Dad Academy

Chapter 1584 Xiba becomes a fat rabbit

After Bai Jianping left, Ma Lanhua went to the room and took a look, only to see that Xiao Bai had also woken up and was sitting on the bed in a daze.

"Wake up, get up when you wake up." Malanhua said. If Xiaobai doesn't wake up, she will come and go gently. If she wakes up, there is no need to discuss it, so get up quickly!

Xiaobai looked at her blankly and muttered something.

"What did you say?" Malanhua asked, thinking that Xiaobai was secretly scolding her again.

"The chicken is making a beeping noise. I can't even sleep because of the noise."

"How about you? Wasn't it always like this before?"

In the past, there used to be chickens crowing loudly at home, and Xiaobai liked it very much. Why is it so noisy now?

"You're spoiled, get up!"

Under Ma Lanhua's urging, Xiaobai had to get up, brush his teeth, wash his face and eat.

"Hi baby?" While eating beef soup noodles, he cared about Xi baby.

"I don't know, he's sleeping."

"What time is it? Are you still asleep?!"

"It's still early, it's only half past six."

"Oh, aunt, why don't you wake me up with a loud noise? Why don't you yell to tell me to sleep a little longer?"

"You are not a happy baby."

"I'm a baby too——"

"Why are you so loud?!!"

In the end, because Xiaobai spoke too loudly, Ma Lanhua occupied the high ground of public opinion. Instead of winning anything for himself, he was criticized.

She got off the table angrily and ran to find Xiwawa.

Malanhua said from behind: "Call Xibawa over and have breakfast together~"

No matter whether you can actually call or not, call first and then talk.

If there are jujubes but no jujubes, hit a pole first.

Most likely you won't be able to call.

Xiwawa has not dared to come to her house during meals for a long time.

“I have to~~”

After a while, Xiaobai came back and actually asked her to call Xiwawa.

The Xibaby was like an idiot, smiling and always had a smile on his face. He followed her like a little magpie, looking harmless, innocent and romantic.

The child smiled as soon as he entered the door and said hello to Malanhua.

"Serve the table and eat!" Malanhua greeted enthusiastically.

Xi'er came to the table and Ma Lanhua placed the bowls and chopsticks in front of her.

Looking at the steaming beef noodle soup, Xi'er said awkwardly: "It's too much - I can't finish it~~~"

Malanhua said: "Eat first, eat as much as you can, just leave the rest in the bowl if you can't finish it."

When Xi'er heard this, she stopped complaining and had breakfast with Xiaobai.

"Where is your sister?" Malanhua asked Xi'er while watching the two little ones eating.

"She has been putting on lipstick for a long time~~~" Xi'er sucked a vermicelli hard, but the vermicelli stuck to the edge of the bowl, which was a bit difficult to deal with. The two of them were competing, "Hiss-hiss-I can't eat it." Where is it~~"

"Spade shovel~~" Xiaobai used chopsticks to poke her in disgust, and Xi'er sucked it into her mouth smoothly.

"Hehehe, thank you Xiaobai~"

"I don't even know how to yell at you!"

"Hee hee hee, Aunt Ma, I don't even know how long it took for my sister to wear spicy lipstick."

Malanhua asked: "Didn't you have breakfast?"

Xi'er shook her head and said she didn't eat.

"Wearing lipstick without breakfast?"

Xi'er was stunned, turned her head and asked Xiaobai, what does Aunt Ma mean?

She was puzzled. What does eating breakfast have to do with putting on lipstick?

Xiaobai was very "irritable" about such a small problem, and said "impatiently": "You are full after putting on lipstick. Did your sister put lipstick on her mouth? That's for eating~"

"Oh~ I know Nao——"

"Don't talk about me!"

"Oh, then Xiaobai, why are you talking about me?"

"I mean don't talk about me."

"If you don't talk to me, you won't talk to me. Why are you so loud?"

"I'm teaching you~"

"I'm a young lady and I know a lot~"

"...Guawazi, have you forgotten how old you are again?"

"I didn't forget, I am 10 years old today."

“Are you 10 years old???”

"Xiaobai, why are you so loud?"

"Are you 10 years old?"

"Yeah, I had cake with my sister last night. I won't lie to you."

Malanhua watched the two little ones bickering while eating with great interest. Little Tan Xier was very happy now, but soon she couldn't be happy anymore.

She found that what Aunt Ma said before - "Eat as much as you can, just leave the leftovers in the bowl if you can't finish it" - was the biggest lie.

The reality is simply not the case!

Malanhua said: "It's a waste if you can't finish it. It's a waste at a young age. It's shameful!! Finish it!"

Xiaobai and Xi'er immediately made whimpering noises.

"Xiaobai, look~~~" Xi'er asked Xiaobai for support.

Xiaobai was also very dissatisfied: "Auntie, you lied to us——"

"How did I lie to you?"

