Dad Academy

Chapter 1729 Sign up Xiaobai for an acting class (additional update for the leader, Brother Fucai)

Zhu Xiaojing took Liuliu to the performance class half an hour early.

Because today Zhang Tan said that he would bring Xiaobai to see it too, and Xiaobai might also want to sign up.

When they arrived, Teacher Song Ping had just arrived.

"Why are you here so early today?" Song Ping asked.

Children Shen Liuliu usually come on time. Although they are never late, they are never more than ten minutes early.

According to Liliu's mother, Liliu always goes to the ballet class downstairs first to chat with her good friends when she arrives, and refuses to come up until the right time.

But today, Xiaomi and Xi'er haven't come yet.

Liuliu said: "Xiaobai is coming today."


Song Ping didn't know Xiaobai, but he seemed to have heard of this name, but he just couldn't remember it.

"Yeah, Xiaobai is coming too, and she has to sign up to participate." Liuliu said.

"Oh? A new kid? That's great."

Because Liuliu is a big Yanyan, Song Ping also gets some privileges. For example, on the afternoon when Liuliu is in class, he only needs to take her class and refuses all other classes. This was given by the boss so that Song Ping could teach Shen Liuliu wholeheartedly.

"You should teach her too." Liliu said. She would be the happiest when Xiaobai came. She finally had a companion and could hunt down bad guys together.

They used to practice wrestling and kendo, and it was because they helped each other that they managed to escape. Otherwise, Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan would have been beaten flat on the spot.

Although it is not that dangerous to learn acting now, maybe she will become a big Yanyan, but Zhu's mother still doesn't have bodyguards for her, so she always feels dangerous when she walks outside.

Xi'er has repeatedly urged her to wear a helmet when going out, and she is almost convinced.

"If Xiaobai comes, I will find a good teacher for her." Song Ping said. His current courses are full, and he is only free on the afternoon when Liuliu is in class, but his boss has given him the privilege. He only needs to teach Liuliu this afternoon, and then he can get off work.

So if this novice comes, he will recommend it to other children.

What Liliu was going to say, Zhu Xiaojing interrupted: "Xiaobai may not necessarily sign up yet, Boss Zhang just said to come and have a look, and then we'll talk."

Song Ping smiled and did not discuss this topic again. Instead, he asked Liuliu: "Has the commercial been finished?"

He knew the reason why Liuliu took leave. He knew that the child Shen Liuliu was going to shoot a commercial.

He really envied the kid Shen Liuliu. He was accepted for commercials at such a young age, which made him, a teacher who also studied acting, feel very embarrassed.

Liuliu nodded, not interested in talking to him anymore. He was busy fiddling with his phone and watch, preparing to contact Xiaobai.

Zhu Xiaojing told Song Ping that the commercial has been filmed and will be released to the media next Monday, so you can see it then.

"Pujiang TV Station will broadcast it, and just before "The Legend of White Snake" is broadcast, there will also be advertisements that have been inserted in the middle."

"Then I must check it out. Liuliu is really amazing. He has been filming commercials at such a young age. His future is limitless. Study acting hard and strive to go further."

Song Ping couldn't help but envy the child Shen Liuliu.

At this time, child Shen Liuliu had already contacted Xiaobai on the phone and learned that Xiaobai had arrived, but was downstairs, sending Xibao to learn to dance first.

When Liuliu heard this, she immediately went down to play with her friends. It was so lively downstairs, but her place was deserted, so she quit.

"Where are you going? Don't go, Xiaobai will be here soon."

Zhu Xiaojing stopped the kid Shen Liuliu. When Song Ping saw this, he was suddenly very curious about this Xiaobai, because such a generous friend Shen Liuliu was so rare and looked more like Xiaobai's little follower.

He thought that Shen Liuliu was the boss wherever he went.

The elevator door opened, Xiaobai took the lead, and Zhang Tan followed behind.

There is no need to look for a place, Luliu is standing at the gate, and you can see it as soon as you get out of the elevator.

"Hahahaha, Xiaobai, that melon - the baby is here."

Liuliu changed his words quickly, otherwise Xiaobai would hear it and get slapped in the face.

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai is here."

Liuliu waved to Xiaobai.

"Is this here?" Xiaobai looked inside, very curious about this place.

"Zhang Tan, this is where Liuliu learns acting."

