Dad Academy

Chapter 1526 Snail Girl

The children wore shorts and T-shirts and played in the yard. When they were tired, they lay on the bamboo beds, chatted and looked at the stars.

This kind of occasion must have Cheng Cheng's story, and that's called romance.

Liliu suggested that Cheng Cheng tell a story about Night Cat Beard, but Xi'er and Xiaomi disagreed. Night Cat Beard was around and telling stories would attract it.

Liliu laughed loudly. She liked to tease the children and make them scared.

Cheng Cheng listened to Xi'er's suggestion and told a story about a big fish.

Because they caught fish today, they felt very immersed in this story.

"Oh, I really want to swim in the water." Xiaobai sighed. She dreamed of transforming into a big fish, swimming in big rivers, and going wherever she wanted.

Cheng Cheng told everyone three stories in succession, and everyone listened with interest.

Cheng Cheng was thirsty and asked for water, and the water was brought to her mouth.

"Cheng Cheng, drink quickly." It was Dayanyan who was here to bring water to Cheng Cheng immediately, hoping that she would continue telling stories to everyone after drinking the water.

But Cheng Cheng drank the water and said that he would not tell it today, but only three stories.

Luliu was dissatisfied, but there was nothing she could do. Cheng Cheng manipulated her easily.

Xi'er picked up the firefly lantern, opened the lantern's mouth, and released the fireflies inside.

"Fly away quickly, fly away, go home and sleep, thank you~~~"

Xi'erhuan sent these fireflies flying away, twinkling and twinkling, and the children watched them off one after another.

Lying on the bamboo bed, it was very cool and the breeze was blowing. Xiaobai exclaimed that the stars in the sky were moving.

The children all opened their eyes to see which star was secretly moving.

So many stars are motionless and pretending to be stupid, but there are one or two naughty ones among them.

Everyone was lying on the bamboo bed, and the night was getting darker. Unknowingly, the children's voices became quieter and quieter.

Everyone fell asleep.

"Everyone is asleep."

Zhu Xiaojing quietly walked closer to take a look, but saw a little girl staring at her with wide eyes and motionless.

"Dudu, are you awake?"

The one who is awake is Dudu.

Dudu shook his head, his eyes widening.

She quietly climbed up from the pile of dolls, got off the bamboo bed, and went to find her father.

It wasn't even bedtime yet, and she wasn't ready to go to bed yet.

It's very quiet at night in the countryside. It's only around nine o'clock, but it seems like it's late at night here.

Dudu found Zhao Gongcheng. When Meng Guangxin saw this, he picked up Cheng Cheng on the bamboo bed and went home with the Zhao family and his daughter.

Ding Jiamin and Zhu Xiaojing also picked up Xiaomi and Liuliu respectively, and went back with Dunzi's mother.

Dunzi's mother walked in front, holding a flashlight in her hand, and kept telling Ding Jiamin and Zhu Xiaojing behind to be careful where they step and not to fall.

Her home is separated from Teacher Jiang's home by a paddy field, and the only way to get around is through the ridge. Because they are the only two families in this area, there is no road construction.

When Dunzi was younger, he often fell into paddy fields, but he is doing much better now.

The paddy fields on both sides of the field ridge were full of frog sounds, and in the night one or two lights could occasionally be seen in the distance.

Dunzi's mother said that it was because someone released water to the farmland at night, or to take care of the fish.

The night breeze was a bit cold. Teacher Jiang said that he should take Xi'er and Xiaobai into the room to sleep. They could not lie outside all the time. The mountain wind here is strong and the children's resistance is not strong, so they should not catch a cold and get sick.

Zhang Tan held one in each hand, and Xi'er held the small paper lantern tightly in his hand, unable to break it open.

After putting the two of them on the bed, Zhang Tan returned to the yard, looked around, and then turned off the lights in the yard. When he returned home, he closed the door and turned off the lights in the living room.

He heard a cough from Teacher Jiang's room, so he poured a glass of warm water and sent it to him before returning to his room to rest.

Here, unlike in Little Red Horse Academy, the sound of birds in the woods outside the window would not wake people up in the morning.

The sound of birds on the mountain is heard, but it doesn't reach this far.

When Zhang Tan got up, he felt refreshed, and the air outside the house was even fresher, mixed with the aroma of vegetation and earth.

The door to the house has been opened. Teacher Jiang got up earlier and is currently busy in the kitchen.

