Dad Academy

Chapter 2185 You can make your own decision

Lao Li quickly comforted Dudu, saying that it was okay, he was just an uncle who was curious about this place.

"What are you doing with my parrot?" Lao Li asked, staring at the bird cage in Dudu's hand.

Dudu seemed to be surprised too. He lowered his head and looked at his hands. Sure enough, he was holding a bird cage!

She herself was surprised.

The situation was urgent, so she picked up something handy and ran over, not caring what it was.

"Didn't I ask you to stay in the room?" Lao Li asked.

Dudu said: "Li Weibao, I heard you talking loudly, then you must be in danger, I'm here to help you."

Lao Li was touched and funny.

It was not appropriate to say much now. It was raining outside, so he asked Dudu to go back to the room first while he asked the man outside what he wanted to do.

But Dudu was unmoved, and she wouldn't leave until Lao Li left.

"Who are you looking for?" Lao Li asked the man outside.

Across the iron fence, it was raining again at night, and I couldn't see clearly the faces of the people outside.

When the man heard the inquiry, he came closer and asked, "Is this the Little Red Horse Academy? Huh? It's you! My little friend."

As soon as the man asked Lao Li something, he saw Dudu standing at Lao Li's feet and recognized him immediately.

At the same time, Dudu also recognized the other party: "It's you! The singing uncle!"

"It's me, it's me! I finally found you!"

The man outside was singing on the overpass during the day.

"What are you looking for us for?" Dudu asked, with a vigilant look on his face.

The singer said: "The little girl who was with you during the day gave me a sum of money. It was too much and I couldn't take it. I came to pay it back to you."

As he spoke, he took out a red envelope from his arms, which was exactly what Xiaobai had thrown into his hat on the ground during the day.

During the day, Xiaobai lost his money and ran away with the children. He didn't pay attention at first, but he opened the red envelope later and saw several hundred-dollar bills.

If it is given by an adult, he will just accept the several hundred yuan, and just say a special thank you.

But this was given by a few little girls, and when they suddenly threw hundreds of dollars at him, his first reaction was that he couldn't accept it.

A child may not have a strong concept of money, and if he gives a red envelope on a whim, he may be scolded by his parents when he returns home.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. He found it all the way here and asked around, only to hear that it might be in this academy.

When Lao Li heard this, he invited the people in first and brought them into the guard box.

It was raining outside and the temperature was very low, very cold.

The air conditioning in the guard box is warm and makes people feel much more comfortable.

Dudu put down the bird cage and stood against the wall, looking at the man in front of him curiously.

She had seen each other during the day and only knew that the other person sang very well.

"Are you looking for Xiaobai?" Dudu asked.

"Xiao Bai? Oh! Is that the girl from the daytime? Yes, I was looking for her. Is she here?"

Lao Li asked: "Do you want to pay back the money?"


This man looked to be in his thirties. At first glance, he looked slovenly, but at second glance, he was actually quite neat and clean. However, his clothes looked baggy. Many young people seemed to be wearing this style, but Lao Li didn't like it.

He is quite handsome and very masculine.

Lao Li just wanted to call Xiaobai, but when he saw Dudu, he asked Dudu to call Xiaobai and Boss Zhang.

He was going to leave, and it was too unsafe to leave Dudu here with a stranger.

Dudu received the task and immediately ran away, crossed the yard, flew up to the third floor, knocked on the door, and panted to report the news.

Zhang Tan came downstairs with several children, and they all insisted on following him.

As soon as they entered the guard box, they immediately crowded the small guard box.

"That's him, he wants to pay back the money." Dudu introduced.

When Dudu left, Lao Li had already asked the other party's name, which was Wang Dashan.

"Wang Dashan was singing on the overpass during the day, and Xiaobai gave him a big red envelope..." Lao Li explained.

Zhang Tan looked at Xiaobai, who laughed and asked, "Uncle, did you find me here?"

Wang Dashan quickly handed over the red envelope: "Kid, you gave me too much money. I can't accept it if I give it back to you."

He was worried that Xiaobai would be blamed, so he explained a few words to Zhang Tan on behalf of Xiaobai.

Xiaobai took the red envelope and didn't know whether he should accept it or continue to give it to the uncle in front of him.

She looked at Old Man Zhang with her eyes.

Old man Zhang said: "You can make your own decision."

Xiaobai asked: "Can I make my own decision?"

Zhang Tan encouraged: "You can do it. You are so smart. You can do whatever you think in your heart. I will support you."

Xiao Xiaobai, who was standing at his feet, also said in a coquettish voice: "Little aunt, I support you."

As for what she supports, I'm afraid she can't tell clearly.

Xiaobai thought about it, accepted the red envelope with a smile, and said, "Uncle, I will accept it. If I give it to you again, you will definitely not accept it."

Wang Dashan smiled and said: "I have received your kindness. You are still a child. This is your new year's money. You can keep it for yourself and buy things you like."

"Thank you, uncle." Xiaobai said, opened the red envelope, took out a hundred-yuan bill, and handed it to Wang Dashan, "Uncle, the "Little White Boat" you sang during the day was very nice. My sisters and I liked it very much. This is the money we pay for listening to the music, you must accept it."

Wang Dashan was stunned.

Zhang Tan was also stunned, he didn't expect Xiaobai to do this.

Immediately, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved. Xiaobai had really grown up and matured a lot, and he was doing things in an orderly manner.

Wang Dashan did not accept it, but looked at Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Children can make their own decisions. It seems that Teacher Wang's singing is really good. My little Bai mentioned you again and again after he came back and praised you for your greatness."

Wang Dashan also smiled and said: "Thank you. If you like to hear it, you can come and listen to it often in the future. I'm in the West Chang'an Street area."

At Xiaobai's insistence, Wang Dashan accepted the 100 yuan and asked Xiaobai what song they wanted to listen to now. He could sing one for everyone on the spot.

Xiaobai quickly discussed it with the children. After discussion, everyone said they wanted to listen to "Chong Er Fei" and asked him: "Can you sing it in the classroom? Let the children listen to it."

So Wang Dashan came to the classroom with everyone and sang "Insects Flying" to the children here.

Even if you come, singing one song is definitely not enough, and the children will not be allowed to leave.

Wang Dashan was not impatient at all and sang five songs in one breath. The children were still not satisfied and kept shouting. It was not until Zhang Tan came forward to smooth things over that Wang Dashan was able to escape.

"I have to go back, it's quite late." Wang Dashan said goodbye to everyone.

Zhang Tan saw him off, and when leaving, he left his phone number and gave him his business card.

Wang Dashan glanced at the name on the business card and only saw the word "Zhang Tan" with a few rows of small characters underneath. Before he could take a closer look, he put it in his pocket and went home.

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