Dad Academy

Chapter 1570

The price of watermelons in Baijia Village is negotiated with the melon seller. The melon seller only drives to collect the watermelon after the negotiation is completed, so there is no on-site price negotiation.

As soon as the village chief came back from the tea factory, he immediately started selling melons to the whole village.

Fortunately, he didn't need to do anything, just maintain order at the scene.

Xiaobai noticed Zhang Tan as soon as he appeared. The child immediately said to the melon seller: "My old man is back, hum~~"

After saying that, he ran to find Old Man Zhang, leaving the melon vendor speechless. Could it be that you want your old man to beat me? I didn't do anything else.

Dunzi's watermelons were being loaded into the car, and Dunzi followed his mother to help.

Although Dunzi is young, he is already a good hand at work.

Xiaomi also followed to help.

Everyone is here. Ding Jiamin, Zhu Xiaojing and others are helping Dunzi's mother transport watermelons. Zhao Gongcheng and Meng Guangxin are not present. They have gone home and are transporting watermelons for the second time.

"Babys! Don't run around here. Go to the edge and play. There are watermelons there to eat. Go there quickly - it's not safe here." The village chief shouted loudly.

Selling watermelons is a business for adults, but it is a fun place for children.

There are many people and lively places, and children like to run to lively places.

In just a short time, many children, big and small, came running on the road. It felt like everyone in the village who could walk but couldn't walk was here.

"Where can I find watermelon to eat?" Liuliu pricked up his ears. When he heard the village chief said there was watermelon to eat, he immediately looked around.

"There -" Dudu pointed to the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, "Run quickly -"

She and Liuliu immediately ran to eat the free watermelon under the big locust tree, and called back to their friends: "Xi'er - come on! Don't move the watermelon, you are a silly child! Xiaobai - Cheng Cheng - —Where’s Xiaomi? Dunzi!!!”

The girlfriends rushed to eat watermelon like a swarm.

There were already many children under the big locust tree, and they all received a piece of watermelon. They stood under the tree, eating watermelon while watching the lively watermelon sale in the distance.

Dudu ran over first, found the aunt who was cutting the watermelon, and said softly: "Auntie - if you give me a piece of watermelon to eat, I will definitely be very happy."

The aunt smiled and said, "Here, I'll give it to you. Be happy."

"Thank you, aunt~~"

"Thank you, aunt——"

This is the durian. I haven’t gotten it yet, so I’ll thank you in advance.

Thank you all, it’s impossible not to give it to children, right? !

It's really impossible.

The aunt immediately gave me a piece of durian.

“Liuliu—sing us a song.”

Gua Wazi suggested under the tree.

Liuliu couldn't wait to take a bite of the watermelon and looked back to see who was speaking.

do not know.

"Who are you?"

"It's me! Me~"

"Who are you?"

"I want to be like Da Yanyan, so Xiao Huahua asked her old man to invite me to appear on TV."

Only then did Liuliu remember that it was that Hanhan'er.

"What song do you want to listen to?" Luoliu asked.

"Ma Lanhua, hahahaha~~~"

Before Luliu could speak, a voice rang out.

"I'll give you two earwax!!!"

It's Xiaobai who's here.

As soon as Xiaobai came, he heard Youguawazi saying that he wanted to listen to "Ma Lanhua", and he immediately frowned.

"Little Huahua, come and sing "Ma Lanhua", you sing so well~"

"Get away! If I don't sing, you are not allowed to sing either."

"Sing it, sing it. Your aunt is not here, so sing it."

As this melon boy started making noises, other melon boys also followed suit.

"Ma Lanhua is Aunt Ma and can't sing," Xi'er said.

"Little Huahua has sung before. If you don't sing, I will sing."

Xiaobai rushed over, slapped the melon boy on the back of the head, and said fiercely: "I told you, you are not allowed to sing, you are not allowed to sing, you try to sing a line!"

"Ouch~~~Little Huahua, you hit someone!"

"If you keep rapping about Malanhuathiane, I will give you two bags!"

"I'm going to sing, do you care? Malanhua, Malanhua—ouch—"

The singer Gua Wazi just sang a few words when he fell into a dog's excrement.

This is when Xiaobai used his flower-arranging skills and knocked down the singing Guawazi.

"Little Huahua, you hit someone! I'll fight with you -"

Guawazi got up after falling to the ground and wanted to fight with Xiaobai.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! You're bullying people. Come on, be an adult. Boys bully girls. We're so pitiful!"

Liliu shouted, while Dudu and Xiaomi stood firmly beside Xiaobai. Xier and Cheng Cheng ran to complain to the aunt who was cutting the watermelon. As for Dunzi, he stood still but had already clenched his fists.

The aunt who cut the watermelon came over and quickly calmed down the fight.

The singing Guawazi didn't dare to sing anymore and sat sulking aside.

Liuliu said loudly to him: "No, no, you are gone~~~"

This guy keeps shouting that it's gone, and he doesn't know what's gone, which makes people confused.

"Your chance of becoming a big Yanyan is gone. Xiaobai won't let you go on TV. You're dreaming——"

It turns out this one is gone.

Although Xiaobai often sings "Ma Lanhua" himself, others can't.

It's like I often scold my alma mater, but it's not okay for others to scold me.

It wasn't until the sun was about to go down that all the watermelons in Baijia Village were harvested.

The big truck carried a load of watermelons and drove away under the afterglow of the sunset. Flatbed trucks were also pushed home one after another. The adults called the children to go home and cook.

The sun has not yet set, and the moon has already climbed up the mountain.

"This is the sun, this is the moon, why are they together in the sky?"

Xi'er looked at the sun on the left and the moon on the right, confused.

Cheng Cheng is using his children's smart watch to search for relevant knowledge online.

In the yard, Zhang Tan, the village chief and others were drinking, eating and chatting. Liuliu brought a small stool and sat on the side, pouring himself a bear drink, mixing it with some water, and drinking by himself in a decent manner.

"There are a lot of things to do next," the village chief said.

I bought a tea factory today, but it is just the beginning. There are many things to do later.

Zhang Tan picked up the wine glass and clinked it with everyone. He was stunned when he saw a small cup mixed in, then touched it lightly, drank, and said: "Do you have any opinions about the managers in the factory now? "

"Ah, tsk tsk~"

Liuliu drank it up in one gulp and praised, the bear drink is delicious and is loved by children all over the world.

The village chief drank, did not answer immediately, and pondered.

A few words he says may affect someone else's job, so be careful with what you say.

Zhang Tan didn't rush him and just ate the food. Teacher Jiang burned the fish he caught last night, just in time to drink.

What Zhang Tan means is that the management framework of the on-site tea factory has basically remained unchanged. There should be no problem with the work ability of these people. The poor operation of the tea factory has little to do with them. It is mainly caused by the lack of open sales channels.

Besides, even if he wanted to find new people to manage the tea factory, it would be difficult to find them in this remote place, and most people would not want to come.

Fortunately, the village chief is here and he knows the people in the tea factory very well, so his opinion is very important.

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