Dad Academy

Chapter 2184: Roar when you see injustice on the road

"A singer?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, we have seen him singing on the overpass before. He can sing "Little White Boat" very well."

"Does it sound good?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai giggled: "That sounds terrible."

Zhang sighed: "It shows that his singing skills are great."

Xiaobai agreed very much and said at the same time: "My old man also wrote it well. If my old man's writing was not good, people would not be able to sing it, don't you think?"

Zhang Tan laughed and said, "You said a lot."

How could this little girl know how to flatter someone?

At this time, Xi'er interrupted and said that Xiaobai gave the uncle a lot of money.

Xiaobai quickly glanced at Zhang Tan and explained: "I gave him my New Year's money. I thought he was so pitiful. He was sitting on the ground with the wind blowing and it rained at night. Will he get wet?" Yu, I’ll give him some of my New Year’s money and let him stay in a hotel and have some rest.”

Zhang Tan did not ask Xiaobai how much money he gave to others, but said: "You are right. The starting point is very good. When we see others in difficulty, if we have the ability, we should lend a hand to help."

Xiaobai nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's what I said."

Zhang Tan continued: "But we must act within our capabilities."

Xiaobai asked: "What does it mean to act within one's ability?"

Zhang Tan explained: "You have 100 yuan, and you give it all to others. You give 80 yuan to others, and you only have 20 yuan left. But you still have to eat and take a bus, and the money is not enough." , you will be hungry, and you will not be able to take a ride home. Originally, if you had this 100 yuan, you could have a full meal and take a ride home, and you would still have 40 yuan left, so if you want to help someone who is in difficulty People should give 40 yuan to others instead of giving 80 yuan or all of it beyond their ability. In that way, others may be out of trouble, but you yourself will be in difficulty, don't you think?"

Xiaobai thought for a moment, nodded, and felt that this was the truth.

Xiwawa also nodded repeatedly and took the initiative to receive education.

As for Xiao Xiaobai, his eyes are full of clear stupidity.

Zhang Tan continued: "So, we should be willing to help others, but we should not go beyond our capabilities to help others."

Xiaobai echoed: "Yes, yes, that's what I said, so I only gave him the lucky money."

Zhang Tan still didn't ask how much the new year's money was, and said, "Just do what you can."

Xiaobai then mysteriously invited Zhang Tan to her room, where she saw a bed of rag dolls of all kinds, including those of humans, animals, and plants.


Xiaobai laughed, feeling very proud of the doll on the bed.

Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai also came over, laughing along with their arms akimbo.

This is what they gained throughout the morning. The biggest gain today is their pride.

Xiao Xiaobai rushed in, picked out a few dolls, and told her uncle that these babies were hers.

"It's amazing, you caught me all." Zhang Tan praised.

Xiao Xiaobai giggled, overjoyed. She had no intention of explaining that she didn't catch it herself.

Xiaobai and Xi'er also introduced their dolls to him.

The dolls on this bed belong to the three of them.

All the dolls caught today are here. Dudu didn’t ask for them, so he shared them with them.

Dudu has too many dolls at home. If he doesn’t have enough, he will catch them. If there are new animals in the claw machine, he will catch them.

Anyway, Miss Zhao never lacks dolls.

"Tomorrow we will catch dolls again!" Xiaobai vowed. She really liked this feeling. It was so exciting! so fun.

Xi'er and Xiaobai were equally eager to try it out. Xiaobai's little face shone brightly and her eyes were extremely bright. This little baby followed her little aunt to play some exciting things, which she had never experienced before, which greatly enriched her still life. Short life.

She liked her little aunt so much that she hoped to never be separated from her.

"Aren't so many dolls enough?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai said excitedly: "Go and catch some more. There are still a lot of them in the claw machine. Let's go and catch a few more."

Zhang Tan said: "But there are already so many, which is enough. Grab some more. You don't need so many. In fact, a few dolls are enough for a child. There are too many to take care of, so I think You should stop catching dolls and leave those dolls for the children who don’t have dolls to catch.”

Xiaobai listened, thought about it seriously, and felt that what Old Man Zhang said made sense, so he nodded and decided to listen to what Old Man Zhang said. This is the reason.

Xiao Xiaobai is still shouting stupidly, "Chongya", and he will continue to catch dolls tomorrow.

Xiaobai took her aside and started preschool education.

Zhang Tan saw Xiaobai and Xi'er preaching around Xiaobai, so he didn't get involved and let them go. Children prefer to listen to older children.

It was raining outside the house just as Xiaobai said. It was pouring and drizzling, and the temperature dropped several degrees.

Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival, and Huangjia Village is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, fashionable and full of life.

Lao Li had already carried the bird cage into the guard box. The lights in the guard box were warm, and the air conditioner was humming slightly. He was watching TV, and most importantly, chatting with the children around him.

That's right, Miss Zhao is here as a guest.

Miss Zhao sat on the small chair prepared for her by Lao Li. There was a small heater in front of her, and the red-hot wire mesh radiated heat.

Although the air conditioning was turned on in the small room, Lao Li was still afraid that Miss Zhao would get cold, so he specially turned on the heater for her.

"Look at this, there will be monsters coming out of the sea. Are you afraid of Li Baibao?"

Dudu pointed at the news on TV and said to Lao Li seriously.

Lao Li was stunned. He didn't pay attention to the content of the news. After listening to Dudu's words, he realized that the news was still about the issue of nuclear sewage, and then there was an earthquake in the sea.

But this earthquake has nothing to do with the appearance of monsters.

Maybe it's a child's whim.

It's all childlike innocence.

The grandfather and grandson were talking and laughing. Dudu explained a few sentences while watching TV. Old Li listened with great interest and laughed from time to time.

"Eat snacks, have snacks, drink tea."

Lao Li smiled and warmly greeted Dudu not to just talk, are you thirsty? Drink tea, are you hungry? eat snack.

In front of Dudu, there is a small coffee table, which Lao Li usually uses to make tea. At this moment, the small coffee table has become Dudu's snack area, which contains many melons, fruit meat shops, candies, candied fruits, etc.

Although Dudu can eat, she is not a foodie and will not eat for the sake of eating. She will only eat when she is hungry.

She was quite full at the moment, so Lao Li kept urging her, so she would make a candied fruit and eat it, just to give her face.

After eating the candied fruit, we continued talking about the news and interesting things about the New Year.

Lao Li's laughter kept coming from the small sentry box.

While talking and laughing, Lao Li still did not forget about his work. From time to time he would look out the window and take a look at the surveillance video. He saw a strange man outside the gate who kept poking his head several times.

He told Dudu: "You stay here and don't go out. I'll go out and take a look."

Dudu couldn't help but stood up and asked seriously: "Are there any bad guys coming?"

Lao Li smiled and said: "No, no, don't scare yourself."

Dudu explained seriously: "Oh, then Li Baibao, be careful. If you are a bad guy, just shout and I will help you."

Lao Li laughed, thinking that Miss Zhao was talking about a cliché.

But when he went out and asked loudly through the iron fence the person who was peeking out in the light rain, Dudu immediately ran out like the wind, carrying the bird cage in his hand, and stood at Lao Li's feet, across the iron fence. Fence and confront the stranger outside! The tiger is watching eagerly, and the momentum is very strong!

Lao Li was stunned for a moment, and his eyes immediately fell on the bird cage in Miss Zhao's hand...

It seemed that Miss Zhao used the bird cage as a handy weapon.

The parrots inside were too scared to call for help.

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