Dad Academy

Chapter 1730 Hard-working acting class

Zhang Tan signed up Xiaobai and asked her to take classes with Liuliu. The teacher was Song Ping.

Song Ping quickly helped Zhang Tan go through the formalities without letting him worry at all.

Zhang Tan originally didn't plan to sit in on the class, fearing that it would put too much pressure on Song Ping, but Song Ping took the initiative to invite him to sit in if he had time.

Zhang Tan also wanted to see the young teacher's ability, so he stayed and sat aside to listen to the class.

Zhu Xiaojing was also listening. Although she didn't know how to perform, she could suppress the naughty Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan.

As long as she has time, she will usually stay where she can see him, acting as a deterrent.

Zhang Tan listened for a while and found out that Song Ping was still very capable and his theory was clear and logical.

Some people can act, but they can't speak or teach. This is also troublesome.

Zhang Tan didn't know what Song Ping's performance was, but his lectures were very interesting and effective, and Xiaobai and Liuliu listened with great interest.

A naughty person like Liuliu could attend classes for so many days by herself. If Song Ping didn't have the strength, she would have been unable to sit still for a whole day.

Being able to let Liuli attend class for so many days already shows Song Ping's ability.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but secretly nod, his schoolmate was very capable.

During the intermission, Zhang Tan and Song Ping had a brief exchange. He stopped attending the second half and planned to go downstairs to watch Xi'er's dance class.

That baby was small and naive, and Zhang Tan was really worried that she would be bullied.

And Tan Jin'er didn't come with her today. She was at work. Zhang Tan sent Xi'er to her, and he will do the same when she goes back.

Zhang Tan and Xiaobai also said hello, and Xiaobai waved his hand and told him to leave if he had something to do.

The children are no longer the little ones they used to be, and they won't be afraid even if the old man is not around.

On the contrary, she is now in the first stage of rebellion, always wanting to do something by herself.

After Zhang Tan left, Song Ping temporarily returned to his office, found a big teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and drank a few gulps.

After quenching his thirst happily, he couldn't help but feel excited. Zhang Tan was satisfied with his lecture just now and paid a few special compliments, which made him very motivated.

After recognizing Liliu, he had imagined the possibility of getting to know Zhang Tan. Now that Zhang Tan came unexpectedly, he was calm on the surface but cautious on the inside. He finally seized the opportunity and gained Zhang Tan's initial approval.

On the other side, Zhang Tan took the elevator downstairs and came to the dance class.

Classes are taking place here, and the dance studio is busy and quiet. The children are sweating profusely and working hard to practice their body flexibility.

Zhang Tan stood outside the glass classroom, looking for Xi'er among the children.

He saw the dance teacher named Liu Ya, who was giving lessons to six or seven little girls, and Zhang Tan saw Xi'er.

Xi'er is the youngest of these little girls. She is standing at the edge of the team, leaning against the wall to press her legs.

Fortunately, children's bodies are very flexible, otherwise Zhang Tan would feel like he was about to break a bone after just a few presses like this.

He leaned against the glass wall and watched Xi'er in class. The children didn't notice him and were practicing with the teacher seriously.

Zhang Tan watched for a while and saw that there was no sign of an intermission, so he planned to go back and come back later.

At this time, Xu Jiafang came to him and looked at Shangguan Feifei who was attending class inside through the glass wall.

Zhang Tan nodded to her in a friendly manner, but the other party spoke.

"Are your children also in this class?"

Zhang Tan said: "Yes, is it the same for your family?"

Xu Jiafang pointed to Shangguan Feifei inside and said, "My daughter Shangguan Feifei, that's it. Which one is your family from?"

She got to know the little girls in Shangguan Feifei's class quite well, and she had met their parents, but she had never met Zhang Tan.

However, in the past, mothers mostly accompanied their children to classes, and fathers rarely came.

So it's normal that she doesn't know Zhang Tan.

"The one I have is Tan Xi'er. Well, that's the one at the end, the smallest one."

"Oh, it's Xi'er. I know, I know. She is a girl who loves to laugh and is a good friend of my Feifei. Are you Xi'er's father? I have only met Xi'er's sister Jin'er before."

"I am Xi'er's godfather."


Xu Jiafang looked at Zhang Tan and seemed to be very curious about the identity of his godfather, but he didn't think much about it. He just chatted with Zhang Tan for a while until Zhang Tan left.

Zhang Tan went upstairs and saw that Xiaobai and Liuliu had started class again, but the second half was no longer a theoretical class, but a practice class, with the two acting opposite each other.

In the past, when Liuliu was in class alone, Song Ping would either let Liuliu play solo or play with Liuliu himself. Now that Xiaobai is here, it just so happens that the two children play opposite each other, which is just right.

I saw Xiaobai baring his teeth and flexing his claws, humming and extending his claws.

Zhang Tan quietly went in and stood in the corner curiously eating melon and watching the show.

What is this performance about?

I heard Xiaobai baring his teeth and claws while shouting that he was practicing the Nine Yin White Bone Claw, and then Liuliu came.

Xiaobai wanted to show off his Nine Yin White Bone Claws and scratched the table with one claw. As a result, his hand screamed in pain.

Liuliu laughed and laughed at Xiaobai's Nine-yin White Bone Claw for not working, but Xiaobai became angry and pushed him to the ground to bully him.

"No more playing, no more playing, I can't afford to play like a duck——"

Liuliu yelled, Xiaobai let her go, she muttered, very dissatisfied.

"Why is it always me who gets hurt? I want to play Xiaobai's role, and Xiaobai plays mine."

She didn't know that her role meant she would be beaten. If she had known she would not have acted, why would she be beaten even if she acted?

Liuliu is determined not to do it.

Xiaobai accused her of being unprofessional and not like a big Yanyan.

The two quarreled, accusing each other, and the scene became a mess.

Teacher Song Ping took action to appease the two of them. This little melodrama was skipped and replaced with another exercise.

Zhang Tan watched it for a while and found it quite interesting. Song Ping chose some interesting little sitcoms with short plots, which Xiaobai and Liuliu were very interested in.

Time passed quickly without realizing it. Two hours were over and get out of class was over.

Zhang Tan is not here. Zhu Xiaojing is here to watch. He went downstairs to pick up Xi'er first.

Come over for a while, he will lead Xi'er back. Xiaobai and Liuliu are already waiting.

"Xiao Bai, I walked on tiptoe ten times today!" Xi'er said proudly.

"Xi'er, I can do it too, hahaha."

People may turn a blind eye to Liliu when she talks big and brags about other things, but when it comes to walking on tiptoes, can she do it?

No one believed it.

Zhang Tan saw that Song Ping was still there and hadn't gotten off work. At the same time, standing with him was a middle-aged woman. When she saw Zhang Tan's appearance, she greeted him with a smile on her face.

"Hello, Teacher Zhang..."

Song Ping introduced that this was the boss of the performance class.

Because Song Ping reported Zhang Tan's incident to her after class, when she heard it, she first blamed Song Ping for telling her at this time, and then hurried over from other places. No matter what, she wanted to meet Zhang Tan and get to know him. .

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