Dad Academy

Chapter 1665 The Amazing Shen Liuliu

Song Ping finally got confirmation that Liuliu was the young actor who played the childhood role of White Snake in "The Legend of White Snake"!

Never expected that.

He is a college student who graduated with a major in acting and has never played any roles. He is far less famous than Liliu.

Zhu Xiaojing told him that Liliu came here to learn acting.

Song Ping was filled with envy after hearing this. Luliu relied entirely on her talent. She had never seriously studied acting.

"Don't worry, Ms. Zhu, leave the durian to me, and I will definitely lay a solid foundation for her performance." Song Ping promised, patting his chest.

At this moment, the fire of enthusiasm in his heart that was about to go out suddenly became brighter.

Maybe the acting god saw that he was sinking, so he sent him a young actor.

Zhu Xiaojing did not agree immediately, but looked at Liuliu.

Even if you sign up, it's uncertain whether Song Ping will teach you.

Liuliu didn't think too much about it. She likes to perform, and now she has found a teacher for her. She is quite happy.

The only thing that made her a little unhappy was that no best friend signed up with her this time.

Only her!

"You guys are so stupid, why don't you just play ducks with me -" Liuliu yelled unhappily.

When she danced, Xiaomi and Xi'er were together, but when she sang, no one was with her. Now when she performs, no one is with her.

"We don't know how~" Xiaomi explained.

"I'm so good that I don't need to learn, hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er explained. It would be better not to explain at all.

"Pomegranate, come on, don't be afraid of anyone. You are a strong little pomegranate." Dudu encouraged.

What else can Liliu say? Although there are no children to study with her, she can't stop studying because of this.

The road to fame is always lonely.

Luliu agreed, and Zhu Xiaojing signed her up.

Song Ping suppressed the excitement in his heart, went through the formalities for Liuliu, and sent Liuliu and his party out the door and into the elevator before turning back.

He immediately went to report to his boss.

"A kid just signed up to learn acting?"

The boss was a middle-aged woman. She was in the office and was about to leave. Song Ping barged in. After hearing what he said, she was surprised and said, "You don't need to report this to me. Just sign up. Don't people sign up every day?"

The boss felt that Song Ping was making a fuss and there was nothing exciting about a student signing up.

"No, boss, I'm not a child. It's not that simple. I'm just a young actor." Song Ping couldn't hide his excitement during his performance.

"Young actor? Sign up to study acting with us?" The boss became serious and found it interesting. He asked, "Please explain in detail, don't say every sentence, and explain it clearly at once. Xiao Song, aren't you very calm? You are such a frizzy person."

Song Ping took a deep breath and calmed down before introducing Liliu's arrival to the boss in detail.

"My name is Shen Liuliu, right?" the boss asked after hearing this.

"Yes, it's Shen Liuliu." Song Ping replied.

"Have you already completed the formalities?"

"It's done, I'll be with you the whole time."

"That's good, that's good~" The boss was a little excited, but luckily, before she opened the company, she used to be an agent in the entertainment industry and met many celebrities, so she was not as excited as Song Ping. .

However, this is the first young actor in her company, which is very meaningful.

"Shen Liuliu, let me check."

She immediately looked up Shen Liuliu's name on her office computer, and many web pages popped up.

Song Ping stood opposite, waiting for the results of his boss's inquiry, when he suddenly saw his boss take a breath.

"What's wrong? Boss." He asked. Without waiting for an answer, he walked around behind the desk and leaned over to check the content of the web page.

The boss pointed at the computer screen and said: "Good guy, this is not a small actor, but a big one. The little heroine in "My Name is Zhan Er" is her!!!"

Song Ping also read the introduction on the website, which was about the resume of Shen Liuliu, the child who played the heroine in the movie "I Am Zhan Er".

"'I am Zhan Er'~" Song Ping sighed.

He just thought that the child Shen Liuliu played the role of the young white lady, but he didn't expect that what was even more amazing was that she turned out to be the heroine of a box office bomb! ! !

"With a box office of more than 5 billion, she is actually the heroine!!!" Song Ping was shocked.

Although the box office of the movie will not be distributed to the actors, it is very important to the actors. Actors who have participated in big box office movies will have their net worth rising.

