Dad Academy

Chapter 2124 Almost pissed off

"Old man, when I saw the big rooster at home, I told everyone to run, and then we all ran away."

"The big rooster didn't catch up with us. He chased Xiaobai and Guagua. They are so pitiful."

Zhang Tan glanced at the child Bai Chunhua and thought to himself, please stop saying sarcastic words! Haven't you seen how miserable Xiao Xiaobai and Gua Gua Gua are?

Zhang Tan heard the shouting in the field, and immediately ran over to drive away the big rooster that was flapping against Guagua, and pulled Xiaobai out of the straw pile.

At this moment, the two youngest friends were crying and their bodies were dirty.

The white melon fell into the field. Although there was no water in the rice field in winter, the clothes were still stained.

The main blow is psychological.

The kid Bai Guagua ran away on horseback, but he couldn't outrun the big rooster. This was the first blow to him.

He wanted to be a warrior for a second, but was defeated by the brave and invincible cock.

He became a live target and was bullied by the big cock.

As for Xiao Xiaobai, this child now has a lot of straw shavings on his body, his head is messed up, his hair is disheveled and messy, and there are also a lot of straw shavings in his hair. It seems that it is impossible not to wash his hair.

Although both children looked miserable on the outside, in terms of mental state, Xiao Xiaobai was much better than Bai Guagua.

Bai Guagua seemed to have lost the battle, but Xiao Xiaobai seemed to have won the battle, with the sword on his shoulder and his steps unrecognizable.

She's not defeated by a big cock!

Xiaobai, Xi'er and Dunzi are comforting Bai Guagua.

"You, why don't you help me?" Bai Guagua said miserably, with a cry.

Bai Guagua followed them as a follower and little tail, and even dared to tease the big rooster, because he felt that playing with the older children would provide him with safety.

But I never expected that it would be so dangerous.

He wouldn't be in this level of danger playing alone.

Xiao Xiaobai looked back at him and murmured for a while.

Xiao Xiaobai has already suffered a loss once, so she has made progress this time. Bai Guagua has never suffered a loss from Xiao Bai before, so he suffered a loss this time.

Everyone has this once, or twice, three times... and N times, such as Liuliu.

Failure leads to growth. Next time Bai Guagua will not be fooled so easily.

When she got home, Tan Jin'er wanted to help Xiao Xiaobai take a bath, but she didn't have her clothes, so she called Malanhua to explain what happened and asked her to bring Xiao Xiaobai's change of clothes.

The same goes for Bai Gua Gua.

He was sent home by Zhang Tan.

On the way home, Bai Guagua was still concerned about his fish and kept asking Zhang Tan:

"Is my fish delicious?"

"I'll give you another fish to eat~"

"Are you coming to my house to eat fish?"

After Zhang Tan sent Bai Guagua home, he returned and saw Xiaobai sitting in the yard basking in the sun angrily, talking into the house from time to time.

I was quarreling with my aunt.

After hearing what happened to Xiao Xiaobai, Malanhua scolded Xiao Bai first.

Xiaobai expressed her innocence and had a fight with her aunt, and then she was dealt with.

Xiaobai took a bath and became a clean and beautiful little baby again.

She was caught in the yard basking in the sun. She had just come out of the water. Her hair was blow-dried, fluffy, fragrant, and furry, and she looked like a rag doll.

Xiao Xiaobai's hair volume is amazing. Her mother has always let her hair grow, and she didn't even cut her hair. So now Xiao Xiaobai's hair is long and plentiful. She usually tied her hair up without paying attention, but now that it has been let down, she realizes that it looks like a hair. Mengqiqi.

Meng Qiqi was sitting on a small stool and singing happily. Malanhua continued to wipe her hair while not forgetting to quarrel with Xiao Bai.

After hearing this, Xiao Xiaobai said proudly: "I defeated the big rooster~"

Malanhua showed no mercy, "Next time the big cock will pull at you and make you lose your virginity."

Xiao Xiaobai: "I, I have a sword~ Humph!"

"Your little aunt still has a hoe, why didn't she run away in fear?"

Xiao Xiaobai looked at her little aunt.

Her little aunt was silent for a while, wanting to refute but unable to do so.

