Dad Academy

Chapter 1525 Don’t wake me up

Children Shen Liuliu are the first to eat and the last to finish.

Dudu had finished eating, but she was still picking up vegetables.

"How long do you want to eat?" Zhu Xiaojing was a little speechless. Everyone had finished eating, but this child was still eating. How long have you been eating?

The problem is that her eldest daughter, Yanyan, has not stopped from the beginning until now, and she did not stop in the middle.

"I'm growing up, I want to eat more, eat more, and stay healthy."

What Dayanyan said makes sense.

"Let me touch your belly."

Liuliu wanted to hide, but was still touched, making her bulge.

"You can't hold it anymore, so stop eating. That's it for today. If you eat too much at night, you won't be able to sleep."

"I haven't finished eating the duck yet~~~"

"Then don't eat it, stop! That's it."

Zhu Xiaojing forcibly confiscated the small bowl of Liliu.

Liuliu held the chopsticks, →_→, a little bit ready to explode.

"It's a duck, it's a duck. Mother Zhu can't afford to play like a duck. Humph, you're so mad at me. I haven't eaten enough yet. I..."

Liuliu murmured, looking at the table full of delicious dishes that were left unfinished, calling it waste, waste is shameful!

She looked unsatisfied as she watched these delicious meals being taken away.

"Hey, you leave some duck for me and duck for the mushrooms..."

No one listened to her.

"You're staying in your seat and won't get down. Do you want to help us wash the dishes?" Zhu Xiaojing asked.

Liuliu shook her head. She didn't like washing dishes. She was a girl who "just wanted to play and not work", so it was impossible to wash dishes.


She suddenly saw Dudu clearing away the dishes. Pangdudu must be fired!

"Dudu, dudu - give me a bite of this duck."

Liuliu asked Dudu to put some water in it and left a bowl of minced beef and celery for her to take a few more bites.

Dudu not only failed to show sympathy to Liliu, but also took the opportunity to educate her.

"Your mother said you can't eat. Look at how big your belly is, and you still eat it! It's true! It's not healthy at all."

Pomegranates: o(TωT)o

She thought she might have a fake little sister.

"hiahiahia, look, I have a little lantern~~~"

Xi'er ran past with a small lantern in hand. Luoliu took a fancy to it at first sight and followed her, coaxing and tricking her and trying to get away from Xi'er.

This is a small paper lantern, Teacher Jiang’s work. I just spent a few minutes making it for Xi’er to hold fireflies.

But Xi'er was taken away by Liliu before Xi'er could warm her up.

She just watched helplessly.

Not only are there no fewer fireflies, but there are more and more.

This little thing may also live in groups. The more there are, the more they gather in one place.

Liliu and Xi'er caught two and put them in the small lantern. Other children also came to help. They caught about a dozen, and the small lantern was gradually "lit".

"Hahahahahaha - my little firefly lantern is so cute -"

Liliu laughed loudly while holding a small lantern, jumping around in the yard.

"Show me~" Xiaobai said.

"No, I haven't had enough fun yet."

"Show me the thiamine, show me the thiamine, luoliu? luoliu! Show me the thiamine!"

Xiaobai threatened to give Luoliu Naokuao two bags, and Luoliu reluctantly handed them over.

Now she and Xi'er were following Xiaobai, watching eagerly.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Xiaobai walked around carrying a small lantern, wandered outside the yard, and walked around on the field ridge before returning.

If they don't come back, they will be captured by Night Owl Beard. In a paddy field at the edge of the field, there is another strange noise, which scares them back. They never dare to run into the wild again, even if there are super invincible little fireflies. lantern.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, have you had enough? Play with duck for me."

Liuliu couldn't wait, but Xiaobai didn't give it to her, but gave it to Xi'er, so that this silly boy could have a good time.

After Xi'er mentioned it for a while, she gave it to Cheng Cheng, Cheng Cheng gave it to Xiaomi, Xiaomi gave it to Dudu, and Dudu gave it to... Dunzi.

Liliu: "..."

Liuliu threatened not to play with them, one by one, what are they doing!

But she usually wouldn't be angry for more than an hour, and she would be angry for just one night. As time passed, she became good friends with everyone again.

The dining table and dishes were all cleared, and the adults moved chairs and bamboo beds to the yard to enjoy the cool air.

Zhang Tan held a cattail leaf fan in his hand and wore big pants and a vest. He looked like a country man, full of local flavor.

Who would have thought that this was only the second day after he returned to the countryside.

"Will everyone go to see the donation ceremony tomorrow?" Zhang Tan asked everyone.

"Is it convenient? If it is convenient, we can join in the fun." Zhu Xiaojing said.

She is a news reporter. Although she is not at work now, she is very sensitive as a reporter. She is very interested in tomorrow's ceremony and wants to see it.

"Do you want a whole morning?" Ding Jiamin asked.

Zhang Tan said: "It doesn't take a whole morning, the activity time is only one hour, but after the ceremony, there will be arrangements to visit the Mo Di Cultural Exhibition Hall, which may also take an hour."

"Let's all go, walk around and take a look." Meng Guangxin said.

Zhang Tan agreed and invited Dunzi and Dunzi's mother to go together.

Dunzi's mother hesitated and said, "Is this... okay?"

"What's wrong with this? Let's go out and have a look together." Zhu Xiaojing said.

Dunzi's mother was worried about the farm work at home.

"We will work with you when we come back. With more people, we have more strength, and it will be done in a while." Zhu Xiaojing said.

Ding Jiamin also nodded.

Dunzi's mother hesitated again and again, but only agreed after everyone's warm invitation.

It was Zhang Tan's words that made her decide.

"This is the responsibility of Teacher Jiang. Let's go and support her."

"Dunzi, do you want to go?" Zhang Tan asked Dunzi.

Dunzi said happily: "I want to~"

Although this child is young, he is very sensible. He often helps his mother with work and is a labor force.

Cheng Cheng paid attention to what was going on here, and when he was done, he called Dudu and told her not to wake her up tomorrow.

"Tomorrow we are going to attend Boss Zhang's event. We don't have to get up early to work."

Cheng Cheng was afraid that Dudu would wake her up again tomorrow morning. He heard that Dudu had picked Xi'er up from the bed today. Xi'er was stunned.

Cheng Cheng didn't want to be forcibly pulled up by Dudu, but she was really in danger because she lived with Dudu! ! !

Cheng Cheng had a sense of crisis, and she had to make a deal with Dudu in advance.

"My summer vacation plan doesn't involve getting up early. I don't have to get up early. Only Xiaobai Liuliu and Xiaomi Xi'er have them. You go find them."

As expected, Dudu targeted the children who vowed to get up early.

"I don't want it, don't pick on me!" Liuliu ran around holding his head, looking like he had a headache.

She was also afraid that if Dudu asked her to get up, he might even pinch her face.

Moreover, Dudu thought of the big cock.

"Chicken, chicken—a big rooster! It's a big rooster like a duck! It's making so much noise to me—I'm going to beat the rooster away."

Xiaobai told her: "You will be bitten by the big cock."

Liliu: "..."

makes sense!

However, the momentum cannot be lost.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, I'm going to fight with the big cock——"

Having said that, she turned around and wanted to sleep in another room with Xiaomi.

If Xiaomi's room is not close to the big rooster's nest, it won't be so noisy.

But Xiaomi is unwilling.

"Dudu, don't call me~"

"Dudu, don't bother me~"

The children lined up to tell Dudu not to wake them up tomorrow morning because they had to sleep in.

Everyone was scared of Dudu this morning.

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