Dad Academy

Chapter 1920 Dad and bedtime stories

"Ling ring ring~~~~"

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and a kid ran out as fast as the wind. Teacher Yu Xiaoqian was stunned.

Who ran out just now?

Because the little figure ran too fast, Teacher Yu didn't see who it was.

She glanced at the classroom. The bell was still ringing. The children had not left their seats, but some stood up.

She could quickly find which seat was empty, and then she saw that Xi'er's seat was vacant, and the talkative kid was missing.

I'm sure, it was Xi'er who ran out just now.

Teacher Yu thought Xi'er couldn't hold it in any longer and had to go to the toilet. She took her textbook, walked out of the classroom, and returned to the office.

At the same time, Xi'er had already run outside the second-grade classroom and was waving to Xiaobai at the door, happily greeting her to come out.

"Where do you live?"

Xiaobai got up and walked out of the classroom. At the same time, Xiaomi also followed.

Xi'er looked left and right and asked, "Where is Liuliu? Why didn't Liuliu come out?"

Xiaobai and Xiaomi turned around at the same time and looked into the classroom. They saw that Liuliu's seat was empty and no one was in the classroom.

It was there just now, but why did it disappear in the blink of an eye, and the porridge didn't come out.

It seems that Xi'er is really intimidating. Luliu doesn't want to see her now, maybe because she can't stand Xi'er showing off in front of her that she got 100 points for her homework, especially because she can't stand Xi'er always asking about her scores. And check.

"Liuli ran away." Xiaobai said.

Not to mention Xi'er, even she didn't know how many points Liliu got for her homework, because Teacher Wu Mei didn't report everyone's scores like Teacher Yu Xiaoqian did.

Now that Liliu is gone, Xi'er is not looking for it. Instead, she excitedly tells Xiaobai and Xiaomi that they are going on an autumn outing at the weekend.

"hiahiahia~~ Dudu, Cheng Cheng and I are going. We have already agreed. Xiaobai Xiaomi, are you going?"

Xiaobai said: "I'm not your first grade kid."

Xi'er: "I invite you. Follow me and I'll take you there. Xiaomi is coming too. Let's go together."

Xiaomi covered her mouth and smiled without saying a word, just shook her head.

Xi'er said enthusiastically: "Come on, come on, let's come together. Teacher Yu said that we are going to the countryside. We are going to climb mountains. We can see many small animals."

Xiaomi looked at Xiaobai and saw that Xiaobai didn't want to say anything, so she said to herself: "Teacher Wu just said that we are also going for an autumn outing on the weekend."

Unlike Xiaobai, she likes to tease Xier.


Xi'er was surprised.

Xiaobai laughed and said that they also went to autumn outing on weekends, and...

"Teacher Wu said that we would go on an autumn outing with you, and you were asked to take care of you. You are only a first-grade child."

Xi'er: "..."

In the office at the moment, Yu Xiaoqian is discussing with Wu Mei about the two classes going on an autumn outing together on the weekend. This is an activity organized by the two of them.

They usually have a good relationship, are close in age, and have many similar ideas.

When going on an autumn outing, you must prepare some things. For example, if lunch is to be eaten outdoors, everyone needs to prepare their own food.

When they got home after school, Xiaobai and the others got together to discuss what delicious food to bring.

Xi'er raised her hand and vowed to take the dumplings.

But dumplings cannot be eaten as meals. Small dumplings can be eaten as snacks, but not as staple food, so we have to think about it separately.

Everyone was discussing it enthusiastically.

Dudu said: "My mother's cooking is delicious. I will bring her the food she cooked."

Liuliu was a little distracted at first, but when she heard the food cooked by Dudu's mother, she immediately became excited. The sleepiness receded and she became energetic and looked at Dudu expectantly.

Dudu couldn't stand the glare from her eyes. He blocked it with his hand and asked, "What are you doing, Fat Liliu?"

Luoliu said eagerly: "Dudu, the food cooked by your mother is so delicious. Can I eat it together?"

If you don't take advantage of it, you will suffer a loss.

Dudu thought for a while, nodded and said yes.

After all, she is a little sister, so share some with her if you can.

After Dudu finished speaking, he turned to look at Cheng Cheng and asked Cheng Cheng if he wanted to bring her food too.

Cheng Cheng said thank you, "No, my dad's cooking is also delicious."

Meng Guangxin's cooking is indeed good. In this regard, he has taken good care of Cheng Cheng since he was a child.

In the evening, it was Meng Guangxin who came to Little Red Horse Academy to pick up Cheng Cheng.

Cheng Cheng still likes to lie on his father's back and go home with his arms around his neck.

She could put her mouth in her father's ear and talk.

"Cheng Cheng, would you be sad if you could only see your father on weekends?" Meng Guangxin asked.

Cheng Cheng stayed for a moment and said nothing.

Meng Guangxin looked ahead and walked towards the subway entrance.

Although he couldn't see Cheng Cheng's expression on his back, he could feel Cheng Cheng's burning eyes staring at him and sizing him up.

He knew that the smart Cheng Cheng must have guessed something.

"It will be sad."

Cheng Cheng answered softly at this time.

After that, Meng Guangxin didn't mention it again, but he could feel that Cheng Cheng's mood was a little lower and much quieter.

Meng Guangxin discussed with his wife about the job assignment. His wife did not agree to the proposal of relocating the family because it would be equivalent to giving up everything in Pujiang. Her job would also be lost and she would have to find a new one in a new place.

Therefore, for Meng Guangxin, if he wanted to seize this opportunity, he had to go out alone and then return to Pujiang to see his wife and daughter on the weekends.

He hadn't made up his mind yet and was still hesitant, so he tentatively asked Cheng Cheng.

He didn't dare to ask directly for fear of making Cheng Cheng sad.

After returning home and lying on the bed, Cheng Cheng was sitting on the small bed with the bedside lamp on. She was holding a picture book with illustrations and reading a story.

The door was pushed open, and her mother walked in, sat by the bed, and wanted to tell her a bedtime story.

Cheng Cheng put down the picture book and looked at his mother in surprise, doubts flashing in his eyes, but he nodded, thanking his mother first, and then looking forward to her story.

"...Lili has since become a magical girl. She fights bad guys in the city and helps people in need."

Mom's story comes to an end.

"Okay, today's bedtime story is over, it's time to go to bed."

"Sleep?" Cheng Cheng was extremely surprised.

"Yeah, go to bed, it's very late."

"But dad hasn't come yet, and I still want to tell him a story."

"...Mom will tell you a story tonight."

"I can't sleep until I tell my dad a story."

"Mom will talk tonight. Dad won't talk anymore. He is tired and has already fallen asleep."

"Then I can't sleep~"

Classmate Meng Chengcheng is used to her father. If her father doesn't come and listen to her stories, she can't fall asleep, just like a child who doesn't listen to bedtime stories.

"Then tell your mother."

"Hehe, mom doesn't like to hear it."

Cheng Cheng's mother was stunned. This was perhaps the biggest difference between her and Meng Guangxin. No matter how childish the story was, Meng Guangxin could listen patiently and even exchange plots with Cheng Cheng.

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