“Dunzi—Dunzi, let’s eat Bangbang Chicken, hohoho~~”

Dunzi shook his head: "My mother said that big roosters should be kept to produce chicks."

"Giving birth to chickens, hehehehehe~" Xiao Xiaobai was delighted.

Malanhua stood up: "Okay, now that your hair is dry, do you want to go back with me, or continue to play here."

Xiao Xiaobai chose to stay and play here without hesitation.

Although she was tricked by her little aunt just now, she still likes to play with her, and there is nothing she can do about it.

When Malanhua heard this, she suddenly sat back and said, "Then I will stay here for a while."

When speaking, look at Xiaobai, that means to prevent you, a little one, from being tricked by your little aunt again.

Xiaobai snorted coldly and was told by grandma that the window grilles in the kitchen were not posted.

"We also need to put up window grilles on the stove. Can you help grandma put them up?"

When such a sacred task was assigned, Xiaobai didn't say anything, and immediately picked out a window grille with the meaning of "Good Harvest" and put it on the stove.

Xi'er and Xiaoxiaobai followed immediately. They stopped in the living room and saw that a large window cutout had been pasted on the wall in the center of the living room.

I haven't seen it before. It should have been posted when they went to Dunzi's house.

This window decoration shows two children. Xiaobai asked: "Are they me and Xiwawa?"

"Huh?" Xi'er was surprised, how could she accidentally become a window flower, "hiahiahia~"

"*%¥¥ # ?" Xiao Xiaobai was excited and pointed at himself, "What about me? What about me?"

Xiaobai touched her little head with astonishingly fluffy hair: "Silly child, you weren't born yet at that time."

Xiao Xiaobai had nothing to say and forced himself to speak, mumbling for a while.

Teacher Jiang was behind them and told them that these were the two immortals of harmony, the gods in charge of peace and joy.

Upon hearing this, Xiaobai and Xi'er quickly bowed respectfully to the two immortals Hehe and ran to put up window grilles on the stove.

After applying it to the stove, Xiao Xiaobai happily picked another window grille to put on the dog hole, and the window grille she picked was "Magpie Climbing Plum Blossom".

Xiaobai stopped her and asked, "Do you know what strangulation means?"

Xiao Xiaobai shook his head innocently.

Her little aunt pulled Xi'er over and told her that Xi'er was a little magpie!

"Are you going to let Xiba live in a dog hole? Little friend, are you a very kind person? Ha?"

Xiao Xiaobai chuckled, not thinking there was anything wrong, he just thought it was fun.

Xiwawa, on the other hand, was confused, why did it involve her? It's just a magpie on the window grille, not her!

But Xiaobai insisted not to let Xiaobai put up this window grille and asked for a different one.

"What if Xiwa does not have a good life in the new year?"

This is Xiaobai’s reason.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist.

She didn't want Xibao to have a bad life.

The three of them picked out window grilles together, and on the recommendation of Old Man Zhang, they chose a window grille made of gold ingots, which they called "prosperous wealth".

Xiao Xiaobai happily put a window grille with "prosperous wealth" on the dog hole, and he was very proud.

The chicken coop wasn't patched up, but the dog hole was patched up for her.

She is also a child who can accomplish great things.

Tomorrow is the day when the whole village has a running feast. Today we have to start preparing meals, so be prepared in advance.

It's the twelfth lunar month of winter, so it won't spoil if you prepare the dishes in advance. You can heat them up tomorrow and take them out to eat.

The adults are busy packing the ingredients, and the children are also busy.

Xiaobai and Xi'er called Dunzi together and got together, planning to cook a dish each.

Although Xiao Xiaobai was not called to discuss such a major matter, she was very conscious and took the initiative to come forward, listen on tiptoe, and nod her head repeatedly to express her full approval.

Xiaobai suggested making a fish feast with Xi'er, and suggested that Dunzi make Xu'er rice.

The division of labor is clear and everyone is in his place.

Xiao Xiaobai, who was not assigned the task, was very unwilling to do so. He stopped in front of his little aunt, chattering and gesticulating, and was about to get mad to death.

The three chapters mentioned yesterday are completed, and I haven’t broken my promise.

Please give me a monthly ticket. It’s the end of the month.

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