Dad Academy

Chapter 2137 Never lose in a battle of wits and courage

"Go away, go away, my little aunt will take you to play."

Xiaobai noticed that Xiaoxiaobai was in a bad mood and wanted to take her to play.

Xiao Xiaobai pouted, his face full of displeasure, and his pouted mouth could hang a soy sauce bottle.

"hiahia, sister Xi'er is here to eat your bangbang chicken."

Xi'er thoughtfully picked up the bowl of Bang Bang Chicken, ate a big meal, wiped her mouth, and said it tasted great.

This fake performance made Xiao Xiaobai happy and asked expectantly: "Is it really delicious?"

"It's delicious, it's delicious~ I still want to eat it after eating it," Xi'er said.

Xiao Xiaobai was laughing and joking, and had already forgotten about grandma's back stabbing.

"Eat it all for you."

Xiao Xiaobai is so generous. Xi'er's heart skipped a beat and she quickly thought about how to refuse this warm invitation.

At this time, Xiao Xiaobai said again: "Oh no, I have to give it to my little aunt."

Her little aunt glanced at her sideways and wanted to say, "I'm a hammer."

In order to avoid making Xiao Xiaobai cry, Xiao Bai also followed Xi'er's example and ate a big meal, and then told Xiao Bai that everyone in the camera wanted to eat.

Xiao Xiaobai generously invited all the girls in her best friend group to come and eat.

Xiaomi was the first to eat it and praised its deliciousness.

Dudu and Cheng Cheng also ate, and ate all the remaining pomegranates.

Xiao Xiaobai finally felt full of accomplishment and jumped up and down to play with her little aunt.

Pujiang, old Shen family.

Liuliu looked at the phone with no screen. Xiaobai's live broadcast of Guawazi was over! I haven’t even eaten the post-meal fruit yet! ! !

Luoliu didn't get enough of it, but suddenly felt that her phone was getting hot, so she quickly put it down.

Why haven't I felt it before?

Her palms were sweating a lot.

She secretly glanced at Zhu's mother and Zhu's father in the living room. Zhu's father was watching TV, and Zhu's mother fell asleep lying on Zhu's father's lap.

She quietly got down from the chair and tiptoed to her room. Halfway through, she suddenly increased her speed, and with a whoosh, she sped back to her room. The door was closed hard, and with a bang, she Zhu Xiaojing trembled with fright and woke up.

"What happened just now? Was there thunder?"

Zhu Xiaojing asked drowsily.

Shen Limin was also startled, but he knew it was not thunder, but his baby Zhu escaping back to his room.

He looked at the restaurant. The dishes and chopsticks were still on the table. Baby Zhu ran away after eating and playing. I promised to wash the dishes properly before, but it seems that I intend to refuse.

Shen Limin told Zhu Xiaojing that it was Liuliu who returned to the room.

"Did she wash the dishes?" Zhu Xiaojing asked.

Shen Limin didn't answer and let Zhu Xiaojing see for himself. Don't let Da Yanyan blame him for snitching. He is a villain.

Zhu Xiaojing stopped sleeping, turned over and sat up, poured herself a glass of water, then stretched her body, came to Liuliu's door, and knocked on the door.

No one answered inside.

"Liuliu, I know you are inside! Open the door."

There was silence in the room. It was possible that Luliu was not really there, floating out of the window.

"Do you want to have barbecue tonight?" Zhu Xiaojing asked.

There was still no response from inside, but Zhu Xiaojing knew that she was not far from success.

"If you don't say anything, that means you don't eat, right? That's okay. You can play in your room. Your dad and I will go out for a barbecue later. We will be back to cook for you before dark."

Zhu Xiaojing deliberately made the sound of footsteps, which sounded like they were really going away.

The door opened with a bang, and Da Yanyan made a shining appearance! Just when I was about to call out "Mother Zhu, take me", I suddenly saw that Mother Zhu was nowhere to go. Isn't she just standing at the door of the room? ! !

"Oops~ I was cheated."

