Dad Academy

Chapter 2138 As humble as dust

"Hey, hey!!! Baby Zhu, wake up, wake up!"

"Don't sleep! You've been sleeping all afternoon."

"Are you a piggy?!"

"Get up quickly! You can sleep so well. Do you plan to stay up tonight and torture me?!"

Liuliu was forcibly awakened from her sleep by Zhu Xiaojing.

Da Yanyan, who was forced to turn on the phone, was full of resentment and irritated when she woke up. Suddenly she heard Zhu's mother calling her to wash the dishes, and she immediately exploded, with her hair blowing up, her teeth and claws showing, and she was so aggressive.

But soon, he was suppressed by Zhu Xiaojing.

"I'm going, I'm going to duck - I'm going to duck!! Don't kill me, don't kill me duck!! 嘤嘤嘤!! Mother Zhu, spare your life!"

"Do you still dare to shout and kill me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare. I have grown up and am a mature child. I am sensible."

"That's pretty much it, but just wait a minute. Old Shen—Old Shen! Where have you been hiding?? You run away whenever something like this happens. Do you have any sense of responsibility?"

"Come on, come on, I went to the toilet." Shen Limin appeared amidst the scolding.

"You must have hid in the toilet, hurry up! Take a photo of me and Liliu."

"Shoot like this?"

"Just shoot like this, to capture my majesty and momentum."

"...It's a duck. Mother Zhu, you are playing with me~"

She was swollen with anger after being stepped on by Zhu Xiaojing's foot. She was lying on the floor at the moment, being stepped on by Zhu's mother, without any dignity at all.

Liuliu thought this was a great shame and humiliation to her. She was a big girl and couldn't bear such humiliation, so she wanted to resist.

But then I thought about it, compared with life, dignity is obviously more important, and compared with barbecue, it is not worth mentioning.

So she endured it and urged Mama Zhu to hurry up.

"It's so cold on the floor, my face is about to freeze into a bun, hurry up!"

Shen Limin quickly took out his mobile phone, lay on the ground, and took a photo of Zhu Xiaojing and Liuliu from bottom to top. The photo showed Zhu Xiaojing's superiority and Liliu's humbleness as a dust.

"Let me see."

Zhu Xiaojing took the phone and looked at it, and was very satisfied.

When Luoliu saw that her thigh was gone, she quickly got up and asked to see the photo.

Zhu Xiaojing handed her the phone to her. When Luoliu saw the photo, she became very angry. She knew she was humble, but she didn't expect it to be so humble.

It's so bullying.

"I'll delete it."

She muttered and was about to delete the photo.

Zhu Xiaojing quickly snatched it away, gave her a scolding, and asked her to wash the dishes.

"I am a strong little pomegranate, I don't cry, I want to be strong, I want to live..."

Liuliu muttered, full of resentment, and reluctantly went to the kitchen, brought out a basket, collected all the dishes and chopsticks on the table, and carried it back to the kitchen.


Shen Limin was worried that Da Yanyan would not be able to think straight and do something else, so he went into the kitchen to help Luoliu and relieve her some pressure.

Unexpectedly, Liliu was standing on the stool washing dishes and singing songs at the same time. He seemed to be in a very beautiful mood.

When she saw Shen Limin appear, she happily waved him over and asked with great anticipation: "Where should we go to eat barbecue duck tonight?"

Shen Limin said: "It's at Lao Xu's house downstairs."

"Lao Xu? Ha, I know Lao Xu. We have eaten at his house. His barbecue is quite interesting, hahaha~~"

She praised Lao Xu's barbecue, then changed the subject and asked if Dudu could be invited too.

"I feel so lonely eating barbecue alone! I'm not happy! Come on, even if you call Dudu."

"Aren't your mother and I also eating with you?"

Liuliu muttered, not counting them among the people.

If it were a human, would it trample the strong little pomegranate on the floor?

If he were a human being, he would lie on the floor and put his phone close to Da Yanyan’s face to take pictures?

Shen Limin finally agreed to Liliu's request. The two of them worked together to wash the dishes and called Dudu after they came out.

Dudu acted resolutely and came as soon as she said she would. Her father, Zhao Gongcheng, sent it to her and left after delivering it to her.

Just like that, Shen Limin was complained by Luliu.

"You didn't even invite Dudu's father to dinner! You didn't even say anything about how we had barbecue with Lao Zhao! You're too rude."

Shen Limin was speechless for a while when his daughter said, "Okay, I don't understand the ways of the world."

As soon as Liliu saw Dudu, she hugged Dudu for a while, told her grievances, and asked Dudu to look at the photo of her taken by Zhu's mother, which was the photo of her being stepped on the floor.

Dudu saw it and called out a string of 666.

"You guys are really good at playing duck, Luoliu, your mother loves you."

Dudu’s chicken soup is always hot, even in the middle of winter.

This is all the case, but you can still say such poisonous chicken soup as "your mother loves you"! ! !

Zhu Xiaojing liked Dudu like this very much. She smiled and gave her a bottle of Bear drink, asked Dudu what she wanted to eat at the barbecue, and would give her some later.

"Mama Zhu, I like to eat grilled pork belly, grilled eggplant, grilled corn, and grilled fish." Dudu was unambiguous.

"Okay, order them all. Be sure to eat enough later."

"Okay, I will go home after eating." Dudu said.

Liuliu looked at her good sister Dudu and then at the bully-like mother Zhu. She muttered a few words and ignored Dudu. She walked out and decided to go to Lao Xu BBQ restaurant to grab a seat first.

I haven't had barbecue for a while, and I really missed the smell of barbecue. I inhaled the aroma as soon as I entered the store, and wanted to have a full meal first.

It gets dark early in winter. By this time, the street lights have been turned on outside, and the temperature seems to be even lower.

It has just fallen into the night in Pujiang City, and the nightlife has just begun. However, at this moment, Baijia Village is already as quiet as late at night.

People had dinner and stayed at home. It was windy outside, the temperature dropped sharply, and it was very likely to snow at night.

At Bai Jianping's house, after dinner, it was Bai Jianping's boring time, and a soap opera was playing on the TV.

Bai Jianping sneered in his heart, thinking that watching such TV series lowered his grade. He only liked to watch current political news and cared about national affairs and the fate of mankind.

These are eternal propositions worthy of his consideration.

Xiao Xiaobai was angry. She wanted to go play with her little aunt at night, but she was not allowed. It was dark and it was not safe for the little baby to appear outdoors, not to mention the wind blowing outside.

Xiao Xiaobai didn't care about this. She only knew that she wanted to play with her little aunt and sister Xi'er, and she was happy even if she was cheated.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Bai Jianping went out. A cold wind blew outside and he shivered.

The village began to install solar street lights a few days ago, which will light up at night and not go out until after ten o'clock in the evening.

Bai Jianping followed the cement path in the village and came to the square where he ate flowing water mats during the day.

The square that was so lively during the day was now deserted, with only two dogs and him alone.

There were several street lights on in the square, and a large jujube tree cast a large shadow.

Bai Jianping came to show off. During the day, Xiaobai asked him to start a square dance, but now he knew that it was impossible to do it. It was too cold!

He couldn't stand it anymore after staying in the square for a while, so he hurried home. His nose was about to burst from the cold, and he felt that Xiaobai had a bad idea.

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