Zhu Xiaojing introduced Zhang Tan, while Song Ping stood aside and added a few words from time to time.

"Who are you?" Zhang Tan asked.

Zhu Xiaojing said: "This is Teacher Song Ping, the teacher who teaches Liliu. He is very experienced."

Song Ping smiled and said, "Dear Mr. Zhang, does your daughter also want to join the acting class?"

"Let's take a look, how do you teach here? Is it one-to-one teaching? Or is it group teaching?" Zhang Tan asked.

"It's collective teaching." Song Ping said.

Zhu Xiaojing said in surprise: "There is also one-on-one teaching, isn't it you and Liliu?"

Song Ping smiled a little awkwardly. He wanted to say that Liuliu was given special care because of his special circumstances. Other children did not receive such treatment.

But after thinking about it, I forgot about it and didn’t say anything.

"How many children are in that class?" Zhang Tan continued to ask.

Song Ping said: "This is uncertain. It depends on the situation. Children of similar levels will gather together for class, but there will be no more than ten students in a class. In fact, it is usually five to six students."

While Song Ping led Zhang Tan around, he quietly looked at him. The more he looked at him, the more he felt familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere, but he just couldn't remember.

However, he kept an eye on him and tried his best to introduce Zhang Tan.

"Teacher Song, hasn't class started yet?"


From time to time, other teachers passed by them and greeted Song Ping.

Zhang Tan said: "Is Teacher Song going to have class? Or someone else can show me around."

Song Ping was a little moved and looked at Zhu Xiaojing. After all, they are teaching Liliu, so it depends on Zhu Xiaojing’s opinion.

Zhu Xiaojing: "It doesn't matter if we start class later. Let's show Boss Zhang around first."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, come here." Song Ping suddenly asked, "By the way, what do you call Mr. Zhang?"

"My name is Zhang Tan."

"Oh, Zhang Tan, Zhang Tan? Zhang Tan!"

Song Ping was startled and looked up at Zhang Tan in surprise. The vaguely familiar figure in his mind finally overlapped with the name Zhang Tan!

Yes, Zhang Tan! He said it looked familiar. He must have seen Zhang Tan on the Internet and TV! I just haven’t seen it in reality!

"You, are you Teacher Zhang?" Song Ping asked excitedly, his eyes shining.

"I'm Zhang Tan."

Zhang Tan didn't understand why he was so excited.

"I am also from the Peking Film Academy, but I majored in acting." Song Ping said.

"Oh? Which class is Teacher Song from?"

Song Ping looked a little ashamed. In fact, he was one year ahead of Zhang Tan, but in terms of achievements and industry status, he couldn't even see Zhang Tan's taillights, so he was willing to call Zhang Tan teacher.

"It turns out to be the senior." Zhang sighed.

Song Ping said quickly: "No, no, I can't be a senior, just call me Song Ping."

Because of the relationship between classmates, Zhang Tan seemed to have a closer relationship with him. Zhang Tan chatted with him for a few words, then consulted Xiaobai's opinion, and decided to let Xiaobai learn acting here.

Like Xiaobai and Liliu, although they have acting experience, they both have almost no basic knowledge and have not studied systematically.

If it's just a one-off game, of course you don't need to spend too much energy on it, but if you want to achieve something in the future, you must lay a good foundation from an early age.

"By the way, if Xiaobai signs up, what class should he be assigned to?" Zhang Tan asked.

Song Ping said without hesitation: "Xiaobai and Liuliu both have acting experience and are at the same level. Why don't they join my class and let them take classes together and I'll teach."

He had no brains, so how could he let such a good opportunity slip away? Others couldn't ask for it, but he was sent to the door. How could he let the opportunity slip away?

Zhang Tan asked: "Don't we all have classes in a group?"

Song Ping's mind was racing and he said: "Liuliu and Xiaobai's level is obviously much higher than everyone else's. There are no other children who can take classes with them, so I have always taught Liuliu alone, and now Xiaobai is here." , it just so happened that the two of them were keeping company."

Thanks to Brother Fa Cai for the reward. I am the 64th leader of this book. Thank you.

Several new league leaders have been added recently, and we will find time to make up for the additional updates.

Thank you for your support all the way. We have gone through an extraordinary and uneventful 2022 with our cute children, and we have entered a brand new 2023 hand in hand. I wish you all good health, family happiness, peace and joy in the new year! ! !

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