After Zhang Yuyan played the role in "I Am Zhan Er", her performance fees have reached the top level in the film and television industry.

Just because they have this box office appeal, they can naturally get high salaries.

If the heroine was not played by a child like Liliu, but was replaced by an actress in the entertainment industry, she would immediately become famous and her net worth would increase dramatically.

As for Liliu, because she was still a child, for the purpose of protection, she was not exposed to the spotlight. Besides, she was not a full-time actress, she was only part-time.

"This amazing Shen Liuliu!" Song Ping exclaimed with emotion.

He and his boss gathered around the computer, constantly searching for information about Liuliu, and almost searched everything about Liuliu.

What surprised them even more was what came next.

"She is actually Zhang Tan's favorite child star!!!" the boss said.

When combing through Liliu's acting experience, it is not difficult to find that every time he is inseparable from Zhang Tan, he has starred in Zhang Tan's film and television works.

Nowadays, it is very difficult for anyone who wants to star in Zhang Tan's works, the competition is fierce.

And the person in front of him turned out to be Zhang Tan's royal child star, whom he held in one hand.

Song Ping and his boss thought at the same time that the future of this child Shen Liuliu would definitely be more than this, as long as Zhang Tan was around.

Such a young actor learned acting from them, and this is a golden sign.

The boss immediately made up his mind to provide for the child Shen Liuliu.

In the future, maybe Zhang Tan can also be invited.

Take a photo together, frame it, and hang it on the wall.

After Song Ping left, the boss was deep in thought in the office.


There was a sound at the door, and a young man hurried in, interrupting the boss's thinking.

"What's up?"

The young man closed the door and asked hurriedly: "I heard that a great young actor came to our company?"

"How did you know?"

"It was already spread outside, and I knew it was already too late."

The boss told the nephew about the durian.

"Song Ping is a big deal. Auntie, can you put Shen Liuliu in my class and I'll teach him?"

The boss just hesitated and immediately refused.

"This is a guest received by Song Ping. The formalities have been completed, so don't think about it."


"Stop talking! This matter is non-negotiable."

The boss knows the importance of internal unity. What's more important is that Shen Liuliu's child has already been connected with Song Ping. If he takes her away rashly, Song Ping will definitely not let it go. Maybe they will break up. Shen Liuliu Song Ping has also left, and stealing the chicken will end up losing the rice.

In the evening, the children gathered together again in the Little Red Pony Academy. Each child brought their own little bench and sat down in front of the TV, waiting to watch the latest issue of "The Legend of White Snake".

The children were chirping, and various small clear sounds were heard.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that this group of children is actually divided into two groups.

One group sat in front of the TV, and the other group sat outside.

The group inside is a bit older, and those on the outside are all little carrot heads. The smallest and lowest group has all kinds of little tit sounds.

"We don't want to look at Suo's dick!"

"Don't look at Shuo's dick!"

"I want to watch Piggy build a house——"

"Woooooooo, why don't you show me how little piggy builds a house——"

"I'm so angry, I don't want to look at Suo Er~"

"Teacher, teacher, look at them~"

This group of younger children dared to be angry and outspoken, accusing the older ones of seizing their TV sets and not letting them watch cartoons, but instead watching The Legend of Solo!

"Stop making noise - stop making noise! ​​If you make any more noise, I will eat her!!!" Liuliu threatened while standing on the stool.

The group of little girls suddenly stopped and shivered. No one dared to speak, and they all looked at Liuliu fearfully.

"Hmph! I'm not afraid of you - I'll knock your teeth out!"

It was Xiao Lizi who spoke.

Xiao Lizi speaks on behalf of the little carrot heads.

"Good Duck - Good Duck, you little plum, you have to go against me if you can't afford it, right?"

Like countless times, Liliu and Xiao Lizi quarreled again.

At the same time, in an apartment in Pujiang, Ou Ya, the music teacher whom Luliu met just today, just sat on the sofa after washing up, turned on the TV, and prepared to watch the latest episode of "The Legend of White Snake". According to yesterday trailer, White Snake is going to meet Xu Xian in West Lake today...

No more today. I have to take the time to review. I have to take an exam tomorrow morning and try to go to bed early. I can’t afford to stay up late and get hurt.

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