Dad Academy

Chapter 1666 Liliu: I am a singer

Wait for a thousand years, wait for once~

I have no regrets after waiting for a thousand years~

The theme song of "The Legend of White Snake" came from the TV.

The TV series is about to start.

Ou Ya, Shen Liuliu's new music teacher, came out of the kitchen immediately, holding some pomelo in a glass bowl to eat.

She sat on the sofa, put the pomelo on the coffee table, and looked at the TV.

Although "The Legend of White Snake" has only aired a few episodes, it is already very popular, and its ratings are among the best in its time period.

For Ou Ya, she is more sensitive to music. There are many episodes in this TV series that are very special and beautiful.

For example, Ouya liked this theme song very much after hearing it.

She hummed along with the theme song and sighed that Li Yuxiao sang so beautifully.

Maybe every music teacher has a dream to be a singer, so Ou Ya also always dreams that one day she can sing a song and become famous all over the country. She doesn’t dare to copy Li Yuxiao’s fame experience, but she is very satisfied to be famous. .

The water of West Lake, my tears~

I would rather turn into a ball of flame with you~


At this point in the song, Ou Ya was suddenly startled, and suddenly thought of the song sung by the new kid Shen Liuliu who came during the day! ! !

She remembered that the lyrics Shen Liuliu sang seemed to be:

Beautiful view of West Lake in March

Spring rain is like wine and willows are like smoke

Not to mention that the melody style of that song is very consistent with "A Thousand Years of Waiting Once Again", but this song is somewhat similar, both singing about the beautiful scenery of the West Lake.

When Ou Ya heard Liu Liu singing, she felt that it sounded familiar, but she didn't think of it for a while.

Now I know, it turns out to be very similar to the theme song of "The Legend of White Snake".

But it's definitely not the same song!

"Strange, where did the song come from?"

Ou Ya racked her brains to think about which song the child Shen Liuliu sang.

Maybe this is the persistence of being a music teacher. After listening to a certain song, you must dig deep to find out which song it is, otherwise you will become restless.

But no matter how much Ouya searched her mind, she never thought of what song Shen Liuliu was singing.

It’s definitely not a children’s song!

She is also very familiar with children's songs.

She couldn't think of it, so she was a little distracted while watching TV. After thinking about it, she took out her phone and asked in her circle of friends.

Like her, these friends of hers also study music. Some are music teachers and teach in schools, some are in foreign training institutions like her, and some are independent singers who sing in bars and other places.

"Has anyone heard this song?" Ou Ya asked first, then hummed a section of what Shen Liuliu sang during the day and posted it to the group.

"What kind of song is this? I've never heard of it."

"It seems to be from "The Legend of White Snake", but it's not the theme song "A Thousand Years of Waiting", it's just like."

"I really haven't heard of it."

"The tune is nice, but I don't recognize it."

"Where did you hear that?"

Ou Ya was disappointed. Everyone said it sounded familiar, but they had never heard it, so naturally no one knew the name of the song.

"It was sung by one of my students." Ou Ya said.

"Ask her."

"Ask tomorrow." Ou Ya said.

She temporarily put aside her confusion and looked at the TV.

The ratings of "The Legend of White Snake" will reach a new high today. In the March beauty of West Lake, White Snake and Xiao Qing go down the mountain to look for Xu Xian, their benefactor in their previous life.

They passed each other on the broken bridge, and met again in the smokey willows of the West Lake.

By the West Lake, Xu Xian came to a wooden boat and asked the old boatman:

"Boatman, boatman, I want to go to Qiantang Gate, can I go?"

"Ha, as long as you pay enough for drinks, I can go to Taihu Lake and the Yangtze River."

"Then how much does it cost to go to Qiantang Gate?"

"Eighty cents."

"Eighty cents. Then, I'll take a look at the scenery of Qiantang River. I'll give you 100 cents, and you won't take other guests."

"Make, make."

Xu Xian got on the boat, while Bai Niangzi and Xiao Qing arrived late and stood by the lake a little anxious.