Zhang Tan went over to take a look and asked if there was anyone who needed help.

Teacher Jiang asked him to exercise on his own because he knew how many laps he had to run every morning.

He didn't run yesterday. Today, after being reminded by Teacher Jiang, Zhang Tan changed into sports shoes and ran along the cement road to Baijia Village. When he passed the small bridge, he saw someone washing clothes under the bridge.

After a closer look, I realized it was Ding Jiamin. After another closer look, I saw there was a child beside Ding Jiamin, but it was not Xiaomi, but Dudu!

Ding Jiamin stood in the water, washing clothes on the big rocks on the shore, while Dudu squatted aside, washing and washing a small yellow T-shirt, doing it very seriously.

Zhang Tan didn't understand why Dudu came to the river to wash clothes with Ding Jiamin early in the morning. The two of them probably didn't live together.

Zhang Tan did not disturb them, ran across the small bridge and ran into Baijia Village. Passing the big camphor tree at the entrance of the village, he continued running forward and finally saw his stone tablet.

This was the third time Zhang Tan saw it, but he still felt a toothache from looking at it. The picture above was of him, but it looked weird.

He didn't know beforehand that such a big stone tablet was given to him and a portrait was engraved on it. He didn't know until later that it was a surprise for him. By then it was too late.

Zhang Tan ran back and did not meet Zhao Gongcheng, who was said to be running in the morning. However, when he passed the small bridge, he no longer saw Ding Jiamin and Dudu under the bridge.

But as soon as he returned home, he saw a child in the yard carrying a watering can and watering the flowers.

"Dudu, why are you so early?" Zhang Tan greeted.

He had to admire Dudu. He got up so early every day and loved to work. He was rushing to do it. This morning, he was washing clothes and sprinkling water. He was like the reincarnation of the snail girl.

"I'm busy~watering the little flowers~"

Miss Zhao glanced at him and felt that he was far less beautiful than the flowers in front of her, so she replied, looked at him, ignored him, and concentrated on watering the flowers.

Zhang Tanxin said, it doesn't matter if you ignore me, but aren't you afraid that I will retaliate against you? What did you say? Water the little flowers? You don’t know that Xiaobai’s nickname here is Xiaohuahua.

But for the sake of the child's hard work and steadfastness, Zhang Tan decided to let her go. If it was Liliu, she would be a snitch.

Zhang Tan was about to enter the house, but Miss Zhao, who ignored him, ran over, caught him and asked: "Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang, do you want me to help you wake up Xiaobai and Xi'er?"

Zhang Tan was about to say yes, but suddenly he remembered that the children lined up last night to tell Dudu not to wake them up this morning, so he quickly changed his words: "No, it's still early, let them sleep for a while."

Dudu was a little disappointed, so he let out a sigh, took the watering can to fill it with water, and continued to water all the flowers in the yard.

When Zhang Tan took a shower, changed clothes and came out, Miss Zhao was no longer in the yard. He looked at the foot of the mountain not far away, where there was a green rice field, the wind blew the fragrance of rice, and there were children holding buffaloes. Herding cattle.

"Eh? Isn't that Dunzi? And... Dudu?"

Zhang Tan recognized the cow herder as Dunzi, and following Dunzi was a child in a yellow T-shirt. It was Dudu who was watering the yard just now!

Seeing this, Zhang Tan looked back at the room...

You have to throw away when comparing goods, and you have to throw away when comparing people.

"Wake up—get up!"

He took the courage of a bear and a leopard, pushed away Xiaobai and Xi'er's room, and roared twice.

"Calm down~~ Calm down! I'll just shout casually. If you don't want to get up, forget it. Just pretend I didn't say anything."

Zhang Tan was kicked out as soon as he entered, and a rag doll was thrown at his feet.

Teacher Jiang happened to appear. Seeing this scene, Zhang Tan explained: "Children are angry when they wake up and are very aggressive, mainly Xiaobai."

"Let them sleep a little longer. It's still early now. Where's Dudu? I made egg and meat cake soup for her." Teacher Jiang said, holding a bowl of fragrant egg and meat cake soup in her hand.

"After watering the flowers, I followed Dunzi to herd the cattle." Zhang Tan said.


Teacher Jiang came to the yard and looked at Dunzi and Dudu who had gone away...

Just one chapter today, and three chapters tomorrow when I’m home.

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