Dad Academy

Chapter 1500 Give her love

The primary school exam consists of Chinese language test in the morning and math test in the afternoon. There will be another test the next day, English test in the morning and moral character and life test in the afternoon.

The first day of exams was over, and Xi'er immediately came to express condolences to Xiaobai, asking her how her exam went and whether she might win a certificate and a little red flower.

Xiaobai was so annoyed by her that he almost caught her and kissed her face hard.

Xi'er was not only extremely concerned about Xiaobai's exams, but she was also very concerned about Xiaomi and Liuliu's exams and called them both respectively.

Xiaomi told her that she did very well in the exam, but she didn’t know how many points she would get, hahaha.

Xiaomi's laughter came from the phone. It can be seen that Xiaomi did very well in the exam, maybe 100 points.

It is expected that Xiaomi is so confident. Xiaomi's academic performance is usually very good, and it is impossible for a top student to fail.

However, both Xi'er and Xiaobai were surprised when they called Liliu.

Because Liuliu was not as depressed as expected, but was very high and moaning endlessly.

Could it be that Liuliu did very well in the exam?

Xiaobai rejected this possibility immediately. Is she not familiar with Luliu? If she were to rank her academic performance, she would be ranked last among the group of besties.

Therefore, Xiaobai only thought of one possibility, that is, Liuliu was stupid.

"You're stupid, you noob! Humph!"

Liuliu was very unhappy when she told Xiaobai that she was stupid. She scolded Xiaobai on the video call. She was uncharacteristically arrogant and shouted at Xiaobai. It seemed that she just wanted to live in the present, regardless of the flood tomorrow.

She won't come to Little Red Horse tonight because she has to prepare for tomorrow's exam. Mother Zhu decided to let her take a day off.

"Lost Liu, are you ready for the exam tomorrow?" Xi'er put her little face in front of the video phone and asked with concern.

Liuliu replied in free-wheeling English: "Choke, choke to death~I choke to death."

Although she was very sure that she was ready, anyone who listened to her rubbish English could not help but feel worried for her.

With this level of English, do you think you are ready for tomorrow's exam? Where does confidence come from?

Neither Xiaobai nor Xi'er understood Liuliu's English. Xi'er asked:

"Liuliu, are you full after eating?"

"You've just eaten so much that you're full!! It's so stupid, Xiwawa, if you scold me, you can't afford to be fooled by you!"

"You choked to death, uh~~uh~~~like this."

Xi'er learns to burp when she's full. She's very familiar with this. If she eats two bowls of rice at a time, she'll be too full. If she burps, just like Luliu said, she'll choke to death.

"I choked to death! Not choked to death!!!" Luoliu said loudly, mocking Xi'er for not understanding English.

Think about it, how can a kindergarten kid understand primary school English? In terms of English, Liuliu generally doesn't have much confidence, but when it comes to Xi'er's English, don't be too confident.

"If you choke to death, choke to death~ Why are you yelling so loudly?! Humph! I don't care about you."

Xi'er disappeared from the video camera and didn't want to talk to Liliu anymore. He cared about her so much, but she yelled at him, really!

Xiaobai and Liuliu had a great time chatting. After all, they were surprisingly consistent in some aspects.

"Xi'er, your sister is here to take you home."

Zhang Tan told Xi'er that her sister was calling her downstairs.

"Then I'm going home, godfather. I'll come see Xiaobai tomorrow."

"Okay, feel free to go."

When Xi'er went down the stairs, she met Teacher Xiaoliu on the corridor.

"Teacher Xiaoliu, what's wrong with Xiaolizi?" Xi'er asked.

I saw Teacher Xiaoliu holding the limp little Lizi in his arms. Little Lizi had fallen into a deep sleep and could not wake up no matter how he screamed.

"It's nothing, Xiao Lizi is sleepy and fell asleep." Teacher Xiao Liu said.

Tonight, Xiao Lizi may have been attacked by sleepers on a large scale. She fell asleep in a few moments. Whether she was sitting or standing, she kept taking a nap. Teacher Xiaoliu took her to a chair and sat down. After a while, she fell asleep. She was asleep, no matter how little Weiwei called her, she wouldn't wake up.

If she didn't breathe evenly, Teacher Xiaoliu would send her to the hospital.

Little Plum has a nickname called Little Sleepyhead, because this guy doesn't sleep at night and has no energy during the day.

Xi'er came across Teacher Xiaoliu carrying Little Plum to the dormitory to sleep, and followed behind her like a little tail. She saw Teacher Xiaoliu put Little Plum on a small bed, covered her with a small blanket, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Teacher Xiaoliu, aren't you going to tell Xiaolizi a bedtime story?"

"She's already asleep."

"Then won't you stay with her? If she wakes up, she will be very sad without her mother by her side."

"'s hard for Little Plum to wake up if she doesn't sleep enough, don't worry."

The worried child Tan Xier was just concerned about the final exams of three first-grade elementary school students, when she turned around to pay attention to little Li Zi who was sleeping soundly. After Teacher Xiao Liu's explanation, she put aside her busy mind for a moment and left the second floor. I came to the yard and found my sister.

"What took you so long?" Tan Jin'er asked. She had been waiting downstairs for a long time.

"I'm putting on makeup."

"make up?……"

"Yeah, hiahiahia~~~"

When her sister goes out to put on makeup, she always makes her wait. This time Xi'er also made an excuse to put on makeup and asked her sister to wait.

Tan Jin'er was speechless. The little sister was becoming more and more quirky, and no longer looked like a pure fool.

"go home."

"Go home~"

"How was the exam, novice?"

"Hey, I didn't even know what to say about her..."

Speaking of Xiaobai, Xi'er became worried, as if she was exhausted mentally and physically. Along the way, she suddenly stopped and looked at a small shop on the roadside.

It's Malanhua's pancake and fruit shop.

Unknowingly, they walked to the pancake and fruit shop.

The shop was not closed, and there were still people busy inside.

Xi'er pointed and said to her sister: "Aunt Ma~"

"It's so late today and it's not closed yet." Tan Jin'er led Xi'er towards the store.

"Aunt Ma - I'm here to see you~~" Xi'er shouted.

Malanhua stopped what she was doing and said, "You guys are back from Little Red Pony. Are you going home to sleep?"


"Why are you still here so late today?" Tan Jin'er asked, helping Malanhua pack her things.

"Jin'er, please stop being busy. I'm done. I'm going to close the door and go home." Malanhua said.

"Aunt Ma——" Xi'er followed behind Ma Lanhua, "Xiaobai has his final exam today."

"Oh? Did she do well in the exam?"

The store was too busy today, and Malanhua didn't have time to think about Xiaobai's exam.

"Yes, I also asked her if she did well in the exam, but Xiaobai didn't tell me, Aunt Ma. She must have done poorly in the exam and was in a bad mood."

"Did you do well in the exam?"

"Well, Aunt Ma, don't scold her. You have to care about her and give her love."

"...Hahaha, why are you so good at talking?"

"hiahiahia, because I am a good boy. Look, I got a certificate and a little red flower."

As if by magic, Xi'er took out the certificate and the little red flower she had received, and held them high like a golden flag.

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