Dad Academy

Chapter 230 Auntie’s school uniform and Xiaobai’s woolen hat (2/3)

Chapter 230 Auntie’s school uniform and Xiaobai’s woolen hat (23)

After finishing school in kindergarten, Xiaobai was caught by Ma Lanhua selling pancakes and fruits, and then taken to a nearby shopping mall to buy clothes.

"Wow, I want this."

"Auntie, Kangkang, you are so rich and loving. If Xiaobai wears it, you will definitely be rich and loving."

"This, this, this, this, this~"

"Auntie, these look like Xiaomi's new clothes."

"Auntie, I love you so much."

"Auntie, your butt is so big, you are so good."

I just went to a clothing store to buy new clothes with Zhang Tan yesterday, and we came again today. However, the shopping mall today is different from the one yesterday.

There are more things here, everywhere. Xiaobai thinks this place is more beautiful and more fun.

She was jumping up and down excitedly and chirping the whole time. If she can bring this emotion into filming, then the role of Grandma Liu in "Little Actors" must be hers.

Malanhua originally planned to buy her a top, but the dazzling array of children's clothes around not only dazzled Xiaobai's happiness, but also dazzled her eyes, so that she felt that Xiaobai lacked everything, including clothes and pants. There is a lack of socks, a lack of small shoes, a lack of small gloves...

Coupled with Xiaobai's encouragement, Malanhua unknowingly bought a lot of things.

"Auntie, Xiaobai will help you get it."

Every time she bought one, Xiaobai took it enthusiastically and hung it on her body. It wasn't until Xiaobai couldn't carry it anymore that Ma Lanhua realized that she had bought so many! ! !

But it's too late, we can't go back.

She sorted it carefully and found that she had just enough for Xiaobai to wear two new sets of clothes in winter.

"Don't you remind me with your claws?" Malanhua complained as she took things away from Xiaobai to avoid crushing the doll.

Xiaobai's big eyes rolled around, looking at his new clothes and smiling happily.

But don't speak.

She wasn't a fool, so how could she remind her aunt that she still had a lot of things she liked that she hadn't bought yet.

"Auntie, let's come back tomorrow."

When he went back, Xiaobai was still unsatisfied.

"Have a hammer!"

Malanhua held her little hand and hurriedly left this place of right and wrong, as if if she stayed for a second longer, her wallet would be further deflated.

"Haimao didn't buy it yet."

Xiaobai moved his short legs, paddling, almost trotting, so that he could keep up.

"What's the point of buying a hat and living there?"

"Why is my watermelon head so cold?"

"There are hat hats in the house."

"Go away, why are you standing there in a daze?"

"Auntie, look, that little sister is so beautiful!"

"Which one?"


"You have to learn from others."

"Ha, it's because of the claws? Am I also pretty? Hahahaha~~"

"Look at people, they wear so little, they don't wear hats, and they wear so few trousers. You bought trousers for your paws and you also bought a hat? You say you are for your paws? Are you not wide? Love? Or you buy a hat for the paw?"

"...Auntie, I'm just teasing you. I don't want to buy hats. I want to buy you thianidine."

"I don't want it, so nagging, go home."

When I got home, the dishes and chopsticks were placed on the dining table, and the aroma of steaming food was wafting.

Bai Jianping has already prepared dinner and is waiting for them to come back to eat together.

But before eating, let’s admire Xiaobai’s new clothes.

With the help of his aunt, the child put on new clothes and looked pretty in front of the mirror, saying that he loved her.

"Do you want it?" Malanhua asked.

Bai Jianping praised: "You must be honest, when my little Bai dresses up, she is no longer a village belle, but a school belle."

"Xiaobai, come and eat Mangmang~~"

Xiaobai ran over and asked hopefully: "Auntie, can I wear this to the Little Red Horse later?"


"For the claws??!"

"I can't do it if I say no."

“*\u0026……%¥ # ”

"Are you scolding me?"

"does not exist."

"Go and take off your clothes."

"I want to dress and eat recklessly."


"Can't do it because of the claws??"

"My heart aches when I see you wearing new clothes."

"Auntie, are you sick?"

"I spent a lot of money and I feel bad."

Xiaobai muttered, took off his new clothes dissatisfied, put on the blue Great China, had dinner, and then went to the Little Red Horse.

"Auntie, what are you doing with the new clothes that Boss Zhang bought for me?"

"Wear it again when your cousin gets married when you go home, and during the Chinese New Year."

The two sets of clothes Zhang Tan bought were so good that Ma Lanhua couldn't bear to wear them, so she decided to stay for the two most important moments.

After going to the Little Red Horse, Xiaobai ran to tell Boss Zhang what she saw and heard in the mall.

When she got home, she found that her aunt was wearing a strange dress that she had never seen before.

"Auntie, did you buy new clothes too?"

Xiaobai circled around Malanhua and looked at it.

"What's the look in your eyes? Are these new clothes?"

"How strange."

Xiaobai thought it was strange that her aunt was wearing this dress.

Bai Jianping was lying on the rocking chair watching TV. He looked sideways at his mother-in-law and said with a smile: "Those are your cousin's clothes. Of course it's weird."


Xiao Bai jumped up and ran to Bai Jianping and asked curiously: "Biao Guo's clothes? Are you wearing them for Aunt Paw?"

Bai Jianping said: "That is your cousin's school uniform. Your aunt is reluctant to throw it away."

Malanhua is wearing her son's high school uniform. She still has it after so many years and it has turned white after washing, but she is reluctant to throw it away. Whenever the weather turns cold, she takes it out and wears it.

Ma Lanhua said with some emotion: "Time flies so fast. It seems like Xiaoqiang was still in high school yesterday, but today he said he was getting married and will soon be a father."

Bai Jianping said: "Xiao Bai, help uncle push the thief."

Xiaobai worked hard and pushed the rocking chair.

Bai Jianping swayed and swayed, and he was so excited that he said: "Well, our mission is about to be completed. He has a wife and children, and a family of his own. Whatever happens in his future life will depend on them as a couple." It’s two people, so there’s very little we can do to help.”

Malanhua nodded silently, and immediately looked at Xiaobai who was pushing the rocking chair for Lao Bai. No, their task was not completed yet, they still had Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, come here."

Malanhua called Xiaobai and found a woolen hat from the bottom of the box.

The hat is overall blue, but there are two finger-width lines, one orange and one red.

Above these two lines of different colors is a pattern of a red panda's head.

At the top of the pattern, corresponding to the red panda's ears, are two chubby little pom-poms, like two small ears.

This is a woolen hat in the shape of a red panda.

"Here you go, let me tell you, we have hats at home, it won't make your watermelon head cold." Malanhua said.

Xiaobai hugged her tightly and said happily: "Kuo Ai is miserable."

Grandma knitted this for her.

Hats are different from clothes, especially woolen hats, which are more flexible. After a year and one year older, even Xiaobai can wear them.

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