Dad Academy

Chapter 1676 Waiting for your call

The evening breeze blows, the stars shine brightly, the night view of Moscow is picturesque, and the exotic atmosphere is fascinating.

Zhang Tan and Xiaobai were leaning on the recliner and chatting.

"Bashi~~~" Xiaobai sighed, crossing his feet and shaking, "Next time we have to call our uncle, aunt and grandma to come too."

The kids are really nice, and while they are enjoying themselves outside, they are still thinking about their uncle, aunt, and grandma.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but take a few more glances at Xiaobai's feet, which were covered with a pair of little bear cartoon socks.

The little socks did not show the toes and were brand new.

He couldn't help but think that when he first met Xiaobai, Xiaobai always wore a pair of small socks with his toes exposed. When he was discovered when he came to his house as a guest, he laughed awkwardly and said he wanted to give his toes some air.

This scene seems like just yesterday.

She was very young at that time, very sensible at that time, and she approached the world cautiously at that time.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tan couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion and melancholy in his heart.

It would be great if I could get to know Xiaobai earlier, and be able to participate in her childhood, and save her so much suffering.

"Okay, there are still twenty days left in the summer vacation. We can also travel domestically, call grandma back, and go out to play together." Zhang Tan responded.

"Hey, I want to call grandma. Hey, old man, give me your phone number."

Zhang Tan handed her the phone: "Call yourself."

Xiaobai held the mobile phone in her hand. The small mobile phone seemed extremely big in her palm. She couldn't hold it in one hand, so she had to use two hands at the same time.

"Old man, your phone is locked, please unlock it."

Xiaobai handed the phone back to Zhang Tan and asked him to unlock it first.

Zhang Tan did not answer, but said: "The password of my mobile phone is your birthday, December 1, 1201. You can figure it out yourself."

"Ah? Oh, the password. You told me first. I will see your secret." Xiaobai still understands this very well. Now, under the guidance of Zhang Tan, she has begun to try to write a diary. Normally, she can It's a secret, no one is allowed to see it.

Of course, I don’t know if little Tan Xi’er watched secretly. At least she didn’t say anything after watching it now.

"What secrets can dad have in front of you?" Zhang Tan said, "But don't tell other children."

In fact, it doesn't matter if he tells him, since his phone cannot fall into the hands of other children anyway.

"Don't worry, old man, I will never tell other children. This is our secret, right?" Xiaobai said seriously.

"Yes, this is a secret between the two of us." Zhang Tan said.

"Yes~ I know Nao, old man, I turned on your phone."

"You go ahead and fight."

Xiaobai skillfully found her grandma's phone number and made a video call. Teacher Jiang's words soon came over there.

Xiaobai held the mobile phone and said cheerfully: "Grandma, the old man and I are in Russia. We are looking at the stars. Look -"

She raised her phone and showed it to Teacher Jiang against the night sky.

"See, there are so many stars~ Are you in a hotel?" Teacher Jiang asked over there.

"Yes, the old man and I just came back. The old man carried me back because we walked all day today, hahahaha~~~"

Zhang Tan also went over to greet Teacher Jiang and told her that they arrived in Russia yesterday, spent a day in Moscow today, and another day tomorrow, and then went to St. Petersburg the day after tomorrow, and then went to Austria one day later.

Xiaobai then introduced the interesting things of the day to Teacher Jiang. The children's voices were loud, vivid and embellished.

After she was done, she called Malanhua again.

Ma Lanhua's figure appeared in the camera. She was serious at first. When she saw that it was Xiaobai, she immediately did what she should do.

"Ah -" Xiaobai shouted, "Auntie, are you drinking a bear?"

"What? Can't I drink bear drinks? Who made the rule?"

Malanhua said calmly that she was drinking Little Bear at home. When she saw Zhang Tan called, she lowered her hand and hid the Little Bear drink.

When you see that it is Xiaobai who appears in the camera, there is no need to hide anything.

