Dad Academy

Chapter 1512 Bang Bang Bang Dong——

The mountain flowers in front of Bai Yuxin's tombstone were placed by Dunzi. He clearly remembered that Xiaobai had asked him to help her take care of her mother's grave.

So Dunzi often goes up the mountain to help weed, deliver flowers in spring and summer, and deliver fruits in autumn and winter.

The path up the mountain was already familiar to him.

Today, while waiting for Xiaobai under the big camphor tree at the entrance of the village, he suddenly remembered that he had not gone up the mountain for a while. After Xiaobai returned home, he would definitely visit his mother. If he saw overgrown weeds in front of his mother's grave, he would be very sad.

So he didn't wait for Xiaobai and the others, and ran up the mountain like the wind. Without tools, he pulled weeds with his bare hands. The weeds cut his palms, leaving streaks of blood.

"It must be Dunzi." Xiaobai said with certainty.

Dunzi is really a caring person, Zhang Tan said heartily, and placed the flowers in front of the tombstone, telling Bai Yuxin that he had brought Xiaobai to see her.

With a heavy heart, Xiaobai squatted in front of the tombstone and talked a lot with his mother. It was not until the sky gradually darkened and the sun was setting that they had to leave.

As soon as he returned home, Xiaobai ran to Dunzi's house, and Xi'er also ran out of the house like flying and followed him.

I saw two people running on the field ridge, the green rice ears swaying gently in the evening wind. The setting sun hung on the top of the mountain, leaving only a small half, and the afterglow splashed on the mountain col.

"Did you find it when you went up the mountain?" Teacher Jiang asked Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan told her that Dunzi had cleaned the cemetery, and Teacher Jiang was also filled with emotion.

Tonight's dinner will be at Dunzi's house. Dunzi's mother bought the vegetables yesterday and has been preparing them this afternoon. It's a lot of work for so many people to eat together.

Teacher Jiang went over to help, and Zhang Tan was about to go over when he saw a group of children running out of Dunzi's house across the street...

"You can't go into deep water and where there are no people, you know?"


From afar, the evening breeze brought two sentences.

Listening to the voice, it seemed that the person speaking was Dunzi's mother, and the person answering was Xiaobai.

Zhang Tan looked carefully and recognized that the one running away was Xiaobai, and the watermelon heads scattered in the wind.

Followed closely by Dunzi.

Dunzi held up a towel, fluttering in the evening breeze.

After that, a short distance away, it was Xiaomi.


After Xiaomi, and some distance away, there is Xier.

After that, after a long distance, the one who could barely keep up was Liliu.

"Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, little friend in front! I haven't put on my shoes yet!!"

Liuliu chased and shouted eagerly.

She was so obsessed with watching pigs today that she set off late and failed to keep up with the large group.

She shouted to the children in front of her to wait for her, but no one stopped. They all just ran, scrambling and impatient.

"Xi'er - Xi'er! Wait for me, don't beep!"

Liuliu has lowered her demands. She doesn't want to catch up with Xiaobai, but only wants to catch up with the Xi'er in front of her.

"hiahiahia, you are chasing me -"

"Why are you going?"

When they got closer, Zhang Tan blocked the way and asked.

"We're going to take a bath~"

Xiaobai's face was flushed and he said excitedly. She pointed to the small river not far away, meaning she wanted to take a bath in the river.

"Who are you going with? Just you?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai said: "There are melon seeds in the river."

Zhang Tan was worried and went with them.

At this time, Xi'er finally caught up, while Luoliu was still some distance away, and kept shouting, waiting for her, waiting for her.

Xiaobai and others were about to leave, but Zhang Tan said: "Liuliu hasn't arrived yet, please wait for her."

Liuliu was in such a miserable state that none of her friends were willing to wait for her, and they didn't intend to wait even if she screamed at her throat.

It was Zhang Tan who took the initiative and applied for her, so the friends stopped and waited.

Liuliu panted and followed him. Although he was tired from chasing, he finally caught up.

"Hahaha, 666 Duck, I'm catching up with you, I--Hey, kids, my little friend is gone, take a rest, take a rest before leaving!!!"

"Run quickly~ Let's go take a shower--tick-tick-tick-tick~~~"

Xi'er shouted excitedly, and with a swish, he followed the large army and ran away.

Now only the pomegranates are left.

Liuliu and Zhang Tan looked at each other, and Zhang Tan said, "Look what I'm doing, why don't you go and chase me."

"嘤嘤嘤~~~Xi'er, Xi'er - don't beep, beep, beep, I can't run fast anymore."

Dayanyan transformed into a whining monster, pulled up her pants, and had to catch up again, becoming a little tail and a dragster.

But the original little tail, Tugyoupin, Tan Xier's little friends, actually kept running in front of her.

This made Liliu very dissatisfied. She put all her energy into chasing him with all her strength, but found that she had to catch up unless she died of exhaustion first.

This little pony is really not covered.

Fortunately, the creek is not far from home, and the group quickly reached the bridge over the creek.

Although the pomegranate is late, it has arrived.



"Go and call Dudu and Cheng Cheng to come quickly."

Xiaobai sent Tan Xi'er, a child, to transform into a pony and tell Dudu and Cheng Cheng to come quickly.

Xi'er accepted the task and quickly went to notify Dudu and Cheng Cheng to come over.

As for the other children, they came to the grassy beach by the river and prepared to go into the water.

At this time, the setting sun spreads its afterglow over the fields and water.

The water surface is sparkling, and the golden color is a bit dazzling.

The river flows, splashing, brisk and sweet.

There is a large shoal in the river, the water is no more than knee deep, which is perfect for children to play in and take a bath.

There were already several children playing in the water on the shoal, laughing and having water fights. When they saw Xiaobai and others, they shouted to them to come down quickly.

Dunzi took off his little vest and jumped into the river with a bang, making water splash everywhere.

Xiaobai followed closely behind and jumped into the water. With a bang, she came out of the water and laughed.

Xiaomi looked back at Zhang Tan, a little uncomfortable, but couldn't resist the temptation of the river. With Xiaobai's encouragement, she also jumped into the river.

Finally, there was Liuliu. She was barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. She started running excitedly, and then jumped...boom~~~

Zhang Tan sat on the grass beach by the river and stared at these people.

Not long after, there was a beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep on the path behind him. The sound was coming from far away, and three children ran over, namely Xi'er, Dudu, and Cheng Cheng.

"Xiwawa - come quickly~~"

"Pangdudu, come down quickly, hahaha, have fun~~Cheng Cheng, let me teach you."

Liuliu climbed ashore and told the children how to jump into the river. She took the lead in demonstrating, running up and diving into the river.

Behind him, Xi'er, Dudu and Cheng Cheng also jumped down.





"You're not allowed to go to deep water, you know?" Zhang Tan warned while standing on the shore.

"Xiao knows Nao——" Xiaobai responded.

Zhao Gongcheng and Meng Guangxin also came. They stood on the shore and stared for a while. Zhao Gongcheng went to Dunzi's house to see if there was anyone who needed help. Zhang Tan and Meng Guangxin were given the responsibility to take care of several children.

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