Dad Academy

Chapter 1677 The performance comes naturally

Xiaobai was so happy that she called a baby doll, and a large group of children came out, all her dolls!

Everyone crowded in front of the camera and chatted with her.

Xiaobai was so busy chatting that he didn't want to sleep, but Zhang Tan forced him to hang up.

They didn't have to get up early the next day. They got up at eight o'clock and set off at nine o'clock to continue touring Moscow.

On this day, tour guide Jiang Yi still accompanied us throughout the whole journey.

She couldn't see any difference from yesterday, but even if she glanced at Zhang Tan from time to time, the information about Zhang Tan she found last night still had a great impact on her.

It's not like she hasn't received celebrities before.

Ace tour guides like He Shu specialize in receiving distinguished guests, including rich people, celebrities, and second-generation officials.

But compared with these people, Zhang Tan looks very special.

Especially those celebrities, all of whom she had hosted lived a flashy and luxurious life. Most of the people who came to travel were accompanied by beautiful couples.

Some are also celebrities, while others are unknown to them.

And Zhang Tan is the most special, he only brought his daughter on the trip.

It can be seen that Zhang Tan accompanied his daughter out to play with all his heart, and he completely revolved around her.

A man who loves his family and children is really rare in the entertainment industry.

Jiang Yi couldn't help but receive him more delicately.


In the Xiao Shen family, the child Shen Liuliu is being disciplined again.

She had a bitter face and stood leaning against the wall.

At her feet, a little dog came up to please her, wagging its tail.

But Luoliu only glanced at it and could not squat down to pet the dog.

Because her mother was staring at her right in front of her.

Luoliu lowered his eyebrows and tried to reduce his presence as much as possible.

But she is so outstanding and has such a strong presence that it is impossible to reduce her presence.

"Bring back other people's dogs! What on earth are you thinking?" Zhu Xiaojing was angry. She and Liuliu had dinner and went for a walk in the community. She didn't pay attention. When she got home, she found that Shen Liuliu had a dog. Come back.

Asked her, she couldn't tell the reason. Anyway, there was just an extra dog in the house.

Zhu Xiaojing couldn't tell the breed of this dog. It was very small, very fat, with short legs and a lot of hair. It was as furry as a ball. It wagged its tail when it saw everyone. It looked like a flatterer at first glance.

"It followed me home by itself~" Liuliu retorted.

"Then do you know whose family this belongs to?" Zhu Xiaojing asked.

"have no idea."

"But it's definitely not my family, right?"

"...Could someone at home secretly raise it?"

Luliu asked, his eyes involuntarily glanced at Shen Limin in the living room.

Shen Limin couldn't believe that all this could be attributed to him.

"I just want to say that your father secretly raised him, right?" Zhu Xiaojing said, "If you don't do this, you will divert trouble to the east, right? It's useless! This is not a dog raised by my family. It's someone else's dog. You can't Take it home."

Liuliu admitted her mistake honestly, and together with Zhu Xiaojing, she took the dog downstairs in the elevator and came to the community to ask if anyone had lost their dog.

Sure enough, after a while, a young girl ran over anxiously and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the dog in Luoliu's hand.

This is her dog.

"My dog ​​is very clingy, wagging his tail when he sees everyone, and has been lost several times, which makes me feel tired," the other person said.

When Zhu Xiaojing heard this, she couldn't help but feel less angry. It seemed that it was indeed what Luoliu said, and the dog followed her home on his own.

After separating from the dog owner, Zhu Xiaojing took Liuliu home. The two of them tidied up and went out. Liuliu had to go to class.

Today is acting class.

Performance is Liliu's favorite, but she was a little unhappy today because she had just been scolded by Zhu's mother. Who could be happy?

She was sullen, especially when she came to the dance class. She wanted to find Xiaomi and Xi'er, but she was told that Xiaomi and Xi'er were not coming today. They were also here to have a day off.

Liliu suddenly felt that she was overworked. She just had music class yesterday, and she has to take acting class again today!

She didn't even take a break!

Thinking of this, Luliu lost even more motivation.

Song Ping, the teacher of the acting class, was not there, but another young man received them warmly.

