Dad Academy

Chapter 2123 The golden rooster cries spring

"A great filial daughter, a great filial daughter! Stop first, don't stick."

Zhang Tan hurriedly stopped Xiao Bai, "Good guy, the window grilles posted on the cowshed are actually posted on my door. Are you scolding me?" Or am I usually not nice to you?

Zhang Tan asked the filial daughter to change the picture and not post this one.

Xiaobai actually said plausibly, "This is a cow! Cow, old man, you are a cow!"

As he said this, fearing that Old Man Zhang would not understand the profound connotation of this window grille, Xiaobai gave a thumbs up, indicating that this was what it meant.

"This is not for cows. This is for the cowshed, not for my bedroom." Zhang Tan explained to her and took off the window grilles he was about to put on.

Suddenly, a little friend at my feet purred, like a little puppy that had appeared.

Zhang Tan looked down and saw Xiao Bai holding a small stool.

The little friend raised his little head and fired another burst of words at him. His little face was bulging with anger, and his little hand was pointing at the window grill in his hand, feeling a little excited.

This child must have been angry just now. It seems that she needs to be dealt with as soon as possible about the candied haws of sugar haws, otherwise she will definitely be against him in every possible way.

No, even if I put up window grilles, she would have an opinion!

Xiaobai didn't say anything after understanding it, but she talked a lot emotionally.

Although he couldn't hear clearly, he was probably scolding him.

"Put it in Xiaoxiaobai's room and give it to Xiaobai later. Let her go home and stick it," Zhang Tan suggested.

When Xiao Xiaobai heard this, he smiled happily.

Xiaobai secretly folded the window grilles that read "Six Livestocks Are Prosperous" and gave them to her, asking her to keep them and put them on her door when she got home later.

Xiao Xiaobai nodded and hummed happily.

"It's not good for you to do this."

This scene was seen by Tan Jin'er. She said that Xiao Zhang and his daughter were a little bit shady, and they actually teased Xiao Xiaobai.

No matter how wrong Xiao Xiaobai is, she is still only 2 years old.

"We have no livestock at home, so why do we cut the window grilles of so many livestock?" Zhang Tan asked Tan Jin'er.

"It's not just for our family, but also for Dunzi's family and Aunt Ma's family." Tan Jin'er said.

Zhang Tan: "We can't use them all, we cut so many window grilles."

Tan Jin'er: "The extra ones are for the people in the village. If any family needs it, they will come and get it. This is what Teacher Jiang said. She will cut more window grilles for everyone to use every year. She can't make it available for every household, but she will try to cut as many as possible." , I joined this year, so I cut more than in previous years.”

"oh, I get it."

Dunzi's mother came and picked eight window grilles and went home to put them up.

The window decoration team immediately caught wind of the situation and followed, following Dunzi's mother, the team stretched out on the field ridge.

Dunzi's mother and father cannot neglect this small team, they must assign tasks to them, otherwise it will be neglect.

So Dunzi's mother gave Xiaobai two pieces and asked her to post them in Dunzi's bedroom. When she unfolded the other one, she saw that it was "The golden rooster crows spring". At a glance, she knew it was for the chicken coop.

"The big rooster's home?" Xiaobai was surprised.

Xiao Xiaobai's face condensed and her expression was serious. Fortunately, she brought the sword with her and carried it behind her back.

Dunzi's mother has left, and she has assigned a difficult task to the children.

Even Dunzi looked serious, as did Bai Guagua.

Bai Guagua also came. In addition to being a snitch, this kid also liked to be a follower and a little tail.

He didn't meet a big rooster yesterday, but in the past year, he would meet big roosters during the holidays, the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month, and was often bullied. He knew how tough the big roosters were.

Just when the atmosphere was becoming more solemn and pessimistic, Xiwawa spoke:

"hiahia, are we doomed?"

Now, the atmosphere became more solemn, and the pessimism quickly turned into desolation. It felt like the wind was rustling and the water was cold.