Da Yanyan was quick-witted and instantly knew that she had fallen into Zhu's mother's trick, and immediately wanted to close the door and escape to her room.

But it was too late. She was caught by Zhu Xiaojing, dragged out, and escorted to the restaurant. Pointing to the messy dining table, she said: "Whoever finishes the meal last will wash the dishes. Didn't you promise well?"


"What are you, you don't keep your word, do you? You are a villain who doesn't keep your word, right? Then can we still believe what you say in the future?"

"I, I, promised to wash the dishes at one o'clock. Now I am at two-thirty. We are different. We are different. If you want to wash the dishes, you go to the one o'clock restaurant. , It has nothing to do with me—"

Da Yanyan's quibbling look is so real.

She looked troubled, like the male protagonist in The Bourne Supremacy, looking confused and having a bad memory.

Zhu Xiaojing was almost fooled, my dear, has Baby Zhu turned into a philosophical baby? What you say is so philosophical!

Zhu Xiaojing asked directly: "Excuse me, baby Zhu at half past two, are you washing the dishes now?"

Liuliu shook his head and said in a daze: "I won't wash. I really want to sleep now. I'm so sleepy, I'm going to die."

As she spoke, she yawned again and again, with a tired look on her face, and her eyelids were fighting whenever she wanted to, and her upper and lower parts had to be brought together, as if she was about to fall asleep in the next second.

I don't know if she is really sleepy or if she is acting. Zhu Xiaojing can't tell. Da Yanyan's acting skills are getting better and better day by day.

Zhu Xiaojing didn't answer. She picked up the inflatable mace placed against the wall and hit Da Yanyan on the head.

With a bang, Liuliu was hit suddenly, and the whole person was stunned.

"Wake up now, go and wash the dishes!!"

Doesn’t it work for you? Zhu Xiaojing said sincerely, today I am risking the reputation of killing relatives for justice, and I will punish you.

The durian in front of her was also blinded, but the next second, she screamed, hugged her head, and collapsed on the ground, moaning that she was beaten to death, she was almost out of breath, and it was impossible to wash the dishes. .

No matter how Zhu Xiaojing threatened her or pulled her up, Luoliu was just like a rubber figure, lying limp, unable to stand or sit still. She always wanted to lie down on the ground, saying that she was hit hard and her bones were broken. Broken.

Zhu Xiaojing was furious, "Okay, okay! You are awesome, Shen Liuliu. Then go back to your room and sleep first."

Let me see how you go back to your room. If you dare to stand up, I will arrest you and lock you in the kitchen immediately.

However, Da Yanyan seemed to know what she was thinking, knowing that once she stood up, she would die, so she crawled on her stomach, like a caterpillar, crawling toward the room with a round but flexible movement.

Zhu Xiaojing and Shen Limin were stunned. Zhu Xiaojing followed her all the way, watching her enter the room, and then kicked the door shut with her back foot.

The house was quiet again.

Zhu Xiaojing and Shen Limin looked at each other for a long time, and Shen Limin sighed: "We can't compete. We are no longer inferior to us in battle of wits and courage. Maybe we will achieve something in the future. How about becoming a scientist?"

Zhu Xiaojing sneered: "Scientist? You study food culture, right?"

Shen Limin said: "Don't say that. Liuliu is really smart. Don't kill the child's enthusiasm."

Zhu Xiaojing: "It's not like you don't know her dream."

Hearing this, Shen Limin was speechless.

Zhu Xiaojing walked to the restaurant and saw the mess on the dining table. She couldn't help but said: "What's the use of being smart? Can you beat me?"

She said to Shen Limin: "Don't wash the dishes and chopsticks. Leave them there. Unless Liuliu doesn't want to have dinner, she has to wash them. I got into a fight with her today."

What Shen Limin was concerned about was not this, but what Zhu Xiaojing said just now, "Don't wash the dishes and chopsticks". It turned out that he was thinking that if the durian didn't wash it, I would wash it, right? I was the first to finish my meal! ! ! It shouldn't be my turn according to the order of priority.

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