Dad Academy

Chapter 1939 Liuliu singing

Zhang Tan was very interested in the industrial special effects company hired by Smith, but he didn't show it to avoid falling into passivity.

Smith, even if he takes a look at an alumnus, who knows whether he will fall out immediately.

"Don't bring in some random companies. I won't cooperate with companies I don't understand." Zhang Tan said, pretending to be impatient.

"If I'm looking for investment, I just need to spread the word, and the companies that come to give me money can queue up all the way from here to the lobby on the first floor."

Seeing this, Smith quickly explained that he was really worried that Zhang Tan would be angry and break up.

"The other party is not a bad company. They have cooperated with us a lot. They have participated in many film projects. You will know how many I applied for."

Smith mentioned the names of several movies, and Zhang Tan had indeed heard of them. They were all big productions.

Zhang Tan became even more interested.

Seeing that he didn't say anything more, Smith knew that he was willing to listen, so he quickly told the company's situation.

The company's name is Industrial Jack Special Effects.

As soon as Zhang Tan heard the name of the company and contacted the movie Smith mentioned before, he immediately had a rough judgment in his mind.

This industrial special effects company is not considered top-notch, but it is definitely capable and should be ranked second in the world.

It should also be at the upstream level in the second gear.

The company is not headquartered in Hollywood, but in Singapore.

I heard from Smith that the owner of the company is of Chinese descent.

"Smith, don't be kidding. How can a movie special effects company like this get involved in the production of a movie project? Wouldn't it be better for them to provide special effects services and earn service fees? Why take this risk?" Zhang Tan asked what was in his heart doubts.

Upon hearing this, Smith knew that Zhang Tan was interested, and he felt more at ease, and introduced him to him with a smile.

It turns out that the boss of this company is a bit out-of-the-box and wants to expand his business scale and move from special effects production to the front end of film production.

The boss of the company is a young man who inherited his father's business and wanted to become bigger and stronger, so he got involved in more fields.

However, their vision was really not very good, and the few movies they invested in were not very good, and the box office was tepid, or even suffered a small loss.

The boss did not give up and continued to look for big projects.

Because the other party knew Smith, as soon as he heard about the project in Smith's hands, he immediately volunteered and asked to invest in a share.

Zhang Tan was noncommittal, neither agreed nor said he would not agree.

Smith is not discouraged, it should be said that this is what he envisioned.

"Liu wants to come to Pujiang to visit you," he said.


"Yes, his Chinese name is Liu Qiang."

Pujiang is not far from Singapore by flight, and the other party plans to fly here tomorrow to meet and chat with Zhang Tan and Smith.

Zhang Tan was also interested and agreed.


The sky was getting dark. Zhang Tan was at the company all day today. Xiaobai was picked up by Teacher Jiang after school. Xi'er also followed them back to Little Red Horse Academy.

After having dinner outside, Zhang Tan received a call from Xiaobai asking when he would be home.

After ensuring that he would be home before eight o'clock in the evening, Xiaobai hung up the phone.

Zhang Tan said goodbye to his friends who were having dinner, walked to the street, and the driver drove slowly over in his car.

At 7:40, Zhang Tan arrived at Little Red Horse Academy.

Before he entered the academy, he heard Liuliu's singing floating over.


As soon as she entered the school, she saw Dudu running after Shi Baobao, while Luoliu was standing next to the mobile karaoke machine with a microphone in his hand, singing narcissistically.

There were not many children in the yard. Most of them entered the classroom. I don’t know whether they were called back by the teachers or driven back by the singing of Liuliu.

Lao Li was sighing, extremely helpless.

The parrot in the tree covered its ears with its wings and buried its head in its feathers, looking like it was going crazy.

"Why is it so lively?" Zhang Tan asked casually, not seeing Xiaobai and Xi'er.

When Liuliu saw him, she said enthusiastically: "Boss Zhang, what song do you want to listen to? I'll give it to you."

Zhang Tan said: "Then you sing "Chasing Dreams"."