"Eh? Why are you still standing here? I've already posted two of them." When Dunzi's mother passed by, she saw them standing still, showing off the fruits of their labor.

Just as Xiwawa was about to speak, a small hand quietly appeared and covered her small mouth.

After Dunzi's mother left, her little hands let go of Xiwawa and said: "There is no task that we cannot complete, and we are not afraid of the big cock."

Xiwawa thought for a while and nodded.

Xiao Xiaobai also nodded firmly, but his expression became more solemn.

Dunzi said: "The big rooster may not be at home."

Xiwawa asked: "Where is his wife and children?"

Dunzi: "Maybe he's not at home."

Xiaobai: "Guagua, go take a look and report back."

Bai Guagua likes to report the news most, and after hearing the words, he immediately rushes away.

Watching his figure go away, Xi'er asked everyone curiously: "Is Guagua riding a pony too?"

Everyone: →_→

How long has it been since I still cared about this?

Seeing everyone staring at her without answering, Xi'er muttered twice and stopped asking.

In fact, she had been curious about Bai Guagua's pony for a long time. She could not forget that Bai Guagua came on horseback that morning to deliver fish.

Bai Guagua leaves quickly and comes back quickly.

He was breathless and incoherent.

Xiaobai said with concern: "Guagua, please slow down~"

Xi'er patted Bai Guagua on the back.

Finally, Bai Guagua made it clear, the big cock is at home!

His wife and children are also there.

Everyone looked at Dunzi, who just now said that Big Rooster might not be at home.

Dunzi said awkwardly: "Maybe, it is in a bad mood today and doesn't want to go out."

"hiahiahia, are we going to be doomed?" Xi'er started to scare the children again.

This melon kid always speaks pessimistic words in a joyful tone, which is scary.

Suddenly, Xiao Bai got a plan on his mind, patted Xiao Bai on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Xiao Bai! Good boy, you brought your sword, go and put up the window grilles."

Xiao Xiaobai: "!"

Not only Xiao Xiaobai was shocked, but others were also shocked.

Is this my little aunt?

Of course, it's impossible to really let Xiaobai put window grilles on the big cock.

"Hahaha, I'm just teasing you, to liven up the atmosphere."

Everyone looked at her without smiling.

Only Xier echoed and hiahia smiled.

After finishing laughing, Xiaobai began to analyze to everyone. Putting window grilles on the windows is doing good things. Putting window grilles on the big roosters is doing good things for the big roosters. Shouldn't the big roosters thank them? Why are you still pecking them? This makes no sense!

There is no reason for this! !

"There is no such truth in the world——"

"If the big rooster pecks us, how can it hang out in Baijia Village in the future——"

Under Xiaobai's temptation, the fear in the team's hearts was relieved a lot, and they went into action. Maybe the big rooster would really thank them?

How would a big cock thank you?

Give each of them an egg?

Well, quite possibly.

As soon as this idea came to my mind, I heard Xiaobai yelling: "Ah - run!!!"

Bai Guagua, who was walking at the back, immediately turned around, held a thin bamboo stick under his crotch, and rode away.

Xiao Xiaobai carried the sword and followed closely. I didn’t ride a horse, but I could basically keep up with the speed of a horse.

It's just that these two children don't have the eldest child to lead the way, and their brains are not very good.

They ran directly out of the yard and onto the field ridge.

But the three eldest children, Xiaobai, Xi'er, and Dunzi, got into the house and closed the door.

The big rooster chased out. Seeing that he couldn't break the defense of the three people, he chased Bai Guagua and Xiaobai on the ridge of the field.

In the field, the two children suddenly started to howl like ghosts and ran away like crazy.

Bai Guagua ran in front and Xiao Xiaobai ran behind.

Bai Guagua, who was running ahead, stumbled and fell into the dry rice field.

When the little white behind him saw it, he also ran into the field and got into the straw pile in a flash.

Bai Guagua is left alone outside to fuck the big cock.

Now, a great question lies in front of 3-year-old Bai Guagua:

Will you be a coward all your life, or a hero for a second?

Continue to code Chapter 3!

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