"You clearly said, kid, you don't have to eat if you can't finish it. Just leave it in the bowl. But now you make us finish it."

"That's okay."

Malanhua took away their jobs and exchanged them.

"Now, Xiaobai, you eat Xi'er's, and Xi'er, you eat Xiaobai's. I didn't tell you to continue eating the rest, right? What you eat is what the other person has left."

"Ah——" Xiaobai was dissatisfied.

Xi'er lowered her head to the small bowl in front of her, thought about it, and quickly held it without letting go.


Xiaobai didn't have much left to eat, so she thought she could.

Xiaobai looked at Xiwawa in surprise, not believing what he heard or what he saw.

But when she saw that Xi'er had already started eating, she had to believe that her good friend, Xi'er, had rebelled.

"You little fat bunny!!!"

I didn't expect that someone who likes a naive and cute child would betray friendship.

"hiahiahia, Xiaobai, I can't help it - I'm in so much trouble~~"

In front of the big devil Aunt Ma, how high can she, Xiwawa, a little baby of how old she is, jump? Can't escape from the palm of my hand.

Since you can't escape the palm of your hand, you might as well take advantage of the opportunity to get a little advantage.

It’s just a pain for Xiaobai.

Xiaobai opened the bowl in front of him and said dissatisfiedly: "Guawazi - why did you only eat so little?!"

"hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er snickered, "I've been talking to you~ Balabala, let's eat quickly. I have to go to kindergarten after eating."

"You go to Hammer Kindergarten! We are on summer vacation!"


"You're about to go to elementary school! You're not in kindergarten—"

o(;\u0026gt;△\u0026lt;)o o o

"You just said you were 10 years old!!"

o(;\u0026gt;△\u0026lt;)o o o o o

"You speak acridine - you have reason to speak acridine -"

Xi'er wanted to be an ostrich and bury her head in the sand, but Xiaobai shouted in her ear, so she couldn't pretend not to hear.

She could only bluff and say: "...Why are you so loud?? I'm scared by you."


"Xiaobai, look~"

Xi'er took out a note from her pocket and said proudly: "I'll buy you a bear drink later."

This is buying without reason.

Xiaobai didn't say anything, but went to the refrigerator, opened it, and took out, and took out...

"What are you catching, Guawazi?!" Malanhua asked quickly, about to go over and stop Xiaobai.

But it was too late, Xiaobai took out two bottles of Bear drinks.

"Hohoho~~~ I knew it, aunt, you hid the bear drink."

When Malanhua saw this, she could only admit it.

"How can you finish your breakfast after drinking Little Bear? If you can't finish it, I'll let you walk around."

When Xi'er heard this, she was overjoyed and immediately said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai~~ Auntie asked us to walk around without finishing our food. Let's pack it up and eat again at noon."

Children without education seem a bit ignorant.

Xiaobai cruelly told her that walking around did not mean packing her away, but meant giving her a beating.

When Xi'er heard this, she immediately sat down obediently and stared at the beef soup noodles. If she could eat with her eyes, she had already eaten the half bowl of beef soup noodles inside and out. The bottom was licked clean, and after eating, he jumped out of the chair energetically, not at all like he was full.

The two of them had to work hard to finish eating. Fortunately, Xi'er took advantage of Xiaobai and only ate half of the remaining bowl of Xiaobai. Xiaobai had to clean up the mess for Xi'er.

Just like that, when the two of them were finally allowed to leave the table, Xi'er whispered to Xiaobai:

"Xiao Bai, don't ask me to come to my aunt's house for dinner next time, I won't come~"

She came here today because she lost her wits. She had been away from home for more than ten days. She had forgotten that Aunt Ma liked to feed children, so Honghonghuohuo followed her in a daze.

"Next time we'll ask Liliu to come." Xiaobai said.

Upon hearing this, Xi'er nodded repeatedly and suggested that Dudu should be invited.

"It would be great if Dunzi is here, they can eat a bucket."

"A bucket?"

"Two barrels! Such big barrels!"

Xi'er tried her best to open her hands and show how big the bucket was.

"Xiwa, I helped you eat so much spicy food, do you want to thank me?"

Xi'er nodded without thinking, "Xiao Bai, I want to thank you and give you -"

She gave Xiaobai the bear drink without hesitation.

But Xiaobai didn't want this bottle of bear drink.

"You help me catch the cockroaches."

In the morning, he woke her up by calling him chicken, which made Xiaobai very unhappy.

She ordered Xi'er to get under the bed and drive out the calling chicken hiding in the corner. It would be best to catch it directly.

"Over here—over here!"

Xiaobai stood by the bed and directed Xi'er, who was crawling under the bed, to move quickly, because the cockroach was also moving quickly.

Suddenly, Xi'er emerged from under the bed.

"Did you catch it?" Xiaobai asked.

"hiahia, no, Xiaobai, look, what is this?"

Xi'er handed Xiaobai a black plastic bag with something inside.

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