Dad Academy

Chapter 1513 The night is beautiful

"The water is so clear."

Meng Guangxin adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "You can also go down and have some fun."

"No, no, I didn't bring any clothes."

Meng Guangxin shook his head and said that he might not be able to get into the water even if he brought clothes.

In the river, children were chattering and laughing.

Xiaobai is good at water and can swim and crawl around in the water.

But she was swimming in the doggy style.

The real swimming master is actually Miss Zhao.

Miss Zhao's water skills are excellent. This little guy can not only breaststroke, but also freestyle. Her swimming style is very standard and precise. In addition, she is strong and has good stamina. Even ordinary adults may not be able to catch up with her when swimming.

Anyway, Zhang Tan felt that he was not completely sure.

As for the other children, they either can’t swim or are dog-pawed.

Little Tan Xi'er, who was beeping like a pony on the shore, couldn't beep in the water and couldn't swim at all.

Although Da Yanyan can't swim, she has a strong sense of presence and splashes water on people everywhere. As a result, everyone ends up betraying her. Everyone splashes water around her, which almost makes Da Yanyan cry.

"I won't play, I won't play - I can't afford to play duck, I surrender, don't kill me duck -"

Liuliu panicked and hurriedly climbed ashore, but Xiaobai came over, grabbed her jiojio, and dragged her down.

"Ah - ah! Oh my god!! Who is pulling me -"

Liliu yelled, horrified.


Liuliu fell into the river again and was taught a lesson by Xiaobai.

"Call sister, call sister quickly~"

"Sister! Sister duck——"

Da Yanyan was able to bend and stretch, and when asked to call her sister, she did so immediately, and was only let go after she was called.

Using her hands and feet, she climbed up the bank and stood on the lawn on the bank. She calmed down and looked at Xiaobai in the river, feeling furious.

She may not be Xiaobai's opponent in the river, but she thinks that on the shore, she can definitely fight against Xiaobai.

"Little Huahua - you little melon!! Come on up!!!"

"Stand down."

"Come up here."

"I'll come up as soon as I come up."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey~~ Why are you really here--"

Liuliu was so frightened that she ran away and ran toward home.

It's getting dark soon, and it gets dark faster in this mountain col.

Meng Guangxin followed Liuliu home, while Zhang Tan called all the children in the river to come ashore and go back home to change clothes and prepare for dinner.

As soon as they all landed, they heard a melodious shout from the direction of Dunzi's house:

"Dunzi - call Xiaobai and the others, let's go home for dinner!"

Dunzi pricked up his ears, looked in the direction of home, and whispered, "Oh, I'll go home right away."

He brought a towel and was helping Xiaobai wipe his wet hair.

Then he helped Xi'er and other little girls wipe their hair so that it was no longer wet, then put it away, put it on his shoulders, and went home for dinner.

"Where is Liuliu? Boss Zhang, has Liuliu gone home? We can't leave her alone."

Dudu still cared about his little sister. He looked around and didn't see Liliu, so he ran to ask Zhang Tan.

"Liuliu went home first." Zhang Tan said.

"Did she go back alone? Oh, will she get lost? Dad said that this is a mountain, and there will be big bad wolves at night. She must be careful."

Ms. Zhao has a really good sense of safety and knows how to care about people.

"Don't worry, Cheng Cheng's father sent her home."

"Oh, then I'm relieved."

Only then did Dudu put his heart back in his stomach. When everyone went home and walked to a melon field, Xiaobai's eyes rolled around. As he walked, he fell at the end.

At this time, Xi'er came to her side and said mysteriously: "Xiaobai, do you want to steal the big watermelon?"


Zhang Tan turned around and looked over. Xiaobai immediately sat upright and walked away quickly, leaving Xibao behind and not talking to her.

Really, I always think bad things about good children.

"Xiaobai - you little bad guy, you can't eat chicken legs."

As soon as they arrived in the yard, Liliu appeared.

Da Yanyan has already changed her clothes and is holding a small bowl and gnawing a big chicken leg in her hand, her mouth full of oil.

Beside her, there is Zhu Xiaojing.

In the room, under the light, Ding Jiamin and Meng Guangxin were serving dishes.

Dinner has been prepared and is waiting for everyone to eat.

But Dayanyan had already started eating first, gnawing on the chicken legs.

With Zhu's mother guarding him, Liuliu was very courageous and not afraid of Xiaobai at all.

Moreover, while eating the chicken legs, she felt that she was capable again.

But Xiaobai didn't argue with her. Instead, he leaned forward with a smile and smelled the chicken drumstick in Liuliu's hand.

"Give me a bite of thiamine."

Liuliu quickly dodged, "You have saliva!"

"... Guawazi, give me a bite of it."

"No, no duck! Dunzi's mother has prepared big chicken drumsticks for each child. You go and eat the duck. You don't want to eat mine."

Liuliu hurriedly avoided Xiaobai. She felt that Xiaobai was a bandit leader who always bullied her. Even if her mother was around, it was useless and she could not control Xiaobai, a melon.

In the end, Xiaobai took a bite of Liuliu's big chicken leg before giving up.

Dunzi's mother made Bangbang chicken today. She knew that this was Xiaobai's favorite food, so yesterday she went to a chicken farm on a nearby mountain and bought three chickens for the children to eat.

"The lights in the yard can't be turned on. The bulb must be broken." Ding Jiamin wanted to turn on the lights in the yard, but the light bulb flickered and stopped working.

Zhao Gongcheng went over to check, and Dudu followed at his feet, looking at him curiously with his little head raised, and told her father to be careful.

"The teacher said, children should not touch electricity. Dad, adults should not touch electricity either. You must be careful. Are you wearing gloves?"

"The lights are on, it was Dudu's father who lit them up! He is so awesome."

Liuliu came close to Dudu and praised Zhao Gongcheng for his greatness, but his eyes kept glancing at the big chicken drumsticks in Dudu's bowl.

She had eaten half of her own big chicken drumsticks, but the Dudu chicken drumsticks were still intact. They looked so delicious.


Dudu smiled and turned his back to Luoliu, not showing her the front.

The children all brought chicken drumsticks and ate and walked around in the yard, chirping and chatting, with dogs following them at their feet.

One dog is white and the other is black.

Teacher Jiang bought the white one during the Chinese New Year this year, but when she went to Pujiang later, she gave the dog to Dunzi’s mother to raise.

Now he has grown up.

There is also a big rooster wandering out with its chicks to see if there is anything delicious to pick up.

Dinner was eaten in the courtyard, at a large round table with people sitting in a circle.

Zhang Tan opened the Big Bear wine he had brought and poured it for the drinkers. Those who didn't drink drank some Little Bear fruit wine, which had a low alcohol content and a sweet taste.

"In this way, let's first pay tribute to Dunzi's mother and thank her for preparing this sumptuous meal. It's not easy for her. Thank you."

"Thank you, thank you. It's so difficult to prepare this table of dishes."

Everyone stood up and raised their glasses.

At this moment, in the peaceful night, a loud shout suddenly sounded:

"Ah - no, the big cock is here to bully me again, come and save me -"

"Hahahaha, oh duck, oh duck!!! The big rooster is biting me, ah, my god duck——"

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