Zhu Xiaojing was wondering when Song Ping arrived in a hurry. Seeing this scene, his expression changed and his pace quickened.

"Ms. Zhu, Liuliu, hello."

Song Ping arrived, greeted Zhu Xiaojing and Liuliu with a smile, and told the young people who came before that it would be fine as long as he was here.

The young man's expression did not change, he smiled, said "call me if you need anything", then said hello to Zhu Xiaojing and Liuliu, and left.

This man is the boss's nephew. Song Ping was waiting for Zhu Xiaojing and Liuliu in the front hall just now, but he found something and sent him away. Now that I think about it, the other party obviously did it on purpose.

Do you want to take away Shen Liuliu's child?


"Liuliu, are you happy today?" Song Ping asked Liuliu with a smile. It was just a casual greeting, but he didn't expect to find that Liuliu's face was downcast, and he looked unhappy.

Liuliu didn't speak, with a sultry expression on his face.

Without her children to accompany her, she has no motivation to do anything.

Of course, if you can give her some food and add some energy, she will be very motivated.

Song Ping saw that Liuliu was in a bad mood today, so without saying anything more, he brought Liuliu and Zhu Xiaojing to the small classroom.

Seeing that there were no other children in the classroom, Zhu Xiaojing couldn't help but wonder: "Are there no other children?"

Song Ping said: "This is the first time for Liuliu to take classes. I don't know her situation yet. I will give her a one-to-one class first. After I understand her clearly, I will divide her into classes according to her level."

Zhu Xiaojing was stunned, and then asked curiously: "How many levels of classes do we have here?"

Song Ping said: "Theoretically, there are five levels. The first level is starting from scratch, without any foundation. The second level is having experience in performing on stage in school, etc... The fourth level is... The fifth level is..."

Zhu Xiaojing then asked: "Is there anyone on the fifth level now?"

"There is no one." Song Ping said, "In fact, there is no fourth level. The highest level now is the third level class, and there are two children studying here."

Having said this, Song Ping couldn't help but look at Liuliu who was sitting in a daze, wondering what level Liuliu could reach.

Baby Zhan who watched her performance should be able to reach the fifth level.

Having a student with such high talent and ability is also a challenge for Song Ping.

Zhu Xiaojing saw that Liuliu was still listless and looked hopeless, so she encouraged him: "Liuliu, be more energetic. Look at you, you have a swollen belly and your shoulders are slumped."


Liuliu sighed, feeling tired.

Song Ping smiled and said: "Don't sigh, Liliu, let's have some fun. Have you ever simulated a small animal? What's your favorite small animal?"

Liuliu glanced at him and didn't want to speak at first, but when Zhu's mother glared at him, she could only say: "I like Kodak the best."

"Cach duck? What is that? A kind of duck?" Song Ping was confused and had never heard of Cuck duck.

Zhu Xiaojing said: "That's a kind of duck, from story books."

That was a story Cheng Cheng told everyone, and there was a duck in it.

Cheng Cheng heard it from Zhang Tan again.

Song Ping said with a smile: "Well, Liliu, can you perform a performance of the Duck Duck? Let me also learn about the Duck Duck."

He wanted to fully understand Liuliu's performance level through several performances so that he could be divided into classes and teach students according to their aptitude in the next step.

He instinctively patted Liuliu's small shoulder, trying to give her some strength. He didn't use much force, but Liuliu, who was sitting on the small stool, suddenly let out a scream, fell to the ground, and then lay down directly. Got off.

"I, I'm injured, I feel so much pain, Duck, Tianya, who can save me Duck, Mother Zhu, Mother Zhu, take me home quickly, I want to go back to the little red horse, I want to see Dudu, I still I have something to tell her..."

Song Ping was dumbfounded.

He told Zhu Xiaojing nervously that he didn't use any force, he really didn't use any force.

"Ah - good fellow duck, you are such a good fellow duck, the teacher is so strong, I am going to be beaten to death - woo woo woo woo, the ambulance is coming to save me duck -"

Good guy, these two sounds of woo woo woo are simulating the sound of an ambulance. Not only did Song Ping be dumbfounded, but even the well-informed Zhu Xiaojing was dumbfounded.

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