Dad Academy

Chapter 2164 The little red horse never sleeps

Xiaobai and Xi'er didn't sleep for half the night because they wanted to see a mouse get married last night. They were very sleepy on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, so they caught up on their sleep during the day and didn't wake up until almost noon.

Xiao Xiaobai has come here three times, wanting to play with them.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, it is a custom to send away the poor. It is said that the ritual of sending the poor was very complicated in the past, but today, the ceremony is very simple. It is to clean up the garbage accumulated during the New Year. This is to send the poor.

From New Year's Eve to the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, garbage is piled together and cannot be moved. It is said that wealth can be gathered.

But after all, it is unhygienic if it accumulates for a long time, so on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the garbage must be cleaned up, which is commonly known as sending away the poor.

Zhang Tan started cleaning up the garbage in the yard early in the morning. Tan Jiner took his clothes and went to the river to wash them. The two children were sleeping soundly.

Xiao Xiaobai came, moved a small stool, and sat in the yard, basking in the sun, dragging his cheeks and watching his uncle busy.

There was melancholy on her little face, and she glanced into the room from time to time, hoping that her little aunt and sister Xi'er would suddenly wake up and show up to take her to play.

But unfortunately, my aunt and the others never came out and were still sleeping.

She raised her head and looked at Father Sun.

Father-in-law Sun is golden all over, shining sunshine and making people warm.

Father-in-law the sun has already reached the top of his head. Why haven’t my aunts and the others gotten up yet?

Xiao Xiaobai couldn't help but got up again, walked into the house with small steps, and quietly came to the bedroom of his little aunt and the others. He leaned on the crack of the door and looked inside. He saw that the bedroom was very quiet, and his little aunt and Xi'er were lying on the bed. elder sister.

She sighed in disappointment and quietly closed the door like a little adult, coming and going quietly.

I returned to the yard, sat back on the small stool, and continued to bask in the sun while holding my chin up and watching my uncle work.

My uncle seems to be a robot. He keeps doing it and doesn’t feel tired.

"Uncle, are you a robot?"

Her uncle told her that he was not a robot, he was just forced to work by life.

When Xiao Xiaobai heard this, he felt very sorry for his uncle. After thinking about it, Buling Buling ran to him, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to help him do something.

Based on the principle that mosquito meat is also meat, Zhang Tan assigned a task to Xiaobai, spinning a little friend around like a hard-working bee.

After Tan Jin'er came back from washing clothes, she ran to help Aunt Jin'er dry the clothes.

Tan Jin'er smiled and invited her to have dinner at home with her at noon. After being such a help, she must stay for dinner.

"Mom called me home to eat." Xiao Xiaobai said.

Before she came, her mother repeatedly told her that she must go home for a meal. She could not hang out at my aunt's house for a day. She must go home today.

Really, from the first day of the Lunar New Year to the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, I have been running outside.

Today I must give the children a military order.

Xiao Xiaobai agreed to her mother's request, because if she didn't agree, her mother would not let her come.

My little friend has no human rights.

"You can eat here first and then eat when you get home, isn't that enough?" Tan Jin'er gave Xiao Xiaobai some advice.

Xiao Xiaobai thought this was a good idea and happily agreed. Hahaha, why didn’t she think of it?

Suddenly, there was a noise at home. Xiao Xiaobai, who was working, seemed like a little rabbit who heard the noise. He immediately stopped what he was doing, pricked up his ears, and stared at home.

Nothing was seen at home, but the noise was still coming.

Without saying a word, Xiao Xiaobai dropped what he was holding and ran home excitedly.

She guessed that her little aunt and sister Xi'er must have woken up.

She wanted to go play with them quickly.

A cute little girl appeared at the door of the bedroom in time. She opened a crack and peeked in. When she saw that her little aunt was really awake, she opened the door and diligently served tea and water to her little aunt and sister Xi'er. I also want to help them wear clothes, pants and shoes.

But the kindness was rejected because she was too young and her aunt was afraid of accidentally stepping on her.

During lunch, everyone brought food to Xiao Xiaobai to reward her for her hard work today.

Xiao Xiaobai was extremely proud and felt that he had done something great.

However, she was not happy for long before her mood was shrouded in dark clouds.

Her mother came and called her home.

She pretended not to eat and went back. When she got home, she found that her grandma had given her a full bowl of rice.

She looked at the bowl of rice and her hair turned gray with worry.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the New Year greetings are basically over.

At least Teacher Jiang's New Year's greeting mission has ended. She didn't have many relatives to visit.

Other families in Baijia Village are still visiting relatives and friends, and some are receiving guests at home. From time to time, the sound of firecrackers can be heard somewhere.

Bai Guagua went out with his father to visit relatives today. Xiao Xiaobai looked for him early in the morning but couldn't find him. His mother told Xiao Bai.

Zhang Tan still has some relatives to visit in Pujiang, such as his uncle's family.

He made an appointment to go on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. Today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, so the group of them will go back tomorrow.

Malanhua and Bai Jianping made an appointment with him to go back together. Malanhua's pancake and fruit shop is about to open, and Bai Jianping's crew has been working during the Spring Festival, and his leave is about to expire.

Naturally, Bai Zhiqiang's family of three had to leave. They all went to work on the eighth day of the lunar month and had a few days off, so they decided to stay in Pujiang for a few days.

On the afternoon of the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the two families had lunch at Dunzi's house, then packed up and set out on the journey back to Pujiang.

Dunzi saw them off at the entrance of the village, where the village chief also saw them off. There were many villagers from Baijia Village beside him.

At 6:30 that evening, the group finally returned to Pujiang.

"Gua WaZi? Is Gua WaZi here?"

Xiaobai ran all the way back to Little Red Horse Academy. The lights were on in the academy. Old Li was walking with a bird cage in his hand. There were children playing in the yard.

"Hahaha, Guawazi is here!"

Xiaobai ran all the way into the classroom, looked around, and found that there were also melon seeds in the classroom! Most of them are familiar faces.

As long as Guawazi is around, Little Red Horse will never go bankrupt.

The only pity is that no one in the best friend group is there.

Dudu, Liuliu, Chengcheng, and Xiaomi have all returned to their hometowns, but they haven't returned to Pujiang yet.

Instead, Xiaobai found Xiaonian.

Xiaonian is sitting at a small table, and Shi Baobao is teaching her how to draw.

Seeing Xiaobai suddenly appear, Xiaonian was startled at first, then his eyebrows lit up with joy, and he shouted cheerfully: "Xiaobai——"

What she responded to was a series of expressive hiahiahia sounds.

Xi'er also appeared. She stepped forward, hugged Xiaonian, and wished Xiaonian a happy New Year first.

As for Shi Baobao, I only received one sentence: "Ah, Baobao, you are here too~"

Not all handsome guys are popular.


The little boy heard the noise and appeared out of nowhere.

Aunt Huang, the director of the park, came down from the office upstairs. She might have heard the noise.

Teacher Xiaoliu and Teacher Xiaoman also appeared.

The little red horse was still the same little red horse, and the familiar people were all there, which finally made Xiaobai feel relieved.

Although she was only gone for a few days, it felt like she had been gone for a long time. The little red horse really made her miss her.

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