Dad Academy

Chapter 2244 It turns out that I am so happy (33)

PS: This is the third chapter from yesterday.

Xiaobai and Xi'er originally thought they were just having fun in their aunt's shop, but they didn't expect that they were actually working.

Malanhua really didn't let them coddle her, and really let them work.

Xiaobai worked all morning and wanted to run away during lunch, but in order to prevent his aunt from running home, he could only endure the humiliation and stay in the shop and continue working!

a whole day! She worked in a pancake and fruit shop all day! ! !

Although Xi'er is also in the store, Xi'er is only responsible for helping. When she has nothing to do, she sits on a small chair and plays with her mobile phone.

And she has to keep selling.

Finally, her old man came and called her to go home.

Xiaobai almost cried.

A day was wasted like this!

After Zhang Tan took the two children away, Bai Jianping also came after get off work, came to the store, and asked Malanhua to go home and cook for him.

Malanhua was so angry that she and Bai Jianping argued all the way. They were still arguing when they reached the door of the house. When they opened the door, they were stunned.

Bai Jianping poked his head out from behind her and looked around at the house. This was the first time he saw it. Although he was mentally prepared, he was still surprised.

The house was so dressed up that it was almost impossible to see its original appearance. There were balloons of various colors everywhere, red, pink, blue, white, yellow...

The huge words "Happy Birthday" shone on the wall, and many candles were lit on the ground, arranged in a heart shape.

The room was dark, but these things were shining brightly.

Ma Lanhua thought she had entered the wrong door. Just as she was about to take one foot out, Bai Jianping pushed her behind her.

"Come in you."

Just as Malanhua was about to turn around and get angry, she heard the song Happy Birthday. A cake trolley was slowly pushed out of the kitchen, and a group of people accompanying it all looked at her with a smile.

Malanhua was stunned for a moment, and it took her a long time to react. She turned around and asked Bai Jianping, "What is going on?"

Bai Jianping said: "What else are you doing? It's your birthday today. I'm celebrating your birthday. Look who's coming."

Malanhua saw her son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter Xiaobai, etc., as well as Zhang Tan and others.

She was still a little unbelievable that she had lived half her life and still hadn't celebrated her birthday like this.

Even she didn't remember it was her birthday today.

At this time, a group of children gathered around Malanhua, held hands in a circle, and sang happy birthday to Malanhua.

"Happy birthday pig~~"

"Happy birthday pig~"

This is the Little Red Pony Malanhua Children's Chorus. Although not all members are together, the formation is already very large.

At least the group of girlfriends who just want to play and don’t want to work are here.

In addition, there is an additional Xiao Xiaobai, as well as Xiao Fei and Xiao Song Qin, who are intelligence officers today.

The Malanhua Children's Choir celebrated Malanhua's birthday and sang happy birthday. What a fitting occasion.

Xiaomi and Cheng Cheng were also invited by Dudu in the evening, and no one was missing from the group of besties.

"Thank you, thank you~~"

Malanhua kept thanking her, her eyes moistened as she looked at these cuties.

Xiaobai, who had been acting like a monster in her eyes for a day, was actually so cute now.

Malanhua also saw her old man Bai clapping his hands and singing happy birthday. Although he was suspected of cheating, she was very satisfied with this gesture.

There was also the surprise arrival of my son and daughter-in-law, as well as the cute little Xiaobai.

It suddenly dawned on her that everyone was playing her today!

Xiao Baibai was probably angry with her on purpose during the day, probably just to prevent her from discovering the decoration here when she went home.

Thinking of this, Malanhua's eyes looked at Xiaobai especially softly.

"Auntie, happy birthday -" Xiaobai took the lead and shouted.

All of a sudden, the children were all sending birthday wishes.

Xiao Xiaobai was also shouting a happy birthday to her aunt, but her mother covered her mouth and still didn't change her words.

"...Thank you, thank you~~"

Malanhua was a little excited and kept thanking her.

"How come there is such a big battle?"

"When did you come? Why didn't I know?"

"Why are you dressing up like this at home?"

The joy in her eyes could not be concealed.

In fact, she even forgot that today was her birthday.

How can rural people pay so much attention to things, but birthdays are the norm, and celebrating birthdays is not the norm.

There were several times in Malanhua's memory when Bai Jianping boiled two eggs for her and then dotted them with red dots to give her a little joy.

"Mom, happy birthday~" Bai Zhiqiang said with a smile.

"Mom, I wish you a happy birthday and always smile." Yang Yi also sent her own blessing.

"Mom~ Happy birthday to you too, keep smiling~" It was Xiao Xiaobai who spoke.

When everyone heard her calling Ma Lanhua's mother, they burst into laughter.

Xiao Xiaobai didn't understand why, so he also laughed awkwardly.

"Orchid, happy birthday, be happy, don't be angry all the time, and be more relaxed in everything." Bai Jianping said.

"I know~" Malanhua's answer was particularly soft, which made Bai Jianping very uncomfortable.

In the flickering candlelight, in Malanhua's eyes, everyone was so lovely, and she was so happy.

Family members are around, work is going smoothly, life is prosperous, and the younger generation is growing up cutely.

For a moment, Malanhua felt that she was so happy, she had nothing missing!

Life treats her with sincerity.

Malanhua's eyes were a little moist as she thought about it.

Xiao Xiaobai suddenly said at this time: "Aunt! Are you going to cry?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a small hand covered her small mouth and dragged her away.

Her mother Yang Yi glanced at her and did not help her. She also felt that the melon should be taken away.

After singing the birthday song, everyone encouraged Malanhua to make wishes and blow out candles.

"What are you wishing for?" Malanhua was a little embarrassed. She had never played like this before, so she still made a wish? ! She never made a wish at all.

But she has never seen a pig run or eaten pork. Malanhua celebrated Xiaobai’s birthday and Xiaobai’s birthday. She has seen how they made wishes.

So she clasped her hands in front of her chest and made a wish in front of the flickering candlelight.

After making her wish, Malanhua blew out the candles on the cake in one breath, Zhang Tan turned on the lights at home, and then it was the exciting moment of cutting the cake.

Some children have already started to get stuck and are secretly pulling each other.

The melon boys, like piglets, further surrounded Malanhua, each holding a small plate in their hands, eagerly waiting to share the cake.

"Line up, line up~~~divide the fruits~" Xiaobai maintained order, "Use me as the line, everyone stands behind me."

Liuliu was the first to be dissatisfied: "Why?! Ah, you—"

Before she could finish her words, everyone had already brushed aside and stood behind Xiao Bai. They immediately stood in a row and looked at her sideways in unison.

Dudu waved to her and told her to hurry up and get in line.

He jumped angrily: "Why should I hurry up! I'm already the last one! I'm so angry!!!"

But as soon as she finished speaking, a voice rang out.

"We're in line too."

It's Zhang Tan.

Then, Liuliu saw a scene that made her eyes wide open. Boss Zhang and the others quickly lined up behind the children.

Just because of an oversight, Liliu missed her spot again, leaving only the last spot for her.

Dudu said helplessly: "I told you, Liuliu, you won't listen to me!"

Liuliu didn't want to talk anymore, she just wanted to cry.

Since there was no point in her waiting in line, she might as well sing.

She told Ma Lanhua, who was cutting the cake, that she would sing "Mother in Candlelight" to her.

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