Dad Academy

Chapter 1938 Industrial Special Effects Company

In the office, Teacher Wu Mei called Liliu... no, invited her.

Teacher Wu Mei sat on the chair and looked at Liliu speechless for a while.

Why is this little pudding so powerful that he even went to the principal to complain?

Just because she criticized Liuliu’s essay as a piece of cake?

Liuliu still looked stubborn and aggrieved.

It was obvious that she still resented the criticism.

I've criticized it before, but Liliu didn't have such a big reaction. Why is he so serious this time?

After the principal personally sent Liuliu back to the office, he chatted with Wu Mei and gently told her that children must be educated in a methodical way, especially second grade children, who are naughty and sensitive at the same time.

Teacher Wu Mei accepted it humbly, then went to the classroom and invited Liuliu over.

There was a math class in the classroom. When the math teacher heard that he wanted to invite Liuliu out for a heart-to-heart talk, he immediately agreed happily. He thought his class was too unpleasant, so that Liuliu went to the principal to complain, and was shocked.

Liuliu came to the office and sat on the chair prepared for her by Teacher Wu Mei. Teacher Wu Mei didn't speak, and she didn't speak either.

Teacher Wu Mei could tell that Liuliu wouldn't be able to speak if she didn't speak first.

So she took the initiative and said: "The teacher shouldn't have said that to you, Liuliu, I'm sorry."

After hearing this, Liuliu's eyes finally moved, he glanced at her, nodded, and said, "It's a bit wet, but I wrote a lot. I wrote it for a long time."

Wu Mei was helpless and said: "Yes, yes, you do write a lot, and you do have the most words."

Luoliu was overjoyed and felt a little proud. Most of the bad mood had gone away and a good mood came.

She has a typical sunny personality and is easy to coax.

After more than ten minutes, the get out of class bell rang outside, and the conversation between the two ended.

"for you."

Before Liuliu left, Teacher Wu Mei grabbed a handful of candies from her desk drawer and gave them to Liuliu.

Liuliu was overjoyed, took the candy, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Teacher Wu, we are still good friends, right?"

Teacher Wu Mei laughed and nodded: "Of course, we are still good friends. Who would ignore each other just because of this conflict?"

Liuliu stuffed the candy into his pocket and walked out while saying: "Teacher Wu, you are a good teacher. Don't worry, I won't go to the principal to complain next time. In fact, I didn't mean to complain this time. , I went to the toilet and met the principal, and he asked me, "Liuliu, why do you look so unhappy?"

Teacher Wu Mei watched Liliu leave and said to herself, just make it up, I believe your lie, the principal has already told her that you were the one who found his office.

Of course, the principal also expressed tactfully that it was very difficult for him to deal with Luliu coming to his door.

At this time, other teachers finished class one after another and returned to the office.

Teacher Wu Mei didn't worry about it anymore, she was going to prepare lessons.

After leaving the office, Liliu wandered to the first grade and came to Xi'er's class.

Unlike when Xi'er went to find them, she would just jump around at the door or window and call for people. She walked directly in without recognizing anything.


Liliu stopped Xi'er who was chatting with Dudu Chengcheng, "Here you go."

I grabbed two candies and gave them to her.


Xi'er was shocked and saw stars in her eyes when she saw it was candy. She couldn't believe that the candy just hit her on the head.

"Here you eat. Cheng Cheng, give it to you too."

Liuliu also gave the candies to Cheng Cheng. Now that they have established a good relationship, they can hear more interesting stories at night.

As for Dudu, Luliu gave her all the remaining candies.


Suddenly, someone called Liuliu.

Liliu looked back and saw a little boy she didn't recognize.

But they all knew Xi'er because she was in their class.

"Why are you calling me sister?" Luoliu asked.

"Can you give me your autograph?" the little boy said.


This time it was Liliu's turn to be shocked. She didn't expect that she would meet her fans here. It was such a surprise.

For Dayanyan, giving love to her fans is her instinct.

She is such a fan.

The fans' requests are basically met.

Not to mention signing autographs, even taking a group photo or singing a song together is no problem.

Liuliu signed the other party's autograph happily and looked around to see if there were any fans of his.

But except for this little boy, everyone else here is a fool, and no one came to her for an autograph.

At the same time, at the technology company, Zhang Tan was receiving Smith in the office.

This time it was just the two of them, no one else involved, and no translator.

Smith is a Chinese expert and speaks fluent Mandarin, so the two of them had no problem communicating.

After all, the other party had taught at the Peking Film Academy for several years.

Zhang Tan's foreign language skills are also very good. If it's really difficult, he can still communicate in foreign languages.

ArtLife Film Company, where Smith worked, wanted to collaborate with Zhang Tan on "The Matrix", but they didn't want to invest too much and were worried about the risks, so they asked for a lower investment.

Zhang Tan disagreed, so the cooperation was deadlocked.

This time, Smith came not to persuade Zhang Tan, but because he found a new investor and came to discuss with Zhang Tan and three parties to invest together.

The scale of investment does not decrease.

But because there is one more investor, the cost of each investment is reduced, which agrees to achieve the purpose of artistic life.

In fact, Zhang Tan really wants to increase his investment, because he knows the charm of the movie "The Matrix". In his previous life, this series brought in box office revenue of more than 10 billion yuan.

However, that was the past life after all. For a movie to be popular, in addition to its own quality, there are also factors such as the right time, place, people, etc. Luck is also very important.

Zhang Tan dare not pat his chest to ensure that "The Matrix" is made and it will definitely become popular in this world.

If it doesn't take off, he will invest hundreds of millions in it, and his family, Xiaobai and Xi'er, will have to eat ashes.

So for big investments, he must find a partner.

In fact, in the film industry, except for low-cost films, most film projects are joint ventures. There are only two or three producers, but there are more than a dozen.

This is sharing risks, sharing blessings and sharing hardships.

Only in this way can a company operate for a long time, otherwise there is no guarantee that any movie will be successful and the company will be brought down.

Zhang Tan has no objection to Smith finding another company. In fact, he can find partners by himself, such as Pujiang Film Studio, Zhongcheng Film Company, etc.

But that doesn’t make sense. If they were approached, what would be the difference from previous film projects?

This time, Zhang Tan was very interested in the company that Smith found.

The other party actually hired an industrial special effects company.

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