pursuing the ultimate in excitement, quick slaps in the face, and reversals.

Their selling point is fun.

However, "Coco" does not have a pretentious and slap-in-the-face plot, which is completely inconsistent with the plot needs of Shuang.

In Wu Shiying's understanding, emotional catharsis is the essence of a comic story and what the author should pursue, including changes in emotions such as happiness, sadness, love, hatred, letting go, etc.

Just mentioning "cool" is too narrow-minded.

The core selling point of "Coco" is the catharsis of emotions. Its theme is not "cool", but love, memory and cherishment.

This was what impressed Wu Shiying the most, and was also the biggest motivation for her to decide to work with Zhang Tan.

Now, she was focusing on another issue, whether Zhang Tan could listen to her suggestions.

In her eyes, Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Your proposal is good. I agree in principle, but I need you to explain your thoughts in detail, because you also know that if the background world changes, many other contents will also need to be changed. and revise.”

Wu Shiying smiled happily and said, "Okay, then I will give you ten minutes to share my thoughts."

She felt that Zhang Tan was more attractive.

Zhang Tan does not reject everyone's ideas. In fact, he has been thinking about how to make "Coco" more consistent with the world, which requires everyone to brainstorm.

The task is completed, I'm going to sleep, good night, melon boys, remember to vote, and our Kua Kua Lou activity. It's almost the end of the month, so if you haven't already, remember to praise me... me.

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