Sure enough, the melon boy screamed when he saw her drinking the bear drink.

Malanhua was proud, who said that only children can drink bear drinks but not adults? She just likes to drink it!

It’s just that my family didn’t have enough money before, so there was very little money to buy for Xiaobai, let alone for myself.

It's different now, it's not that she's getting rich.

Although her family is indeed much richer, she and Bai Jianping open a shop while the other manages dozens of people on the set, and their incomes are both very good.

But that's not the main reason.

The main reason is that she no longer needs to raise Guawazi, and the money saved can be used to buy bear drinks.

The money spent on Little Bear drinks should be regarded as the cost of raising Little Bai.

Thinking of this, Malanhua was willing to spend money.

Xiaobai was envious here and salivated.

She also wanted to drink Little Bear, but she couldn't buy Little Bear in Moscow. When eating at the restaurant in the evening, she asked the waiter if they had Little Bear, and he said he had never heard of this brand.

It seems that the Little Bear brand has to work harder, and there is still a long way to go before it takes over the world.

However, what Xiaobai didn't know was that the waiter told her that they didn't have Little Bear drinks, but at the same time told Zhang Tan that they had Big Bear wine with a high concentration.

It's just that the children are not interested in Big Bear wine, so they don't take it lightly.

Although she couldn't drink Little Bear and could only watch her aunt drink and feel jealous, Xiaobai was not discouraged and began to show off what she saw, heard and played today, trying to make Malanhua jealous.

But Malan Huajiang is old and spicy, and she will not be fooled at all. She will say that she has seen everything Xiaobai said, she has heard about it, she has seen it, and she has been there.

"What?!!! Have you been to Moscow? Have you been to Russia??" Xiaobai asked in shock, not believing what his aunt said at all.

"Are you bragging?" Xiaobai exposed his aunt's lies without mercy.

Malanhua immediately retorted, saying that she had walked on more bridges than Xiaobai had walked, so Xiaodian should not make any assumptions about her.

As we chatted, sparks flew, anger arose, and then a quarrel broke out.

Malanhua threatened to give her a good look when Xiaobai comes back!

As expected, a phone call led to an unexpected incident and they ended on bad terms.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaobai immediately told Old Man Zhang that next time he comes to travel, he will not bring his aunt, but only his grandma and uncle, and the free spot can be given to Li Baobao.

"It's a bit pitiful that he always drinks mulberry leaves~" Xiaobai said.

Zhang Tan said heartily that when Lao Li heard you say that about him, he would indeed feel pitiful.

After calling Malanhua, Xiaobai immediately made a video call to his uncle Bai Jianping.

The music over there came very rhythmically, Bai Jianping appeared panting, and there were people in the background.

"Uncle, where do you live?" Xiaobai asked curiously, "Are you dancing?"

"No, I was taking a walk." Bai Jianping denied.

"I even saw someone dancing behind you~~"

"That's not true. They are jumping, do you know? Jumping!" Bai Jianping opened his eyes and told lies, fooling Xiaobai into thinking he was a little fool.

Xiaobai laughed and took the time to ask him if he was okay and whether he was healthy or not.

Bai Jianping told her that he was in good health and that he was fine.

"Then I'll rest assured, bye~"

Since he was healthy, there was nothing to talk about. After hanging up, he quickly called Xiwawa.

As soon as Xiwawa was connected, a cheerful little milky voice came out:

"Xiaobai~hiahiahia, I'm waiting for your call. How did you know that I was going to call you too, hiahiahia~~"

Before she finished speaking, another voice came:

"Show me Xiaobai~"

Then I saw Luoliu's head squeeze in, almost squeezing Xi'er's little head.

Immediately afterwards, another little head also squeezed in front of the camera, and it was caught off guard and almost squeezed out the head of Liuliu.

It's Dudu.

Further away in the camera, Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi can also be seen.

In the gaps between these little girlfriends, you can occasionally see Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei jumping around.

Everyone is here.

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