Dad Academy

Chapter 1919 Choice and Qiu You

Zhang Tan and Xiaobai returned home from the tree, and Xi'er observed with a telescope on the balcony, broadcasting the entire process live.

Zhang Tan didn't expect them to use a telescope for this purpose. He bought it mainly to let the children observe the starry sky and get in touch with the vastness of the starry sky.

It turns out to be a tool for gossip.

"Xi'er, have you finished your homework? Play here." Zhang Tan said.

Xi'er proudly said that she had finished all her homework.

In terms of the speed of doing homework, Xi'er is better than me. She admits to being second, but no one dares to admit to being first.

Xiaobai hasn't started to do his homework tonight yet. At this moment, he returned to the study and started writing hard.

At the same time, in a commercial office building on West Chang'an Street, Meng Guangxin was typing on the keyboard in front of his computer.

Cheng Cheng was delivered by his mother tonight, but the task of bringing him home fell on Meng Guangxin.

He happened to pick up Cheng Cheng after get off work.

As a programmer, it is normal for Meng Guangxin to work overtime.

Things have gotten better in the past year or two. I can basically get off work after working overtime until after eight o'clock. Unlike before, I often had to stay up until late at night or even early in the morning.

As he gets older, Meng Guangxin can no longer bear it and his body cannot bear it.

After staying up all night, it would take him several days to recover.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Meng Guangxin had almost finished his work and was about to get off work. At this time, his supervisor asked for a meeting.

In addition to Meng Guangxin, there are two other colleagues in the team who work overtime.

The three of them came to the conference room, and the supervisor was already there.

Meng Guangxin thought that there was another new project to tackle, and he probably had to assign tasks again.

"It's a good thing, not a task, not a project, just a good thing. There is a vacancy for a project director in the subsidiary. I want to talk to you." The supervisor smiled.

Everyone's eyes lit up, including Meng Guangxin.

The supervisor introduced them to them. It turned out that a subsidiary company was recruiting a project manager.

This was a good thing, but when the supervisor asked who wanted to go, none of the three said anything.

Because this subsidiary is not in Pujiang, but in a nearby small city.

If you want to be a project manager, you have to leave Pujiang. For people with families, this is a big deal and you need to be careful.

The three of them, Meng Guangxin, are already married and have children at home.

If you want to leave your family and children to work in another place, it cannot be settled in a few words.

The supervisor asked them today, not to ask them to make an immediate decision, but to inquire about their preliminary intentions.

"Supervisor, my son was born just this year and he still can't live without me... Let someone else get the chance."

"My wife is old and needs me to take care of her. My wife alone can't do it..."

Among the three people, two had already found reasons to decline, leaving only Meng Guangxin.

The supervisor looked at him and asked: "Lao Meng, are you going? This is a good opportunity for you. You are old. If you continue to work overtime and stay up late like young people, your body will not be able to bear it..."

Meng Guangxin was noncommittal.

After the meeting, Meng Guangxin came out of the building looking worried.

Instead of riding the shared tram, he walked to the Little Red Horse, thinking as he walked, hesitating in his heart.

The position of expatriate project manager has both advantages and disadvantages for him.

The good thing is that he can indeed leave his current position, the work will not be so hard, and the income and benefits can also be improved to a higher level.

The project manager belongs to the middle level of the company, so he is equivalent to a promotion and a salary increase.

But the disadvantage is that he has to live out of town and may only come back once a week.

This is the biggest worry for him and two other colleagues.

He and his wife are back together, and if they are separated for a long time again, he cannot guarantee that their relationship will not be affected.

The biggest problem is Cheng Cheng. Cheng Cheng's depression has been well controlled in the past two years and there are no symptoms anymore. However, this does not mean that it has been completely eradicated. It may still reoccur in the future.

Cheng Cheng's relationship with him is better than that with his mother.

Meng Guangxin was worried that if he was not around for a long time, Cheng Cheng would become depressed again without his company.

He didn't dare take the risk.

So, if he definitely wanted this position, he could only move his whole family to that small city together.

Meng Guangxin had already reached the intersection of Huangjia Village and could see the signboard of Little Red Horse Late Night Academy shining brightly not far away.

Meng Guangxin thought that if the three of his family moved, Cheng Cheng would have to leave Little Red Horse Academy.

She definitely doesn't want to.

Meng Guangxin fell into huge hesitation.

The next day was Wednesday, and school was in session as usual. After sending Xiaobai and Xier to school, Zhang Tan went to the technology company.

"Tan Xi'er, 100 points, take it."

In the first-grade classroom, teacher Yu Xiaoqian is distributing homework books.

Xi'er happily stood up from her seat and went to the stage to get her homework.

"Xi'er's homework is written quickly and accurately. She has scored 100 points many times in a row. Everyone should learn from her." Teacher Yu Xiaoqian said.

Xi'er's nostrils turned upward, remaining reserved and not letting herself laugh out loud.

Under the envious and adoring eyes of the whole class, she returned to her seat and Dudu praised her for being so awesome.

Dudu works hard and has scored 100 points many times, but she is not as relaxed as Xi'er shows.

"I can save a bowl of rice."

Xi'er is overjoyed, this is what makes her happiest and most concerned about. My sister once said that 100 points for homework is worth a bowl of rice.

After class, she immediately took her homework book and ran to the second grade happily to report the good news to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was tired of this. Every time she got 100 points for her homework, the melon kid couldn't wait to come over and tell her. Then, she would ask how many points Xiaobai got for her homework.

"100 points!" Xiaobai said casually.

Xi'er was worried and asked Xiaobai to take out his homework book and take a look.

Xiaobai asked her to crawl away, it would be no harm to me.

Xi'er hummed and said, "Did you not get 100 points? You lied to me. Xiaobai, you have to be honest."

The nagging look made Xiaobai start to feel dizzy.

Finally, she gave in and took out her homework book for Xi'er to check.

Xi'er not only checks Xiaobai's homework scores, but also likes to check Liuliu and Xiaomi's.

Therefore, as soon as Xi'er arrived, Liuliu ran away, left the classroom, and wandered outside, determined not to give Xi'er a chance to ask her homework scores.

"Where is Liuliu? Where did Liuliu go? Liuliu——"

Xi'er chased out of the classroom and saw Liliu hanging near the slide, so she chased him out.

But when Liuliu saw her coming, he immediately ran away, determined not to let the Xibaby come near, because he was really annoyed by the baby.

"Don't come over here, Xi'er, don't come over here, duck--"

Liliu yelled, being annoyed by Xi'er.

The school bell saved Luliu Yima.

Xi'er went to class, and Liliu also returned to her classroom. The head teacher Wu Mei came in with a lesson preparation book. After putting down the textbook, she said: "Before class, let me tell you something. This weekend, we want to Organize autumn outing..."

Speaking of this, the children no longer feel sleepy and are all full of energy. Autumn outings are activities that everyone likes.

I was delayed by something today. It’s past ten o’clock when I got home. It’s almost 12 o’clock when I finished writing this chapter. I really can’t write it anymore. I’m too sleepy. As I write, I feel like I’m going to fall asleep at any moment. So I’m really sorry. That’s all for today. Chapter.

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