Xiaoqing had many tricks up his sleeve, and used the trick of "keeping guests on rainy days". Suddenly there was thunder and heavy rain on the West Lake.

Xu Xian heard the shouts from the shore and saw the two eldest girls, so he asked the boatman to pull the boat over and picked up White Snake and Xiao Qing on board.

The three of them looked at each other and realized that they had just met in the West Lake, and they were a little happy.

Xiaoqing tried again, causing a storm and causing the wooden boat to sway. Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi could not stand steadily. They held hands and were very shy.

"Forget it, I'd better go to the bow and stand."

Xu Xian said, got up and came to the bow of the boat, standing with the boatman.

At this time, the BGM sounded, and a nice prelude came. Ou Ya, who was watching with gusto, perked up and immediately knew that a new episode was coming. Listening to the prelude, it was a good feeling.

On TV, a boatman in a raincoat ferrying a wooden boat suddenly sang:


It's actually an old boatman singing? ? Ou Ya's eyes widened. This was so unexpected. She thought it would be Bai Niangzi or Xiao Qing singing.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an old boatman who had just appeared.

However, this vicissitudes of life also sounds very good.

"Sounds so familiar!"

Ou Ya couldn't help but think, why do these lines of "ah" sound so much like what the kid Shen Liuliu sang?

She couldn't help but picture Liliu singing loudly in her mind, "Ah~~~ah~~~~~~Beautiful view of West Lake~~~March Day Duck~~~~Ah~~~~Ah~~~~~~~ "

The old boatman sang:


——The beautiful scenery of West Lake in March~~~

Ouya's eyes suddenly widened, and the grapefruit she just held fell straight onto the sofa.

"This, this - isn't this what Shen Liuliu sang???"

Ou Ya was shocked. She was so familiar with these two lines. She was just asking her close friends where the lyrics came from.

Isn’t this coming? ! !

In the chat group.

"Ouya, Ouya, are you watching "The Legend of White Snake"? The song you mentioned happened to be sung! It's very nice."

"Ouya, where did you hear this? How could your elementary school student know how to sing it before it was broadcast on TV?"

Yes, how could kid Shen Liuli sing this song before it was broadcast on TV?

Moreover, for a child to learn to sing, it definitely doesn’t happen in a day or two, it probably takes a while.

Ou Ya first wondered whether the song "Love Passing" was an old song that had been played before.

But no matter how she searched, she couldn't find the song. When she asked everyone, they all said they had never heard of it.

So it can be confirmed that this song is original and it was broadcast for the first time in the TV series "The Legend of White Snake".

So, here comes the problem.

How did the child Shen Liuliu do this? ?

Ou Ya suddenly thought that when Shen Liuliu and others came to sign up, they said several times, "This song is sung by us."

"Little White Boat".

"twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

"Insects Fly".

It seems to be talking about these three songs.

Ou Ya quickly checked these three songs on the Internet. As she knew before, these three songs were sung by the Little Red Horse Malanhua Choir.

She continued to look up the Little Red Pony Orchid Choir, but it was not in the encyclopedia. Finally, she saw the list of core members of the Little Red Pony Orchid Choir in a brief news article.

"Bai Chunhua, Shi Baobao, Shen Liuliu, Tan Xi'er, Zhao Chendu, Mi Jiatong, Meng Chengcheng..."

Shen Liuliu! ! !

Ouya finally saw the name she wanted to see, and kid Shen Liuliu appeared!

It turns out that he has a lot of background, and the three songs "Chong Er Fei" are not simple, and they are very popular.

She wanted to inquire further about the Little Red Pony and Orchid Chorus, but she couldn't find it on the Internet and there was no more information.

"It's amazing. It turns out that I hired a little singer." Ou Yaxin said, and at the same time, she thought of what Luoliu said at the time, "I am a singer."

She didn't worry about it at that time, but now she has to worry about it, because she is a real singer and is better than her.

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