Don't tell me, Liuliu can really sing this song. After all, I listened to it at least twice during the live performance.

It's just that she doesn't like this song, so she wouldn't take the initiative to sing it.

But she just boasted about Haikou and said she would send a song to Boss Zhang. Boss Zhang ordered it, so she had to sing it, so as to give Boss Zhang some face.

"Then listen carefully."

"Okay, you sing well. I'll come down after I go home and change my clothes. You sing, don't stop, I'm listening."

Zhang Tan said as he walked home.


Lao Li shouted, he knew Zhang Tan too well, he was just as stupid as Xiao Bai.

He changed his clothes and came down immediately after changing his clothes. He was obviously running away.

He escaped, but he was left in dire straits.

Zhang Tan walked through the classroom, saw Xiaobai, and said, "I'm back~ It's not eight o'clock yet."

Xiaobai glanced at him, said yes, and continued to sit and watch TV with the children.

Judging from the live sounds and some pictures on the TV, it should be "Cardcaptor Sakura".

Previously, I urged the old man to go home in a hurry. When the old man went home, he was no match for "Cardcaptor Sakura".

Zhang Tan cursed as he went upstairs to his home. When he reached the second floor, he heard the song of Liuliu coming from the yard.

After hearing a few sentences, he almost laughed out loud.

Liuliu sang hoarsely:

Run forward, facing cold looks and ridicule——

The vastness of life*\u0026%¥ # ¥ @¥#@¥……

There are not seven places where the sound breaks, but there are eight places.

There are not eight places, but nine places.

There are not nine places, but there are ten places.

Why does the image of Liuliu singing at the top of his lungs appear so vividly in his mind?

Zhang Tan was just about to laugh when suddenly a person appeared in front of him and startled him.

At first glance, it was Xiao Weiwei.

"Xiao Weiwei, why are you here alone?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiao Weiwei showed her little tiger teeth at her and said with a smile: "I am not alone, I have people, Xiao Lizi, Xiao Youyou, come out quickly."

As she finished speaking, Xiao Lizi and Xiao Youyou walked out from around the corner.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiao Weiwei shook her head.

Xiao Lizi also shook his head.

Xiao Youyou looked at the two young ladies and shook her head with a cute look on her face.

This is obviously something. He must have done something bad.

For children of this age, if they suddenly become quiet and silent, there must be something ghostly and causing trouble.

"Boss Zhang, do you know?"

Suddenly, Xiao Weiwei asked mysteriously.

I know astronomy and geography, but I don't know what you are talking about.

"I have no idea."

Xiao Weiwei said mysteriously: "I heard Teacher Xiaoyuan telling Teacher Xiaoliu, don't stop Liuliu and let Liuliu get the karaoke machine to sing. Only when she sings will everyone come back to the classroom on their own initiative." , saved us a lot of things..."

Good guy, Zhang Tan couldn't help but praise Teacher Xiao Yuan's cleverness.

At the same time, he couldn't help but admire Xiao Weiwei's cleverness. How did he hear this? ! As expected, little war reporters are always on the verge of committing suicide. If they had been discovered at that time, would little Weiwei have been silenced? !

This also explains why only Liuliu sings in the yard and why there are so few people in the yard. Only her little sister Dudu chases Shi Baobao in the yard. This is also very likely that Shi Baobao escaped from the classroom to the yard. inside, and then Dudu chased him out. Originally, even Dudu didn't stay in the yard with Liuliu.

At this moment, Zhang Tan, Xiao Weiwei, Xiao Lizi, and Xiao Youyou suddenly heard an explosion in the yard.

"Gua Wa Zi - stop singing - I'm so angry when I sing!!! Do you believe I'm going to beat you up for being so smart?"

It must have been Liliu's hoarse singing that disturbed Xiaobai from watching "Cardcaptor Sakura".

The singing in the yard stopped suddenly, and after a while of silence, the singing started again with a tone lowered by a dozen keys.

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