Dad Academy

Chapter 1499 The exam is in progress

"Come on, Xiaobai, grandma is waiting for you at home."

"If you want~~I'll go to grandma~~"

Xiaobai carried his schoolbag and followed the old man out of the door, rushing to the examination room with high spirits.

But as soon as she went downstairs, she collapsed. She just didn't want her grandma to see her.

"What's wrong? You're listless. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just perform normally. The final exam is not that scary. The questions you do are similar to what you usually do. You will do what you usually do when you are asked to take the exam. No The problem..." Zhang Tan encouraged Xiao Bai.

"ε=(ο`*)))Oh~~The exam is not fun at all."

"If you work hard for a semester, you won't be afraid of exams. But if you are just playing around all semester, then you will be afraid of exams because you have no confidence, no confidence, no confidence, and panic. Just Shops like these on the street open before dawn every day and don’t close even after dark. They work hard every day to be angry. After doing this for a year, only during the Chinese New Year can the boss make money and go home to celebrate the New Year. They will be full of expectations, and some stores are lazy and not interested in doing business. They don't make much money all year round. When the Chinese New Year comes, they will be afraid and dare not go back..."

Zhang Tan casually gave an example to Xiaobai, who seemed to understand.

When the two arrived at the school, many parents gathered outside the school, and there were many more parents than usual picking up and dropping off children to and from school.

Zhang Tan's car couldn't drive through, so he had to park somewhere farther away and then walk there with Xiaobai.


Xiaomi's shouts came from the crowd.

She came with Ding Jiamin. The two children entered the school together. Zhang Tan and Ding Jiamin stayed outside and chatted for a while. Ding Jiamin said she was going to work.

"You go, I'll stay here." Zhang Tan said.

Ding Jiamin was stunned for a moment, seeming very surprised, but said nothing, nodded, and strode towards her car parked outside.

She didn't expect that Zhang Tan, who was so busy with work, would spend a lot of time outside the school, just waiting for Xiaobai's exam to end. It's only eight o'clock now, and the exam will end at ten o'clock.

"Xiaomi's exam is over. Let me take it with you so you can come here." Zhang Tan said.

Ding Jiamin said thank you, but she still planned to come by herself because she didn't tell Xiaomi beforehand and was worried that Xiaomi would be unhappy.

Ding Jiamin left, and Zhang Tan stood outside the school, surrounded by parents, who, like him, were looking forward to it, focusing on the school, looking forward to something.

Zhang Tan also looked inside the school. Xiaobai and Xiaomi could no longer be seen. There were children on the playground, but not many. They were all rushing to the classroom, and a few were running to the bathroom.



With a crisp bell ringing, the exam began.

The school playground was deserted, and there was no one around. The whole school was instantly shrouded in silence. Even the parents waiting outside unconsciously lowered their voices, as if they would be noisy if they spoke outside the school. It looks like a kid taking an exam inside.

Zhang Tan thought of Xiaobai's expression just now and couldn't help but feel a little nervous for her.

He won't be so nervous even in exams.

He wanted to take a walk around the neighborhood, but he was not in the mood, so he stayed on the roadside outside the school and squatted under the banyan tree on the roadside.

Time passed unconsciously, and finally, Ding Jiamin left and returned. It was almost ten o'clock.

The two approached the school gate and looked inside. As a bell rang, the quiet school immediately became noisy. Primary school students began to come out of the classroom. Gradually, the flow of people became larger and the children swarmed out.

Zhang Tan couldn't find Xiaobai and Xiaomi at all, but Ding Jiamin's sharp eyes pointed to a certain place and said: "There, they both came out."

Zhang Tan looked in the direction and saw Xiaobai and Xiaomi. At first glance, he breathed a sigh of relief. At least judging from his expression, Xiaobai was doing business as usual and was not downcast.

He and Ding Jiamin squeezed closer to the school gate to greet Xiaobai and Xiaomi.

"Hey, old man, I haven't even finished yet."

When Xiaobai met, he complained that he had not finished the paper.

"What's not done yet?"

"It's just that the composition is not finished."

"Then how many did you write? Half of it?"

Xiaobai shook his head and raised three fingers.

"What do you mean? You wrote three paragraphs?"

"No, it's three sentences."


You little melon! Zhang Tanxin said, but on the surface he remained calm. He neither said anything discouraging nor blamed Xiaobai. He just gave her a few words of encouragement and took her back.

Xiaobai followed him towards the parking direction and asked worriedly: "Old man, old man~ What will happen if I don't do well in the exam?"

"It doesn't matter. As long as you work hard this semester, it doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam."

While talking, Zhang Tan thought to himself, but the problem is that you haven't worked hard this semester, so if you don't do well in the exam, just wait for your aunt to ridicule you for a whole year, and maybe even beat you up.

"Old man, old man, what about you? Aren't you angry?"

Xiaobai took two steps and stood in front of Zhang Tan, looking up at his face.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Why should I be angry? As long as you work hard, I will be satisfied."

So what if I'm angry? Beat you up? A scolding? You don’t allow it, so I’d better be open-minded.

Alas, being a father is so hard.

Generally speaking, when it comes to treating little girls, the father is always the one who plays the bad side, and the mother is the one who plays the bad side.

Therefore, this bad guy can only let Malanhua do it.

"Old man, you are so kind~"

Old man Zhang won praise from his daughter.

"Hehehe~~~~ Let's go home. Xi'er is waiting for you at home."


"What's wrong? I mean Xi'er is waiting for you at home. Why are you so surprised?"

"Xiwa is so fun, I don't want to see her."

"What's wrong? Don't you have a good relationship?"

Xiaobai was a little excited, saying that when Xiwawa saw her, he would definitely ask her how she did in the exam, and how she did the questions. Oh, not to mention how nagging she was.

However, the baby is already waiting at Little Red Horse, and there is no way to avoid it.

Like a thief, Xiaobai poked his head at the door of Little Red Horse and looked inside. He didn't see Xiwawa, so he tiptoed in.

"Old man, didn't you see the baby? She——"

"hiahiahia~~~~Xiaobai! Have you finished the exam???"

Before Xiaobai finished asking, Xi'er's voice suddenly came from the balcony of the studio next door.

I saw this little guy looking at her with a telescope, smiling and waving to her.

"Scoop!" Xiaobai muttered, removed his invisibility function, waved to Xi'er, and walked home without intending to pay attention to Xi'er.

"Hi, how did you do on the exam?"

The parrot hanging on the branch suddenly spoke, which startled Xiaobai.

Shouting, even the little animals know that she has an exam today! ! !

"How's the exam going, Xiaobai?"

Lao Li came out of the woods and didn't know what he was doing inside.


She swooshed and ran inside. As soon as she climbed the stairs, she saw her grandma waiting for her in the corridor.

"Are you tired? Grandma made rock sugar mung bean soup. Come over and drink it."

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