Dad Academy

Chapter 2163 Mouse gets married

Zhu Xiaojing made a mistake in judgment. She thought she was at home in Pujiang. At that time, Liuliu was helpless and it was up to her to do whatever she wanted.

But it was different here. With grandparents as backers, Da Yanyan was so angry that she covered her butt and complained, instantly gaining confidence.

Zhu Xiaojing finally failed to get the new year's money, and was slandered by Luliu for a while. She was so angry that she wanted to beat her again at all costs.

When going to bed at night, it was Zhu Xiaojing's turn to tell Liliu a bedtime story, but her place was canceled by Liliu.

Luliu didn't want to see her tonight and eliminated her.

The person telling the story was replaced by Shen Limin.

"Are you happy?"

"I'm happy, thank you for giving me this opportunity."

"Then come on, duck."

"Come on! What story do you want to hear tonight?"

"Can you talk about three dozen white-bone spirits?"

"Three dozen white-bone demons? Do you want to hear it? I can tell it."

Listening to the conversation between the two, not far away, Zhu Xiaojing's veins popped out, trying hard to suppress her anger. She heard it, Luoliu was thinking about her, right?

Shen Limin followed Liliu into the bedroom and respectfully told her the story of three dozen white-bone spirits.

After finishing speaking, he was allowed to leave because Da Yanyan was going to bed.

"Okay, then go to bed early and don't steal...emmm, don't let your new year's money be stolen."

Shen Limin originally wanted to say not to eat snacks secretly, but he knew that Da Yanyan would be angry if he said this, so he quickly changed his mind.

He pointed to the corner of the red envelope exposed under the pillow. Without looking, he knew that Luoliu had hidden all the new year's money under the pillow.

The place where this silly kid hides his things is either under the pillow or under the bed, but not the third one.

When Liuliu heard this, he quickly picked up the red envelope under his pillow and stared at Dad Zhu with very wary eyes.

"Don't worry, I didn't see it!"

Shen Limin immediately stated his position.

"You didn't see it either, right?"

"Yes, yes, I didn't see it either."

Shen Limin was then allowed to leave without being silenced.

The second day of the Lunar New Year is the day when the son-in-law and daughter go home to pay New Year greetings to their parents. There are many strange faces in Baijia Village, and there are also many more children.

On this day, Zhang Tan had no duty to pay New Year's greetings, so he went to the tea factory to pay New Year's greetings to the staff who stayed at their posts.

When he came back, he saw a group of children wandering around the village. He seemed to have spotted Xiao Bai, but the children passed by without looking carefully.

After returning home, he heard from Tan Jin'er that Xiaobai took Xiaobai and the others to play with the children in the village. Zhang Tan felt that the one he saw before must be them.

It was time for lunch, and the four children returned home.

Dunzi was also with them.

"Do you want to go play with everyone after dinner?" Zhang Tan asked Xiaobai.

"A lot of melons came to the village..."

Xiaobai Balabala said that there are many more melons in the village, which is quite fun.

Xiao Xiaobai nodded enthusiastically, and such a small child actually followed him around.

"Would you like to go to the county town in the afternoon? You can watch the light show in the county town in the evening." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai was excited and asked Xiwawa if he wanted to go.

Of course Xiwa wants to go.

I didn’t ask Xiaoxiaobai, but Xiaoxiaobai actively raised her hand, acknowledging that she was also involved, regardless of whether her mother would agree.

"Call Dunzi and let's go together." Xiaobai said.

"Jin'er, let's go too," Zhang Tan said.

Tan Jiner asked: "Will there be a light show on the second day of the Lunar New Year?"

Zhang Tan glanced at Teacher Jiang and introduced the customs here.

The county has the custom of holding a lantern show every year. It has been held since New Year's Eve, and the lights are brightly lit every night until the Lantern Festival.

New Year's Eve and Lantern Festival are the busiest days.

However, Zhang Tan and others definitely couldn't wait any longer during the Lantern Festival. By that time, they had already returned to Pujiang.

Tan Jin'er went, but Teacher Jiang didn't plan to go. She doesn't like riding in cars because she gets motion sick. Secondly, she may have guests at home and needs to stay alone.

Xiao Xiaobai was determined to go and call his mother.

She chattered into the phone, to the effect that she and her aunt were going to the county town to see a light show and would not go home to have dinner or sleep at night to complain, so that her mother would not think she was lost.

She didn't throw it away, she just went to play with her little aunt.

Note that this is not an application to my mother, but a notification.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Tan drove a car of children to the county town to see the light show. They had dinner in the county and bought each of them a small lantern to carry to the light show. , koi, lotus, etc., in various shapes.

Xiao Xiaobai likes his little rabbit lantern so much that he can't put it down. He walks with great energy, as if he has become a little rabbit.

Children may all like small lanterns. On the one hand, they are cute in appearance and contain various small animals. On the other hand, they are interested in shiny and shiny things.

Tan Jiner also carried a lotus lantern. If she wore Hanfu, she would look like a woman from a costume drama.

We played until about eight o'clock in the evening, then went back at Zhang Tan's urging.

When I got home, it was already half past nine.

Not only Teacher Jiang was at home, but also Ma Lanhua, Yang Yi, and Dunzi's mother.

Yang Yi must be here to catch Xiao Xiaobai.

Although she knew that Xiao Xiaobai was going out to play with Zhang Tan and others, the mother was still worried. After all, Xiao Xiaobai was only 2 years old.

Xiao Xiaobai didn't notice her mother's worries at all. She excitedly told her mother interesting stories about visiting the lantern show, and even showed her mother her little rabbit lantern, feeling proud and excited.

Xiao Xiaobai was taken away by her mother and grandmother, and this child was really going to be someone else's baby.

There is a folk legend on the third day of the lunar month that the night of this day is the day when rats get married, so people should go to bed early and not disturb other people's good things.

This folk legend was told by Teacher Jiang to Xiaobai and Xi'er, and it was also the first time Zhang Tan had heard of it.

As a result, the children took it seriously. At dawn the next day, Xiaobai and Xier were listless and yawning with dark circles under their eyes.

They stayed up half the night last night, keeping their ears open to listen to what was going on around them to see if they could catch a mouse getting married.

"Did you hear any noise?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai yawned and shook his head: "I didn't hear anything~"

Xi'er: "hiahia~I heard the chirping of birds, cooing."

Teacher Jiang said funnyly: "That's just folklore, just listen to it as a story."

Xiaobai: "So the story is all a lie?"

"The story of the mice getting married actually does not mean that the mice actually get married, but it means that there will be a good harvest in the new year. If there is more food in the house, there will be more mice. The mice get married and reproduce, which shows that the family is living a prosperous life."

Xiaobai was startled: "Oh my god, there is such a saying, the mice have eaten up all the food in the house."

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